Meet in a Tavern

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DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 27, 2023 12:15 pm
Multiple blocks of Riverside are completely controlled by The Packers' Guild.

Gulleyloft is more of a series of connected buildings rather than a single structure. It serves as the Guildhouse to the Packers' Guild, but also as a bustling tavern and inn.

Winding, multi-leveled, and eclectically constructed, it is a labyrinth - each room and hall varied - some lively and welcoming, others dimly lit and quiet.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 27, 2023 12:41 pm

Gennadius has been staying at Gulleyloft for about 3 weeks now. He has been earning room and typical meals (but no pay) by performances in the tavern hall. As a friend of Braus, he was given an opportunity and did well enough to gain a trial period.

During the time he has learned clearly that the Packers' Guild is a criminal organization - with rackets of extortion, theft, robbery, and even murder. After a week in the inn, Pireus Angus Tapkin begins to suggest that Gennadius take on more roles if he were to stay. These recent days, the suggestions become more of a direction.

Gennadius is told that he will start going on "collection routes" with Braus on Ship-Day night. That's tomorrow.
"New beginnings," Tapkin says.

Gennadius has made a notional friendship with Xenophon and his crew. Gennadius does not know the exact nature of their business, but he suspects, through effective situational awareness (eavesdropping?), that these armed men are assembling with others to depart on an expedition soon.

Xenophon, Culchas, Damanandros

Xenophon and his crew arrived 9 days ago. The first 5 days they were treated well: single rooms each, with good accommodations, 2 hearty meals a day, and women for anyone who wanted them.

Then the guest group’s welcome began to wear thin. Tapkin says that Eramus' trust fund was running low, that the deal was only for a few days to meet the priest.

Four days ago, the 3 men were moved to a single room with only board bunks to lay on. Food allowance was reduced to one small bowl of watery soup per day.

Xenophon is waiting for the priest Gundus Tavius, but no sign of him yet.

Now on the morning of the 9th day in, Tapkin drops by to ask Xenophon how he expects to pay the bill. The Pireus assures that he will meet back with Xenophon this evening to talk about settling up.

This is troubling. All three of the men are extremely low on funds or completely coinless now, as they have spent more money than expected during the increasingly uncomfortable and costly stay.


Syrena spoke with Danarov six days ago. She heard the instruction again to meet the Priest Gundus Tavius, who had a letter from Eramus.

Danarov clarifies though that Eramus wants Syrena to serve as guide for the Priest and small squad of swords up to Old Lusetum Trail. They will pass by Tower 1 and onward, and reunite with Eramus on the spur trail up to Tower 4. Danarov has the papers to get the group past the other Towers; he will hand the documents off to Syrena once the Priest arrives.

Not interested in staying even a single night at Gulleyloft, Syrena has been checking in every evening since. No arrival of the Priest so far.

She tries to predict who the sellswords might be, whether they are here already or yet to arrive. It is difficult to be sure. There are so many shady and dangerous looking characters in the tavern and inn every night.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 27, 2023 12:46 pm

Gundus Tavius walks into Gulleyloft on the night of Divine-Day, 8th of Fifth-Month (Pendaelen), 381 IY.

The bartender hears his question and directs him to a dimly lit booth in the back of the room, where three men are sitting.

As Gundus walks over to meet the men, the bartender nods at Syrena Rachess who sits at the bar, signaling to her that the priest she had been waiting for has arrived.
Mar 27, 2023 6:38 pm
"This is pointless," yells Culchas for not the first time. "I joined with you for a fight and for gold, not for waiting and this, this..." he stabs at the soup, clearly unsatisfied. "Where is this Eramus, for I might give him the tip of my spear for such tardiness!"

In the passing days, Culchas had begun to grow weary of the waiting, and easily agitated. This sort of outburst was the second today, and it was becoming clear that he would not wait around forever. "You and I, Xenophon, could take this land by the reins and milk it for every coin it has. Let us end this nonsense, and take what we want!" Despite having been warned that speaking out against the laws regarding mercenaries, it continued to pass by deaf ears. Culchas recognized no law, save the laws he set upon himself. And one of these days it was going to get him- and those around him- in dire straights.
Mar 27, 2023 8:03 pm
Following the bartender's gaze, Syrena finishes her drink and untangles herself from the enterprising young woman who has been attempting to entice the explorer to a room upstairs. She tosses both the bartender and the doxy a small remuneration for their brief time and takes her leave of them. Striding across the taproom in the wake of the priest, who she could easily discern by his airs and the religious affectations, the scout takes up a stance a few paces away from the table filled with dangerous-looking men, to let the tardy Tirenean battle-priest make his obvious first introductions to those who have been awaiting him at the table.

Syrena crosses her arms beneath the leather-clad swell of her breasts and cocked one hip to await her cue to come forward.
Last edited March 28, 2023 7:19 am
Mar 27, 2023 11:05 pm
Xenophon is also annoyed with how the deal is turning out. However, he has not lost faith in Eramus. Delays happened.

"The priest of Türas, will be here, Culchas," he assures the wild-haired man "But perhaps we should get off our asses and 'take the reins' as you say. Make some coin, or take some coin. Damanandros, what do you think? Does your third eye see options that our two cannot?"

Then, out of the corner of his eye, he spots the priest approaching at last. He rises to greet him, breathing a sigh of relief. "See, Culchas, the priest has arrived. Gundus Tavius, yeah? We are lucky you are a disciple of the God of Justice, for your tardiness has unjustly left us with a hefty bill, which I am sure you will not let stand."

He also sees an attractive woman approach, and hover in the distance. He did a double take on her - had he seen her before? No, of course not. But why did she look familiar to him? He calls out to her:

"Does this priest owe you money as well?"
Mar 28, 2023 12:56 am
With a wry grin, Damanandros contemplates the notion of possessing a third eye. He understands that such a thought arises from a desire for action, a yearning to forge ahead, and a lack of understanding.

"THAT," he begins, "is an entirely different discipline. There are accounts of mystics and shamans who have tattooed and even mutilated themselves to awaken the power of the sixth Chakra. I cannot definitively deny the merit..." His explanation trails off as Xenophon rises to greet the approaching Gundus.

Damanandros studies the pair. The priest is a familiar type, well-armed, and at the forefront of his faith. But the woman is a peculiar, if not unquantifiable outlier whose presence demands further scrutiny.
Mar 28, 2023 2:30 am
Gundus knew the docks were not friendly to the servants of Turas. Home to smugglers, thieves and pirates, its denizens regarded the servants of Justice with suspicion at best and outright hostility at worst. Still, it was a central tenet of his creed that justice be seen as well as done, and that its servants go forth boldly and openly; skulking was for criminals and evil-doers. So Gundus trod the docks stridently, armed and armoured beneath his order's regalia. If his passing presence made the law-breakers pause, all the better!

Such was his mood when he entered Gulleyloft. He was not surprised by the Nicean's angle - the Tirenean legions had a saying: "The only thing Nicean mercenaries like better than being paid to do nothing is to be paid for it twice over."

"I am Gundus Tavius," he answers the sell-sword. "You must be Xenophon? Erasmus speaks well of you. I was delayed by official duties in Amanuctum, but I am ready to proceed with our business immediately." He pointedly does not apologise, as obviously there can be no higher priority than the service of the gods. "As to your bill, I fail to see how that concerns me. But if you wish, I will advocate to the innkeeper on your behalf."
Mar 28, 2023 7:27 am
"Not yet, he does not." Syrena interjects to the Nicean sell-sword. She waits until the initial exchange is done between the men at the table the the priest before speaking up once more. "I have been procured to be your guide in this venture." She moves in a little closer, as she speaks, to keep their conversation as private as is possible in their current location.
Last edited March 28, 2023 7:28 am
Mar 28, 2023 8:06 am
Making his way through the varied rooms and halls of Gulleyloft, Gennadius sings a classic Tirenean poem, looking to catch some ears and subsequent tips. He ends up back at the main hall. Noticing the new face surrounded by attentive familiar faces, Gennadius casually finds a table somewhat between the bar, other patrons, and the group with Xenophon. He continues to sing while eavesdropping on the group's conversation between verses...
Soon May the Tirenean Come says:
Inspired by an ancient classic and sung to the tune of a modern classic
A king bore heavy a monster's curse
Each night a terror that robbed his purse
The oger's might, a chaotic brute
Oh help, the pesants he slew

Soon may the Tirenean come
To strike down the beast so peace may come
One day, the hex will be gone
So guide his blade home true

He slept in the hall of the king
When came like ink the stinking thing
The Tirenean stood and swore
He'd cut its head in two

Soon may the Tirenean come
To strike down the beast so peace may come
One day, the hex will be gone
So guide his blade home true

They grappeled and crashed accross the hall
Tearing mail with claws and great maw
But he belonged to the Tirenean law
And so his blade fell true

Soon may the Tirenean come
To strike down the beast so peace may come
One day, the hex will be gone
So guide his blade home true
Last edited March 28, 2023 8:06 am
Mar 28, 2023 1:42 pm
'At least now I have more,' Culchas thinks to himself as he swipes Xenophon's bowl of soup. Pouring it into his own bowl, he returns the bowl to its place while listening to the conversation. He was in a dark mood, but had at least learned when to keep his mouth shut. Let the learned men do the talking, as that always leads to fighting... in one way or another. Such was the way of civilization.

That's when he notices the music. With a grimace, he clenches his jaw. Tireneans loved to sing their praises, while it was all the other men who did the deeds. And to speak of such a person bringing peace while in the same verse speaking of bloodshed? Utter nonsense. He slurps the soup loudly to cover the noise, but has no such luck in silencing the man.
Mar 28, 2023 6:22 pm
"A good guide is worth her weight in gold," Xenaphon declares and pulls her up a chair. "Welcome to the venture. This is Culchas The Hunter, and Damanandros Kappelis the mage" He kicks one over to Gundus, too. "And this, everyone is Gundus Tavius. So what is our business, exactly, Gundus? We've been in the dark drinking this dank porridge waiting on you"

He looks down at his bowl to gesture to it. Wait, where the fuck did my bowl go?

He doesn't have much time to think about it, because out of the corner of his senses, he sees Gennadius setting up and playing his tune. Now there's a man who can turn a coin. He had been considering who they could bring into this venture - Eramus said he needed a fourth man.

"Gennadius!" He calls over. Even if he keeled over in the first battle, he'd be worth 25 silvers to show up with. "This is our fourth man, Gennadius the ... uh ... what do you call yourself again, Gennadius?"
Awesome lyrics, CB!
Mar 28, 2023 8:18 pm
"Gratitude." Syrena offers to the Nicean and closes to sit in the proffered chair. She gives a nod to both Culchas and Damanandros, as she sits and glances over to the minstrel with the Nicean's hail of him. "Syrena." The dark-haired scout announces by way of introduction. " are..Xenophon?" She is askant of the sell-sword to confirm.
Last edited March 28, 2023 8:21 pm
Mar 28, 2023 8:30 pm
Culchas responds to the nod with a wicked grin, the sort with too many teeth and too little movement around the eyes. He leans back in his seat, kicks his feet up on the table, and relaxed with his hands folded on his stomach.
Trying to capture the vibe of the bored barbarian.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 28, 2023 10:53 pm
The conversation continues with growing interest as each member of the table builds part of a beginning that seems to be taking shape, despite the unlikelihood of it.

In a complete surprise, a set of bar maids glides in and sets the table with fresh food and a full round of drinks.

"This batch is on the house, loves," the lead server says, "from The Ion himself. Danarov says enjoy the night!"

The mood changes and the members of the table meeting find themselves being drawn into the lively atmosphere at Gulleyloft.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 29, 2023 12:15 am
DMJ sent a note to DMJ,RageRed
There is a rumble outside. A storm has been brewing, but this is the sound of drums.

There is a commotion among the crowd of patrons in Gulleyloft. Many rush to the doors to look outside.

Soon there are cheers of approval. Doon Thunder and the Hornsmen, called Maelein Ch'ddon Feine by the Kryseans, have arrived.

These ascetics are beloved by many in these parts of The Docks. On Divine-Day, they beat their drums and blow their horns, strum large lyres, chant and sing in heavy voices - sounding out the Krysean songs of the Mearleigh Mountains. These are men of the Old Ways, and they burn offerings of smoke and incense to the Old Gods of Krys.

After a ceremony outside, the skalds tour through the large inner chambers to the great celebration by part of the crowd.

It is clear though that others, the old Tirenean stock, dislike the show and are loosing patience.
Mar 29, 2023 6:22 am
Relieved to see the team gathered and appearing clearly competent (Eramus was a good judge of ability), his spirits bolstered by the arriving food and drink, Gundus relaxes a little.

"Eramus did not give me firm details. Our business is urgent, dangerous and secret - that much is clear. And bountiful, if all goes well! We are to meet him in the wilderness; more I will only say in private. Syrena is to be our guide." He was glad particularly for her presence. Gundus did not fancy blundering around in the wild country when the company had already been delayed.

"Oh and before I forget, Eramus arranged a room for me here, anticipating that I would arrive first. I'm sure this account could be set against your bill. The shipmaster, I am told, should also be holding a small retainer for our company."

At the arrival of the hornsmen, his face twists into a sneer of distaste. Without conscious thought his hands form the sign of the Hammer: right palm over left fist, held over his heart.
Mar 29, 2023 8:27 am
Syrena takes up one of the fresh goblets and some of the food onto a plate. "We should get an early start on the morrow. The first leg of our journey will take a day and a half, with an overnight under a roof." She glances to Xenophon. "The two of us should seek out Danarov before the night grows old."

She enjoys her light meal and drink, as the skalds perform. In one of the lulls, Syrena gets the attention of the priest. "Be mindful of whose house we are entertained, Gundus Tavius. The Pireus and Ion may take offense if strongly faced with the tenets of your faith. We do not need to ruffle unnecessary feathers. Yes?"
Mar 29, 2023 10:21 am
Damanandros looks on with interest as the table is adorned with fresh food and drink. A feast!

It may be obvious to everyone that he eats quickly by overloading his cheeks with food before sitting back to process it, only to go in for another mouthful. Not that he appears particularly famished, just that he has an odd way of eating. Not the best way to encourage conversation as it takes an awkward amount of time to clear his mouth to talk.

Once he has eaten his fill, four or five mouthfuls for anyone keeping count, he enjoys the night’s revelry all the while taking in his companions. Making mental notes on preferences of food and drink, and their mannerisms.
This night he does far more observing than talking, but he fields any questions asked of him. This was not a time to display statesmanship or engage in debate, as he had no intention of establishing himself as a leader, this is a time to bring the group together and establish roles.

To Syrena he asks "Beyond the first leg, how much of this journey is along patrolled roads with a bed at the end of it? Should we prepare for making camp along the way?"
He makes a subconscious check of the pouch at his side. "Will I need to pick up a few things before we set out, or will supplies be available at the first stop?"
Last edited March 29, 2023 11:25 am
Mar 29, 2023 5:02 pm
'Now, this has taken a turn,' thinks Culchas as the food is placed before him. Diving in with no regard to civility, he eats as though he had been starving. And with the music now playing, he roars in delight, spraying bits of food around. He thumps the table mostly in time with the drums, but he is clearly not a musician.

The wild-man mostly observes as his new companions speak around him. Contentedly chewing on a particularly large hunk of bread, his eyes dart between them and the discontented Tireneans. With any luck, he would sate his bloodlust tonight as well as his hunger. Still, it might take a little prodding to get blood boiling enough...
Mar 29, 2023 8:48 pm
"Supplies can be had at our first rest." Syrena answers Damanandros. "The way only becomes more rough and treacherous from there. Luck and trickery may needs be employed to get past patrols and the dangers of the mountain pass. I will know more after a meet with our host. These will be shared in light of morning, when there are far less ears and eyes upon us."

She takes a swallow from her goblet and a bite from her plate.
Last edited March 29, 2023 8:49 pm

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 29, 2023 11:07 pm
The tension grows as Tireneans and Kryseans start to drift to party lines. A brawl seems likely, until a heavy presence enters the room.

Glais Danarovus walks through, with Angus Tapkin in his wake - sharks swimming through a school of mackerel.

Danarov, the Ion (OOC: the Boss, Chief), smiles calmly and nods to the small faction leaders in the room. His Pireus (OOC: dock leader) follows behind with a menacing glare that sears like a hot branding iron.

Sometimes brawls are tolerated in certain sections of Gulleyloft, but the signal is sent that tonight is not the time and this is not the place.

The tension is sapped out of the air, and everyone goes back to having a good time instead of looking for a fight.
Mar 29, 2023 11:35 pm
The front man of the Hornsmen approaches Culchas and offers a strong forearm clasp. "Well met, kinsman," he says. "It is good to see our Folk on the road - fit, willful, and spear at hand."

After a laugh, he says, "I am Haldoon, of Clan Biturges. In the hills I am called Toirneach. Here in the city my name pleases the ears of the women as Doon Thunder. Haha!"

In a casual mood, he continues, sincere in his words. "I might guess you are from highlands on Mearleigh. If so, we are likely cousins even if our common Forebear we know not.

Know that you have a friend in Maelein Ch'ddon Feine. We travel to the City in this season to bolster the spirits of our Folk who are dispersed here. We do not want war with these Sons of Tiren," he smiles, "though we might enjoy unsettling our haughty neighbors from time to time in good sport. We practice the Old Ways, kinsman, honoring Our Gods by their Old Names. We want to remember the way of our Ancestors."

"I drink to your Fathers, and mine!" he raises a horn of ale and drinks his fill alongside Culchas.
Mar 29, 2023 11:41 pm
The charismatic Krysean turns to Gennadius, offering his hand in friendship.

"I do not know your name, balladeer," he says, "but I have come to know some of your poetry. I enjoy it quite alot.

You are a worthy bard to your People. May you emulate your highest heroes."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 29, 2023 11:46 pm
Xenophon and Syrena have been looking for an opportunity to speak with The Ion. Their opening arrives.

Danarov departs the common hearth hall to an adjacent room, past two sentries.

Tapkin makes eye contact with Syrena from across the room, and nods for the two to follow with him.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 30, 2023 12:23 am
As the others break into pairs, Damanadros and Gundus talk through some ideas at the table.

Soon a provocatively dressed gypsie woman imposes herself, showing her allures. "I know you two Patricians will not be drawn in to any fight over forest music like these lower born.

What knowledge do you seek?"
She slides in the chair between them, nestling up first to Damanandros. "Do you wish to have a reading?"
Mar 30, 2023 3:14 am
"Our faith," Gundus shoots back at Syrena in a violent whisper. "The Empire's faith! Remember that."

She was right, though, he was forced to admit. Eramus was depending on all of them, and as much as this bold parade of paganism troubled him, there were more pressing matters at hand. They could not afford delay. He was not dissappointed to see Danarovus quell the general disturbance - the reckoning would come soon enough. Perhaps too soon.

Damanandros' intelligent conversation soon distracts Gundus from his ruminations. He examines the intruding gypsy with close interest, for the gods are known to speak sometimes through such vessels.
Mar 30, 2023 6:07 am
Xenophon doesn't let this feast go to waste, and laughs and drinks with the crew. Life's too short.
RageRed says:
She glances to Xenophon. "The two of us should seek out Danarov before the night grows old."
"And the planets align," he says to Syrena after Tapkin summons her. He wipes his greasy fingers on his shirt, downs the dregs of his cup, and follows her to the private room. Since she had a pre-existing relationship with The Ion, he let her lead the communication. In the introductions, he strikes a respectful but assertive tone - all business.
Mar 30, 2023 8:00 am
Downing her drink, Syrena excuses herself from the company of others and stands to follow Danarov and Tipkin. She glances to assure herself that Xenophon was with her and winds her way through the rooms, to the one set aside for the personal business of the Packers' leader. She approaches the sentinels and quietly reveals to them that she was there at the behest of the Ion and his Pireus.

Entering the room, she awaits to be granted forth into their company.
Mar 30, 2023 9:59 am
RageRed says:
"Supplies can be had at our first rest." Syrena answers Damanandros. "The way only becomes more rough and treacherous from there. Luck and trickery may needs be employed to get past patrols and the dangers of the mountain pass. I will know more after a meet with our host. These will be shared in light of morning, when there are far less ears and eyes upon us."
Nodding, Damanandros acknowledges the guide's plan with a raised fist. An apparent attempt to signal a show of solidarity but it comes across as thin and awkward. He would have to work on that.

Watching the pair walk away to a private meeting he scans the room for patterns of threat and notes the direction they leave in.

For a while, he engages Gundus in discussion regarding the virtues of faith vs displays of inspired magic in the relationships between the clergy, lay folk, and the divine.

"How do the common folk reconcile the fact that only the clergy wield power and the congregation never becomes a vessel for the will of the gods?"

The arrival of the gypsie completely derails the line of questioning. Not accustomed to unfamiliar people pressing in so close he is set a bit on guard and places his hand subconsciously to his coin pouch.

"So what is the price to have my fate laid out before me?" He quips as he pulls out a silver coin and smiles.

He is both attempting to cover what could be construed as an insult, while simultaneously validating her. Besides, it would be an interesting experiment if he could see if there is actual magic being woven into the ritual.
Sensing Power:
The character can detect spellcasters within
60' and estimate their level of power relative to his own. He can
tell when arcane magic has been used within the last 24 hours
within the same vicinity. (The character cannot necessarily
sense whether an item is magic, unless it has been used in the
last 24 hours.) Each use takes a turn.
Last edited March 30, 2023 10:00 am

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 30, 2023 4:40 pm
When Xenophon and Syrena pass into the passage to the guarded chamber, they come to a surprisingly unnoticeable stairway downward. The steps shift in an irregular spiral and then angle out in the opposite direction, leading to a lower chamber beneath the grand room above.

Entering, the two guests find themselves in yet another room of tavern motif, though this one smaller and quiet.

The Ion, Danarov, is at a table reading a small ledger by an oil lamp.

There is a bartender at the bar. He pours two drinks, expensive brandy - offers them to Xenophon and Syrena - then motions them over to the table.

Angus Tapkin soon descends the stairs and joins the room, falling in behind them as they take a seat.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 30, 2023 4:51 pm
Xenophon knows that he is meeting underworld royalty this night. Danarov's rise to prominence is no secret - Xenophon had heard it from a former employer and mercenary commander, Dimitrius Strabo.

Glais Danarovus was born to a lower noble house and trained his entire youth to join the ranks of the prestigious Palatinian Guard. He gained the post, but it was short lived as his father landed the family name into dishonor.

After demotion, Glais served the remainder of his military obligation as a Centurion, deploying to the wars against Jutland and Celdora. Upon discharge from the 3rd Legion, he joined the Packers' Guild under the tutelage of Guildmaster Dameon Korith, a long time associate of his father.

In less than a decade, Danarov has become one of the most feared men in the region. First renown as a master swordsman and assassin, now recognized as an expert strategist with a skill in operations, he is The Ion in Amanuctum. This makes him the second ranking leader in the Packers' Guild, answering only to Guildmaster Dameon Korith in Kourithos.
Mar 30, 2023 7:18 pm
The Ion pushes his tablet aside and shifts attention to the meeting. Being introduced to Xenophon for the first time, he sets a tone for business and brevity.

"Xeno, welcome. Cato tells us that you have been a good sword for several works upriver. Eramus seems to have a talent for picking good apples before they fall from the tree.

Isa Rachess, it is good to see you again.

Your priest has finally arrived. Your party is now formed, and I predict an early departure for you before sunrise.

You will travel north and need passage on the Lusetem Trail, encountering Saromon Vic and other stations, and perhaps legionnaire patrols along the course. We have papers that grant you free travel and access to the martial route, signed by an appropriate Magistrate."
Mar 30, 2023 7:29 pm
Tapkin takes over on cue, handing Syrena a scroll case.

"These are your papers. I suggest that you two explain it all to those others, so listen sharp." he demands, in the strong inflection that is his signature.

"Your group is a team of public workers, religious clergy, and their security.

You are commissioned by the Curule Aidele. Your orders are to coordinate with Imperial Legion forces for special duties, supporting commanding cadre on the Lusetem Trail.

So you're a public works team, helping to plan for statues and temples and that sort, for the new roads and forts up north. Understand?

That will get you to Eramus, whether he is at Tower 4 or somewhere else."

The rough talking thug boss makes a strong look to both of them, confirming they understand the nature of these travel allowances.

After a short pause, he starts anew.

"And that brings us to another thing, and we'll talk about that so you know this deal."
Mar 30, 2023 8:15 pm
"What Pireus Tapkin is referring to is the concept of continuity.

We were working with Castellan Eramus about an exploration project at a site out near Saromen Fro. Agreements were made.

Now, communications with the Castellan have gone quiet. His updates stopped abruptly.

We don't want to fear the worst: that something may have happened to him."
Mar 30, 2023 8:24 pm
[ +- ] Quoted Text
Culchas takes the grasp and drains his ale in turn. He was disappointed that there would be no brawl this day, but it was refreshing to speak his tongue and see one of the blood! "I cannot share your desire for peace, brother," he says in a low voice, "For fire is my blood and fury my thoughts. We walk different roads, but I cannot deny the pleasure it brings me to hear your songs."

"I am Culchas, and have known no ancestor nor clan. There are those that call me the Hunter, though they do not wish to see me on the hunt. You, Haldoon, have a friend wherever I travel, though I cannot say when nor where. Too long now have I sat in this hall, and I yearn to feel the sky once more. Soon, my employer says."
Mar 30, 2023 8:26 pm
Syrena accept the brandy and proceeds to sit at Danarov's table.

"Our paths cross again, Ion Danarov. To your health and mine." She greets the criminal organization's under boss and toast to them both before nodding. "Affirmative. The company should depart with the rising sun."

"Gratitude, Perius."
She offers Tapkin, as he hands her the scroll. She sips at the drink while listening intently to the details of their cover ruse and the further plans of their route going forward on the morrow.

She turns to regard Tapkin with his declaration of a further reveal.
Mar 30, 2023 8:26 pm
"But we also don't want to be cut out of the deal we made either.

So for that, there is two options, for you two and your Priest:

Either you can get word to Eramus that he better send us updates on the score.

Or the other - if he tries to duck out or has second thoughts or gets chained up for dissension.. or if he's DEAD! -"
at this line, Tapkin gradually raises the volume of his voice, ending in a shout.

But then brings it back down to normal. "- then our deal moves on to you.

And we get 10% plus all transportation and fence on that raid.

So that's what's fair.

We just need to know that you are in agreeance with that."

He waits for a response.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 30, 2023 10:07 pm
"6 plus 6 Eagles of Silver buys a Seeker's Reading and a Word of Wisdom, master," answers the foreign woman in her exotic accent, as she slowly strokes her fingers up Damanadros's arm and over his shoulder.

"But if you wish to truly encounter the Magick of the Gods, follow me to my chamber, drink the Nectar of the Ancients," she holds up a bottle of her potions, tantalizing, "and enter into a Higher Realm of Knowledge, Understanding, ..." she leans forward to finish the last in a breathy whisper, touching her lips to Damanandros's ear, "... and Pleasure."

As the sensuous woman makes her advances, Damanandros uses a specialized technique to detect congregation or disruption of arcane energies, usually the sure signs of magic use.

Though the confessed soothsayer has not yet made any claims of sorcery or divination, so far Damanandros sees no signs of it. It will take longer to reach full certainty on the sense of magic. This technique takes some time.

Something else does capture his senses though, and almost immediately. The Krysean skald Doon Thunder stands nearby. Damanandros can see the lines of magical augmentation, crackling and winding wistfully in irregular patterns, all along the rugged musician's great drum that hangs by a strap slung over his shoulder and across his back. This musical device is wondrous and recently manifested, Damanandros is certain of it.

Sense Power Results: Detection of recently used magical item, the Drum of Doon Thunder. More time would be required to gain clarity on the target to confirm spellcasting (Time listed as 1 Turn = 10 minutes).

Optional Actions: Pay 12 silver to hear short "Seeker's Reading" onsite and continue the Power Sense to completion? Relocate to the woman's private chamber to investigate claim/offer of advanced ritual casting?
Mar 31, 2023 6:17 am
"Gennadius, you have a fine voice," Gundus compliments warmly. "How did you come to be involved in this business?"

He isn't quite sure what to make of the bard, who looks quick and tough, and whose bearing seems more rugged than he would expect from a musician.
Mar 31, 2023 8:26 am
Syrena too awaits some response from the Nicean sell-sword, Xenophon, to Pireus Tavis' question. She raises a single brow, as the tension weighs in the air. It seems fair to her, but she doesn't feel its her place to make such an agreement without some indication from the leader of the mercenaries that have been gathered for the venture.
Mar 31, 2023 9:05 am
Catching up here...
Xenophon says:
"Gennadius! This is our fourth man, Gennadius the ... uh ... what do you call yourself again, Gennadius?"
Well that couldn't have gotten any easier! From what little he could pick out while eavesdropping, this... venture was just now assembling and planning to head out on some sort of distant business. It's much easier to slide into the scene when the Head Master gives you a part. Now to make sure he doesn't blow it and get caught up by Tapkin and strong-armed into a career with the Packers. I'm their fourth man he says? Clearly Xenophon is scrambling to look good in front of this templar... Gundus he said?

"The Bull, Xenophon. They call me Gennadius The Bull" The Bull? Really Azeni? The templar is going to smell the personating and see right through me. Just because templars hold bulls sacred doesn't mean this guy is going to care one wit what I call myself. They've already given you a job, just tone it down, Azeni. Gennadius internally berates himself as he confidently strides up to the group and executes one of several well practiced formal bows, pulling his slightly thread-worn yellow-citrine robe tight across his chest with his right arm, covering the red-trimmed, green tunic. Why did I just bow to this templar like he was a junior magistrate of the low house? Just fucking relax, Azeni!
Gundus says:
"Gennadius, you have a fine voice. How did you come to be involved in this business?"
"It has been the family trade for as long as I can remember." Shit, wait, was he talking about singing or whatever he is hiring Xenophon for? Crap, I probably just made myself sound like an idiot. "There is also my undefeated record in the arena here in Amanuctum as well as in Aura," he says, putting just a little emphasis on the capital city. "I've also picked up a few things from some faithful Keepers. I'm near quite as good at healing wounds as I am at inflicting them." He holds one fist up, as if brandishing a sword, and the other hand out with palm up as if it held a poultice.

"You seem like a fascinating fellow yourself, Gundus. How did you find your place with Türas?"
Last edited April 1, 2023 7:40 am
Mar 31, 2023 5:35 pm
"Xeno, welcome. Cato tells us that you have been a good sword for several works upriver. Eramus seems to have a talent for picking good apples before they fall from the tree.
Xenophon accepts the offered cup of brandy and raises it to salute. "To good swords and good apples," he says. "Thank you for your hospitality." He knows and admires this man's fearsome reputation and power, rising from a place of dishonor through blood.

Xenophon listened to the Pireus. Now this man was dangerous, but he was also a schmuck. To hear him suggest Calus Eramus might go back on his word wasn't any skin off his nose, but if he showed no spine here in defending his patron's honor, that would send a bad message to Danarov. His honor, my blood. This is how it works.
[ +- ] Tapkin's Deal
"Pireus Tapkin, you needn't doubt Calus Eramus's integrity, nor his skill. He is as bold as he is shrewd - this is known by all. I do not hesitate to accept full responsibility of completing this deal should something happen to The Lion*. There's no safer bet in all the gaming houses of Kourithos."

"I agree to your terms, ten percent on transport and fence from the raid. The Packer's Guild is owed their due - this is known by all. But, you will cover the outstanding balance for our extended stay here at the Gullyloft. Consider it an investment in the success of our expedition, and much bigger profits later for the guild."

Xenophon knew that speaking to the Pireus this way was pushing his luck, but you don't become a man like Danarov by playing it safe.
* - I took liberty to assume this moniker for Eramus, which is based on the image of his letter in the first post, where it illustrates his personal seal is a lion. We can retcon if that doesn't make sense.
Last edited March 31, 2023 6:09 pm
Mar 31, 2023 5:39 pm
DMJ says:
"6 plus 6 Eagles of Silver buys a Seeker's Reading and a Word of Wisdom, master," answers the foreign woman in her exotic accent, as she slowly strokes her fingers up Damanadros's arm and over his shoulder.

Optional Actions: Pay 12 silver to hear short "Seeker's Reading" onsite and continue the Power Sense to completion? Relocate to the woman's private chamber to investigate claim/offer of advanced ritual casting?[/color]
Damanandros pauses before responding, his curiosity equally piqued by both options. Though tempted by the possibility of an exotic night in the woman's drug-addled embrace, he ultimately parts with 12 silver to receive a reading.

Leaning in, he savors her warmth and breathes in her softness like a newly opened bottle. "I must keep my wits about me, but I would be grateful if you could divine the road ahead."

Once the coins are neatly stacked on the table with an extra one as a gesture of appreciation for her evident skill, Damanandros rests his hand protectively over his pouch to ensure that she doesn't take more than he has agreed to.

During and after the reading, he will pay close attention to any signs of magical energy.
Mar 31, 2023 8:02 pm
When Tapkin hears Xenophon's acceptance of the terms, he nods his head as if in thoughtful compliment to a well-made choice.

When the agreement is followed by a proposal of zeroing out the house bill, Tapkin's eyes widen a bit and then lock on Xenophon in anger.
Mar 31, 2023 8:11 pm
"Acceptable," Danarov says. "As you say, the Lion will likely awaken and rise again, back to the hunt. Yet if he does not, life will go on. New lions will emerge from within the Pride."

Danarov makes a short entry in his ledger.

"As for the bill to the House, consider it paid. A bottle of Natasa Brandy to your table, rooms for the night, but I feel sure you can pay as you go from there."

Danarov stands and extends a hand to shake on the deal, first to Xenophon then to Syrena.
Mar 31, 2023 8:18 pm
Tapkin follows suit right after, dismissing his obvious preference that Xenophon pay the full bill.

"We'll see what you're made of, Xeno!" Tapkin says loudly, pulling Xenophon's hand in hard in rough jest. "Our man Xeno, Ion! HAHAHA!" he laughs aloud and adds a strong clasp on the shoulder.

As Danarov and Syrena are talking, he pulls Xenophon closer. "You're on the boat now, mate," he says. "Where do you want to go?"

A cryptic joke - an offer, a challenge, or a threat of course, if not all at once.

Xenophon answers, dryly, "To the helm, of course."

And with that, the last bit of tension ends quickly. Tapkin gives one last sharp laugh, then turns to leave the room. He gives quick orders to the bartender on the way out.
Mar 31, 2023 8:29 pm
In her turn, Syrena clasps the Ion's offered hand. "Lucrative venture to all!" she praises. "Gratitude for the generosity, Ion Danarovus."
Mar 31, 2023 8:41 pm
"Indeed, Isa Rachess," Danarov responds kindly, taking Syrena's hand in the manner of an aristocrat. "I wish you well on the journey. I sympathize with your teammates, for the march pace that I am sure you will demand of them tomorrow." he adds with a small smile.

"And give my regards to your father. I hope that Consul Rachess might call upon the Guild if he requires assistance in any of his endeavors. We would be at his aide at a moment's notice if he ever needed our service.

Until we meet again, Nobira."

As she turns to leave, Syrena sees other men being ushered into the room to speak with The Ion.

The bartender has come around the bar and into the room. He nods his head in a minor bow and escorts her and Xenophon out, up a different set of stairs, and back to the common hall.

Xenophon takes note that the man is armed with at least a half dozen blades and a thin crossbow of high design.
Apr 1, 2023 1:27 am
"Your regards, I will deliver personally when next in the Consul's presence on high Amanuctum, Ion." Syrena promises and takes her leave. She notes the men entering on hers and Xenophon's departure, should happenstance their paths cross again.

Entering the common room where the rest of their company still lingered, she approaches the table and finds her seat amongst them once more. She is intrigued by the new additions that have collected about them and settles in to observe.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 1, 2023 12:01 pm
The gypsy woman continues her seductive work with Damanadros, whispering and caressing him as she asks open ended questions about what he seeks most.

She takes his hand for the reading, then peers deep within his eyes, all the while tempting him with the touch of her body against his.

She takes a rhythmic cadence as she speaks enigmatic proclamations about Damanandros's coming fortune.

He notes one rhyme series

"Your sorrows melt away, your struggles an end.
For the Gods have decreed the fame and fortune you win.
Gold, silver. Wine and women. Yours and claimed, for all men to see.
Lesser they are, awaiting their fate by your decree
Like the Eagle you soar over mountain and sea."

In the end, the harlot's sensual advances are far superior to her attempts at poetry and theater. By the end, Damanandros detects no sign of arcane techniques, perhaps confirmed by her words at the end of the reading...

"Now, Seeker, come with me that I might reveal the Highest Secrets to you through a bonding of our Spirits. I yearn to feel your Power, and give you my Divinity."
Apr 1, 2023 12:06 pm
Doon Thunder, still standing nearby talking with Culchas and Gennadius, looks over at Damanandros sitting beneath the antics of the provocative soothsayer.

"Traveler, rest assured this foreign hussie knows the voice of no gods of the stars. Nor of the mountains, nor the sea, nor the wind - nor any of the gods of either of our Folk."

The gypsy turns around, her seduction disrupted.

"For her gods are Money, and Deception.

She is a flesh merchant from a desolate land - a wanderer who yearns to make the entire world a Wasteland, like her own heart.

Be careful with her. She has Spellcraft, though not like your potent Runes."

Fully scorned, the foreign woman cannot recover. She climbs off of Damanandros awkwardly and slinks away into the crowd.

The skald transitions the moment masterfully, shifting his stance and tone to address the group at and around the table (ooc: Gennadius, Culchas, Damanadros, Gundus), regaining the merriment of the tavern hall.

"My neighbors, I am glad to have met you this night! It seems clear to me that you are beginning a journey together soon. If so, I wish you well on your road. May your gods and the songs of your People be with you."

He reaches to a small belt pouch as he speaks his parting comments. "I am impressed to see a Son of Tiren who wears the standard of Türas."

He pulls for something small and addresses Gundus. "Steadfast Türas has been known to my Folk for centuries, though by a different name. Tuweigh, who in Honor kept the Word of Tradition, saving the Godshome of Aragáin from the destruction of the Fomorians."

He places a small bronze token icon on the table in front of Gundus.

"A gift from my House to yours, kyrazenus.."

With that he nods to the rest of the group. "Farewell!", he says as he steps away to join his fellow Kryseans as they depart from the hall.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 1, 2023 12:34 pm
Soon Syrena and Xenophon rejoin the others in the greatroom.

With their debt paid and comfortable overnight rooms awaiting, the party enjoys the fine Natasa Brandy gifted from the House as they talk about the coming journey.

The sounds of cheers and laughter and music fill the tavern hall as the new companions savor their last night in the city.

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