Gundus readily assents to the centurion's request.
"This will not take long, and will do them much good," he says to his companions. Then, in a loud voice, "Join me if you wish. All are welcome!"
When all are ready for the Ritual, Gundus sits the idol upon a suitable altar or high place - if none is available he will hold it in his palms. He waves the assembled troops around, planning quickly. Typically the gods were honoured with sacrifices on holy days; in the large city temples richly laden bulls would be offered to the heavens, in elaborate presentations. But here there was no pre-arranged bull, and these people needed reassurance and communion, not theatre. He would have to be more direct.
"It has been some time, I am told, since you have observed any of the Rituals of our people. Since you have been able to prove your devotion to the Seven, and honour our ancestors. When this happens, people become uneasy. They fear the gods will have turned away from them. Today, you will have the chance to show them what is in your heart.
"Join with me, and invoke the Seven Empyrean Lords to observe our dedication." He begins to chant.
"Ammonar, Lord of the Dawn, bear witness to our faith.
Mityara, Mother of Mercy, bear witness to our faith.
Ianna, Queen of Victory, bear witness to our faith.
Calefa, Lady of Fortune, bear witness to our faith.
Istreus,Master of Secrets, bear witness to our faith.
Naurivas, Lord of the Winds, bear witness to our faith.
Türas, Marshal of Justice, bear witness to our faith.
"All good things are made possible by the laws set in place by the Seven. Society, peace, trade, the Empire itself could not exist if Chaos ruled the lands," he says, pausing for a moment to catch his breath.
"The gods gift us both strength and courage. What use we put them to is for us to decide - knowing that, in the end, we will be judged by Türas; that is his gift to us. For those who show valour in the cause of justice will be welcomed to dwell in glory in the halls of Ammonar.
"This symbol of Türas," he indicates the idol, "comes from Krysea, proving that what I have said is a deep Truth known by all peoples. As does our being here together, strangers from distant lands, speaking one language and working together for the common good.
Traditionally, we would offer the gods the life-blood of a beast to show our gratitude. Today, I ask you to make a different offering. It is your duty, as soldiers of the Empire, to spill your life's blood in defense of our laws and our people, the good made possible by the Seven. Show Türas that you are willing to fulfill your duty, that he will watch over yourselves and your families, and grant you strength and courage at need."
He takes his sacred sacrificial knife and makes a small incision in his own forearm, causing a few drops of blood to well. He dips his finger in the blood and touches it to the mouth of the idol. "Hear me, Marshal of Justice. I, Tavius Gundus, offer you my life's blood," he intones formally. He looks expectantly at the crowd, waiting for the first to follow suit.