Road to the Wilderness

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Apr 5, 2023 8:07 pm
Syrena gives a side glance to Damanandros, before responding this increasing annoying man.

"A learned man is this. Not some servant to act as messenger or scribe. The knowledge and skill he possesses is integral our success, as with each as well." She takes a step away from the pompous Eunapius. "Good day, Quaestor. Tower two is getting no closer in our pondering of other matters."

Syrena raises one hand to get the attention of the balance of the special works cadre and calls out, "Time we depart!"
Apr 5, 2023 9:44 pm
Damanandros watches with a calm demeanor as the Quaestor rambles on about the state of affairs in the region. Despite his attempts to sequester Damanandros, the scholar remains unfazed. With a wry smile, he holds out a hand to steady the excitable man.

"Your appraisal of the current condition of this region is quite dire," he says, surveying their surroundings with mock concern. "But fear not, for I have a proposition that may interest you."

He leans in closer, his voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper. "I am conducting a survey of this land, and I would be honored to have your attestation. Your support could go a long way in deciding the location of a potential build site, and perhaps even earn you additional favor."

Damanandros finishes with a sly grin, eager to see how the Quaestor will respond to his proposal.
Diplomacy (G):
The character is smooth tongued and familiar
with protocol. He receives a +2 bonus on all reaction rolls when
he attempts to parley.
Apr 5, 2023 10:28 pm
The Quaestor soon learns that Damanandros is no low servant who can be impressed by posturing and sophistry. Eunapius seems deflated as his bluff of pomp finds no hold on either of the newcomers.

Though Damanandros attempts to lure Eunapius in with an offer of influence, it becomes clear that this low-ranking official is hardly worth the conversation. In short time he exposes that his real goal is to be reassigned to the city because he hates the hardship of his post here.

Now Damanandros sees why the rest of the troops here at Saromen Vic completely ignore this hollow resident Magistrate.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 5, 2023 10:28 pm
Syrena's call to rally is a reminder that time is of the essence. They could still cover good ground with some luck and strong effort, as most of the daylight hours remain yet. They need to recover the momentum though.

The party members begin to gather up from their different places, resetting their equipment and trading thoughts about things recently learned.

Previously a note="Robago"]
Token Icon of Tuweigh
The God who is the Defender of Tradition to the early Kryseans corresponds to Steadfast Türas Marshall of Justice. Any Empyrean Priest who carries the Icon within the vicinity of the countryside of what is now called the Southern Junction Lands, the Mearleigh Mountains, or Menir Fons River, and who is in good standing with the Krysean and Tirenean Folk, gains a +1 to AC and can cast Protection From Evil once/day. The powers and benefits of the Icon do not work in any metropolitan setting (no settlement larger than a town).[/note]
Apr 6, 2023 1:43 am
As Syrena calls the group back and starts making ready to leave, Gennadius looks up to the sun. Not nearly as high in the sky as he would like.

"We are leaving now? How far to the next post? Aren't these things a full day's travel apart? Shouldn't we camp here for the night?" catching the looks of the others, and before they shut him down too quickly, he continues. "look at these guys, they need a distraction more than anything. A night of some dice, a few ballads, and an epic poem or two and I bet we could come out with some good will owed to us if not a few silvers more in our pockets." And Iam sure there are a lot less giant spiders camped out here...
Apr 6, 2023 6:18 am
Hearing Syrena's call, Gundus thanks Auxare warmly for his thorough news briefing, and, unaware of the complaints overheard by the others, leaves the Commander with sincere compliments on the quality of the fort and the troops. "The blessing of Steadfast Türas be upon you," he says, and salutes the Commander with a formal farewell.
Apr 6, 2023 7:50 am
"Tower Two is eleven miles." Syrena answers Gennadius. "Six hours, will pass in the trek."

Glancing back, as the legionnaires and the post being to fade in the distance behind them, she looks to the bard again. "Those guys have no coin to gamble or shower your verse with."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 6, 2023 9:30 am
Quick farewells and the party is on their way again.

They step out onto the Old Lusetem Trail.

Most of the journey north will be a gradual climb, but the trail begins first in a downward slope, descending into a low draw and cutting through dense growth of underbrush among the ancient trees of Skausen Spen.

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