Making his way through the varied rooms and halls of Gulleyloft, Gennadius sings a classic Tirenean poem, looking to catch some ears and subsequent tips. He ends up back at the main hall. Noticing the new face surrounded by attentive familiar faces, Gennadius casually finds a table somewhat between the bar, other patrons, and the group with Xenophon. He continues to sing while eavesdropping on the group's conversation between verses...
Soon May the Tirenean Come says:
Inspired by an
ancient classic and sung to the tune of a
modern classicA king bore heavy a monster's curse
Each night a terror that robbed his purse
The oger's might, a chaotic brute
Oh help, the pesants he slew
Soon may the Tirenean come
To strike down the beast so peace may come
One day, the hex will be gone
So guide his blade home true
He slept in the hall of the king
When came like ink the stinking thing
The Tirenean stood and swore
He'd cut its head in two
Soon may the Tirenean come
To strike down the beast so peace may come
One day, the hex will be gone
So guide his blade home true
They grappeled and crashed accross the hall
Tearing mail with claws and great maw
But he belonged to the Tirenean law
And so his blade fell true
Soon may the Tirenean come
To strike down the beast so peace may come
One day, the hex will be gone
So guide his blade home true
Last edited March 28, 2023 8:06 am