Road to the Wilderness

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Apr 3, 2023 9:52 pm
Seeing that the fire it being taken care of by Culchas, Syrena settles by the firepit and occasionally tosses bits of fuel into the flames. She eats the last morsels of her first day's rations and watches the moon and clouds in the night's sky.

When all or most of the men have found their resting spots for the night, she tugs out her wool blanket and curls up near the fire.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 4, 2023 2:11 am
It is difficult not to cherish the rest at Trapper House, perhaps a comfort even more appreciated than the previous night in the extravagant luxury of Gulleyloft.

Morning comes around soon though, and everyone knows that they have to make the time count. Another early start, this one with a ceremony led by Gundus, and then the party is on the march again.

They pass through a mix of sparse trees and brush filled plains for several more hours, under an overcast sky that soon yields an ongoing low-grade drizzle. Slowly, the ground and vegetation is saturated.

By late morning, Syrena identifies the next way-point. Down in the low ground, the trailhead - the beginning of the newly rejuvenated Lusetem Trail.

And its main feature: Saromen Vic, Tower 1.

In truth, it is two watchtowers, their surrounding fortifications, and a small set of simple support buildings. A palisade post fence on each side draws to a single entrance point. A battered, unpaved trail leads through.

And beyond: the thick, dark wood-line of Skausen Spen.

Some legionnaires are there, speaking with wagoners driving an oxen cart.

The steady rain has made this checkpoint a muddy scene.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 4, 2023 2:23 am
This is the moment when the papers and the cover story discussed at Gulleyloft must be put into play.

When the group approaches, the guard steps forward for the check.

"This is an Imperial Road, controlled by the Tarkaun's Third Legion in Amanuctum."

Clearly a scripted and required statement, but the guard's demeanor suggests that he takes his job seriously. His sword is in hand.

Three of his fellow legionnaires stand offset to him with spears and shields. Two more are at a more relaxed stance but similarly armed, a stone's throw away up the hill.

"No one is permitted to pass without proper credentials. Show written credentials or turn away."
Apr 4, 2023 7:39 am
"Greetings." Syrena says approaching the guard with scroll in hand. "By commission of Curule Aidele, these are a public works team charged to coordinate with Imperial Legion forces for special duties, supporting commanding cadre on the Lusetem Trail, to plan for statues, temples, roads, and forts up north."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 4, 2023 9:24 am
The lead man at the gate reads the papers and asks questions.

One of the men on the hill takes interest and approaches. He wears the insignia of an Officer. When he joins the exchange, the other man hands the papers to him.

"Thank you, Quentus," the Officer says to the legionnaire. "Well done."

When he removes his helmet, Syrena recognizes him. He was one of the Centurions who was with Eramus last summer, when Syrena rode with the Legion patrol leaders to tour the hills.

"I do not know Nobira Rachess well, but I have met her before. She is a friend of the Legion as far as I know," He nods to Syrena. "Good day, Isa. I am Galenus Auxare, Centurion, Commander here at Saromen Vic.

Welcome to our Post."
Apr 4, 2023 9:25 am
After reading and listening to the explanation of the permissions, Ius Auxare hears introductions. He responds with interest and presents a modified field salute to Gundus. "Hail Türas, and the Eternal Dawn.

Well met, kyrazenus. It gladdens me more than you might guess to hear that the Prefect intends to bring Idols to the Lusetem.

We were assigned no priest and have few religious supplies here at the Towers. Several of the men keep calendar orders, so it has been difficult."

He nods to his legionnaires to let the group pass. Walking with them, he ushers Gundus through the gate and motions uphill to the tower. "Could you offer a Ritual for us, Kyrazenus Tavius?

My men have had no Seasonal Rites since autumnal equinox last year. It would lift our spirits if you would make an offering for us here and our families at home..."

After a pause, he adds sincerely, " a challenging time."

DMJ sent a note to Robago
He turns back to the others. "Walk with me. We have a small shelter where you can take refuge from this rain."
Apr 4, 2023 1:17 pm
Damanandros recoils, his arms folding tightly around his chest as he slogs through the miserable weather. His thoughts drift to the comfort of his tower and hearth, which now seems impossibly far away. As he trudges along, his mind wanders aimlessly, with little to occupy his thoughts. His mood sours as he finds himself surrounded by the company of soldiers, and he chafes against their presence.

Hoping to avoid any unwanted attention, Damanandros remains quiet and reserved. He considers the possibility of passing himself off as a cartographer or engineer, rehearsing in his mind the various terminologies he might employ if pressed. Recalling his studies in cartography and engineering, he feels confident that he could offer enough technical language to convince any skeptical soldiers of his credentials.

As he follows, the rain begins to wear on his nerves. The prospect of finding refuge from the downpour feels like music to his ears.
Apr 4, 2023 6:26 pm
Gundus readily assents to the centurion's request.

"This will not take long, and will do them much good," he says to his companions. Then, in a loud voice, "Join me if you wish. All are welcome!"

When all are ready for the Ritual, Gundus sits the idol upon a suitable altar or high place - if none is available he will hold it in his palms. He waves the assembled troops around, planning quickly. Typically the gods were honoured with sacrifices on holy days; in the large city temples richly laden bulls would be offered to the heavens, in elaborate presentations. But here there was no pre-arranged bull, and these people needed reassurance and communion, not theatre. He would have to be more direct.

"It has been some time, I am told, since you have observed any of the Rituals of our people. Since you have been able to prove your devotion to the Seven, and honour our ancestors. When this happens, people become uneasy. They fear the gods will have turned away from them. Today, you will have the chance to show them what is in your heart.

"Join with me, and invoke the Seven Empyrean Lords to observe our dedication." He begins to chant.

"Ammonar, Lord of the Dawn, bear witness to our faith.
Mityara, Mother of Mercy, bear witness to our faith.
Ianna, Queen of Victory, bear witness to our faith.
Calefa, Lady of Fortune, bear witness to our faith.
Istreus,Master of Secrets, bear witness to our faith.
Naurivas, Lord of the Winds, bear witness to our faith.
Türas, Marshal of Justice, bear witness to our faith.

"All good things are made possible by the laws set in place by the Seven. Society, peace, trade, the Empire itself could not exist if Chaos ruled the lands," he says, pausing for a moment to catch his breath.

"The gods gift us both strength and courage. What use we put them to is for us to decide - knowing that, in the end, we will be judged by Türas; that is his gift to us. For those who show valour in the cause of justice will be welcomed to dwell in glory in the halls of Ammonar.

"This symbol of Türas," he indicates the idol, "comes from Krysea, proving that what I have said is a deep Truth known by all peoples. As does our being here together, strangers from distant lands, speaking one language and working together for the common good.

Traditionally, we would offer the gods the life-blood of a beast to show our gratitude. Today, I ask you to make a different offering. It is your duty, as soldiers of the Empire, to spill your life's blood in defense of our laws and our people, the good made possible by the Seven. Show Türas that you are willing to fulfill your duty, that he will watch over yourselves and your families, and grant you strength and courage at need."

He takes his sacred sacrificial knife and makes a small incision in his own forearm, causing a few drops of blood to well. He dips his finger in the blood and touches it to the mouth of the idol. "Hear me, Marshal of Justice. I, Tavius Gundus, offer you my life's blood," he intones formally. He looks expectantly at the crowd, waiting for the first to follow suit.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 4, 2023 8:33 pm
As Gundus announces the invite and sets up his altar under the open-air shelter, the troops gather in and remove their helmets. Some enthusiastically. Others at least curious. Everyone is respectful. Even the lone travelers, the wagoneer team, walks in, taking position in an outer area behind the legionnaires.

Gundus's proclamation of the Seven is accepted piously by the devotees. The crowd watches and listens intently at his appeal to duty.

He knows his call for a blood offering is an older, less familiar rite, but it seems best to him in this setting. As he suspected, some of the men are taken aback by the invitation, setting themselves against it.

But he is also correct in his faith that the true devotion of the Folk would shine through. It is the Kryseans among the enlisted who move first. These young men of the farmlands, now wielding spear and shield for the Empire, remain loyal to the Rites of their Ancestors. A handsome red-complexioned troop moves to the altar with strength of purpose, draws his own blood with a knife, and touches it to the icon.

"Hail the gods and the ancestors," the young man says simply, rather quietly, as he moves past.

His Krysean brothers-in-arms follow through similarly.

Perhaps inspired by the men, Ius Auxare steps forward with his prestigious gait to make an offering next. "Hail Honorable Türas," says the Commander. "May he stand with us - with you men and all of your families."

A few others make the offering. Some do not. But in all cases, the Ritual holds a moment of gravity there on the hill, under the A-framed shed. It is a sanctuary from the steady paced drizzle of persistent rain misting all around.
Apr 4, 2023 8:40 pm
After the Ritual, Gundus sees the men disperse to go back to their posts. Some invigorated. Perhaps a few are a bit dismayed or upset, but it is unclear why.

Auxare gives a few instructions to his Decanus, who then directs the men in orders.

The Commander turns to Gundus and ask, "Kyrazenus, do you wish to see the interior of our Towers? If your intent is to install statuary and icons in future construction projects, perhaps you should see the interior dimensions. I have some ideas for placement, if you would hear them."

The Centurion invites Gundus to come with him as the others take a break at the shelter.
Apr 4, 2023 8:46 pm
Syrena takes refuge under the roof and near the fire and spends her time warming up and drying out the dampness from her clothes and bones. She hears all the to do of the ritual, but has no intent on maiming herself for the sake of the gods.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 4, 2023 8:53 pm
Gundus is allowed to climb the ladder to the second floor entry of the gate tower. Auxare talks him through the structure layout and the routine operation of the post facility.
[ +- ] Optional information about Tower structure
Apr 4, 2023 8:57 pm
[ +- ] Optional scene detail, not required

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 4, 2023 9:11 pm
[ +- ] Optional scene detail, not required

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 4, 2023 9:47 pm
One chubby fellow, likely a Magistrate of some sort judging by his physique, attire, and lack of armor, approaches to speak with Syrena and Damanadros.

He was apparently in the tower during the ceremony, and wears a heavy rain cloak now, the hood of which he throws back once under the shelter.

He begins the cross examination with a scowl and a haughty tone.

"I am glad to see that the Curule sent you for Works. This facility is in need of improvements.

And have you any letters for delivery to me? I am Potitus Eunapius, Quaestor and ranking Civitus Official here at the Post.

I understand that you must coordinate with the Legion Cadre, but as representatives of the Curule you will fall under my authority. Submit to me any of your supplementary documentation.

Nobira Rachess, I assume you are assigned to ensure the interests of the Consulate are fulfilled.
Tell your scribe,"
he points dismissively to Damanadros, "to begin taking notes of our first meeting, which I call to order now."
Apr 5, 2023 8:12 am
Syrena looks hard at the haughty man. "Apologies, Quaestor. No scrolls or messages were given to convey. Saromen Vic is not the focus of our expedition, having only been completed six years hence. Requests and advice for improvements will be passed along, but finding locations suitable for new roads and construction further north is our prime edict. In truth, have we tarried here already longer than was intended to stay on schedule."
Last edited Apr 5, 2023 8:15 am
Apr 5, 2023 10:31 am
Learning from Gundus that the party would be moving on, Commander Auxare shares information and relevant news ...
[ +- ] Optional information, area news and predictions of the road ahead
Apr 5, 2023 10:47 am
[ +- ] Optional, extended conversation from the Magistrate

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 5, 2023 10:56 am
Culchas and Xenophon notice the Magistrate speaking with Syrena and Damanadros at the storage shelter while Gundus is out near the tower speaking with the Commander.

Some legionnaires strike up a conversation with Gennadius, inquiring about mercenary work.
Apr 5, 2023 6:35 pm
When Quentus lashes the soldier, Xenophon keeps his eyes down. He's supposed to be some road worker, beneath these soldiers. He doesn't interfere, conspicuously not noticing the entire debacle.

Getting lashes wasn't the worst thing he'd seen a Legionnaire get from his commanding officer, but at the same time he'd never seen the Legions so late on pay. Was this some local disturbance disrupting the payroll? Or was there a problem at the source? Xenophon didn't want to ponder for too long what would happen if the Legion couldn't pay troops across the empire.

He shrugs his shoulders. Order was an opportunity for the weak to live in peace, but chaos is an opportunity for the strong to rise (if you could keep your head on your shoulders). Interesting times ahead.

Later, he found himself near Culchas. They spied the Magistrate discussing things with Syrena (what an important lady she was turning out to be) and Damanadros. The look on the Magistrate's face was serious.

"Culchas, your people will have a field day with these garissons when raiding season arrives."
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