Doon Thunder, still standing nearby talking with Culchas and Gennadius, looks over at Damanandros sitting beneath the antics of the provocative soothsayer.
"Traveler, rest assured this foreign hussie knows the voice of no gods of the stars. Nor of the mountains, nor the sea, nor the wind - nor any of the gods of either of our Folk."
The gypsy turns around, her seduction disrupted.
"For her gods are Money, and Deception.
She is a flesh merchant from a desolate land - a wanderer who yearns to make the entire world a Wasteland, like her own heart.
Be careful with her. She has Spellcraft, though not like your potent Runes."
Fully scorned, the foreign woman cannot recover. She climbs off of Damanandros awkwardly and slinks away into the crowd.
The skald transitions the moment masterfully, shifting his stance and tone to address the group at and around the table
(ooc: Gennadius, Culchas, Damanadros, Gundus), regaining the merriment of the tavern hall.
"My neighbors, I am glad to have met you this night! It seems clear to me that you are beginning a journey together soon. If so, I wish you well on your road. May your gods and the songs of your People be with you."
He reaches to a small belt pouch as he speaks his parting comments.
"I am impressed to see a Son of Tiren who wears the standard of Türas."
He pulls for something small and addresses Gundus.
"Steadfast Türas has been known to my Folk for centuries, though by a different name. Tuweigh, who in Honor kept the Word of Tradition, saving the Godshome of Aragáin from the destruction of the Fomorians."
He places a small bronze token icon on the table in front of Gundus.
"A gift from my House to yours, kyrazenus.."
With that he nods to the rest of the group.
"Farewell!", he says as he steps away to join his fellow Kryseans as they depart from the hall.