RageRed says:
"Supplies can be had at our first rest." Syrena answers Damanandros.
"The way only becomes more rough and treacherous from there. Luck and trickery may needs be employed to get past patrols and the dangers of the mountain pass. I will know more after a meet with our host. These will be shared in light of morning, when there are far less ears and eyes upon us."
Nodding, Damanandros acknowledges the guide's plan with a raised fist. An apparent attempt to signal a show of solidarity but it comes across as thin and awkward. He would have to work on that.
Watching the pair walk away to a private meeting he scans the room for patterns of threat and notes the direction they leave in.
For a while, he engages Gundus in discussion regarding the virtues of faith vs displays of inspired magic in the relationships between the clergy, lay folk, and the divine.
"How do the common folk reconcile the fact that only the clergy wield power and the congregation never becomes a vessel for the will of the gods?"
The arrival of the gypsie completely derails the line of questioning. Not accustomed to unfamiliar people pressing in so close he is set a bit on guard and places his hand subconsciously to his coin pouch.
"So what is the price to have my fate laid out before me?" He quips as he pulls out a silver coin and smiles.
He is both attempting to cover what could be construed as an insult, while simultaneously validating her. Besides, it would be an interesting experiment if he could see if there is actual magic being woven into the ritual.
Sensing Power:
The character can detect spellcasters within
60' and estimate their level of power relative to his own. He can
tell when arcane magic has been used within the last 24 hours
within the same vicinity. (The character cannot necessarily
sense whether an item is magic, unless it has been used in the
last 24 hours.) Each use takes a turn.
Last edited March 30, 2023 10:00 am