The Old Forest

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Apr 28, 2023 1:37 pm
Damanandros is not the same since the encounter with the harpy.

He is usually engaging if not a little wordy when it comes to noticing small details about his surroundings and going on at length about them, but now he is distant and sullen. Rarely does he make eye contact with his companions, and he seems lost in thought most of the time. His wounds have mostly healed, but clearly, he is more than just physically wounded.

A sense of sadness and despair seems to cling to him like a shroud. His movements are slow and deliberate, and he seems to take no pleasure in anything around him. The other characters can sense his distress and have given him a wide berth, unsure of how to help him. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that it will have to be dealt with at some point if he is of service to the party.

I am not sure how well dialog works PBP, the back and forth could be cumbersome at the current pace. Even as I bring this up, I know I do not have time today for a lengthy back and forth within a single day as I have to prepare for my session tonight.
Mostly I am just interested in seeing how the other characters deal with it. Could be a chance to develop any rapport the party has managed to build up on the journey so far.

It is clear that he isn't just bouncing back from the encounter in true murder-hobo fashion like a good PC. Makes sense to me to leverage the horrible ordeal he went through to do some character development and team building, but I do not have experience in this format.

Any thoughts on this?
Apr 28, 2023 4:43 pm
Time travel - at camp before the soldiers arrive
Finished tending to all the wounded, Gennadius agitates the old bandages in a small pot of water, cleaning out the grime and scabs. He is waiting for a second small pot to boil, which he will place the bandages in as the final step in cleaning. After which, he'll pack them away carefully in his healers pouch.

It's quiet while he scrubs the cloth strips. But the space around Damanandros feels even quieter, a space that pulls in and drags down the air around him. Gennadius knows that, or at least has been around others like that before. Many of the veterans in the arena had the same aura about them. They were the most dangerous too, often snapping out at those around them for the smallest disturbances. Those men were wounded, but those sorts of wounds were scars on the mind and heart, not the sort that was cured by a poultice or tincture.

Gennadius' own self-chastising fades into the background as he considers Damanandros. A sense of duty as well as sympathy, and even discovery push Gennadius into action. The man has wounds that must be cleaned and stitched so that they may heal, but how does one do so without the normal tools to do so? Hiding a wound under a garment just lets it fester. It is always best to look at it directly. Take the pain of cleaning it, pulling out the dead flesh so that the healthy flesh can mend. After that, the patient must be distracted from the pain, allowed to focus on other things, tasks, jobs that avoid atrophy and keep the mind occupied so that it can remain healthy while the healing takes place.

Gennadius wants Damanandros to fully describe to the group, or at least to Gannadius, what happened back with the goblins. He needs to get the wretched story out. That story, kept inside, only rots Damanandros' mind and stalls healing.

Once that is out, Gennadius doesn't want to dwell on it too much. In-fact he has been meaning to ask the mage about the sleep spell he cast. How did that work exactly? It's an exciting topic that he is earnestly interested in and probably would be a great distraction for the mage to discuss once the horror is out of him.

"Your wounds, Damanandros, they heal fast. It's horrible still, but thankfully it were just needles it seems instead of blades. I know it was terrible, but, what exactly happened?" Gennadius lets Damanandros tell his story...
Apr 28, 2023 4:45 pm
DMJ says:
RageRed says:
Syrena rolls up the scroll and puts it back in her backpack. This is exactly what she didn't want happening after a long day's travel, more men strutting around and announcing how they owned the damned forest.
[ooc]haha. ....hilarious quip btw... can see the eye roll..
Totally Lolled! Syrena has had her fill of mansplaining [/ooc]
Apr 28, 2023 4:59 pm
The Mustache says:
"Whether they brought our back pay or not is what I seek to know,"
Gennadius looks at the cleric with anger on his face "Is that what the case is? No silver paid for months? You promised payment at the end of the survey. That better be the case! I'm not going to spend a month surveying just to end up begging in the streets for bread!"
Gennadius knows his pay is coming from a different sort of payroll. His goal is to put him on the same footing as the soldiers in their eyes.
Omander says:
"Come and join us at the Fortification. You must be fatigued from a long march - take refuge. It is a short walk merely, though uphill."
"Ha, look, you all can head on out if you wish, but Naurivus knows I'm tired. My bed has been made, I'm laying in it. I can meet up with you at the fort if need be at dawn."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 28, 2023 5:21 pm
[ +- ] Optional: HBK's musings on old stories and songs
Apr 28, 2023 8:23 pm
Syrena has little offer in way of conversation with the legionnaires in the vicinity. She finds a rock to sit on and sighs quietly.

'Where is Eremus? This scouting venture is getting way more complicated than one could ever imagine. Where's this opportunity for wealth? Where's my pay for dragging these poor souls out here in this legion-infested forest?' She ponders.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 28, 2023 9:41 pm
Cut scene, flashback to the time at dusk, before the arrival of the soldiers an hour or so later...

After Gundus's prayer and Syrena and Xenophon's report from the short trip along the spur, the group finds a small site for a fire and a temporary stop.

They reflect on the trials of the day and discuss next actions.

MPT/TWA in effect.
Apr 29, 2023 10:32 am
Constablebrew says:
Time travel - at camp before the soldiers arrive
Finished tending to all the wounded, Gennadius agitates the old bandages in a small pot of water, cleaning out the grime and scabs. He is waiting for a second small pot to boil, which he will place the bandages in as the final step in cleaning. After which, he'll pack them away carefully in his healers pouch.

It's quiet while he scrubs the cloth strips. But the space around Damanandros feels even quieter, a space that pulls in and drags down the air around him. Gennadius knows that, or at least has been around others like that before. Many of the veterans in the arena had the same aura about them. They were the most dangerous too, often snapping out at those around them for the smallest disturbances. Those men were wounded, but those sorts of wounds were scars on the mind and heart, not the sort that was cured by a poultice or tincture.

Gennadius' own self-chastising fades into the background as he considers Damanandros. A sense of duty as well as sympathy, and even discovery push Gennadius into action. The man has wounds that must be cleaned and stitched so that they may heal, but how does one do so without the normal tools to do so? Hiding a wound under a garment just lets it fester. It is always best to look at it directly. Take the pain of cleaning it, pulling out the dead flesh so that the healthy flesh can mend. After that, the patient must be distracted from the pain, allowed to focus on other things, tasks, jobs that avoid atrophy and keep the mind occupied so that it can remain healthy while the healing takes place.

Gennadius wants Damanandros to fully describe to the group, or at least to Gannadius, what happened back with the goblins. He needs to get the wretched story out. That story, kept inside, only rots Damanandros' mind and stalls healing.

Once that is out, Gennadius doesn't want to dwell on it too much. In-fact he has been meaning to ask the mage about the sleep spell he cast. How did that work exactly? It's an exciting topic that he is earnestly interested in and probably would be a great distraction for the mage to discuss once the horror is out of him.

"Your wounds, Damanandros, they heal fast. It's horrible still, but thankfully it were just needles it seems instead of blades. I know it was terrible, but, what exactly happened?" Gennadius lets Damanandros tell his story...
Damanandros stares deeply into the work being done by the skilled hands of the healer. In this way he can be present with his companion without exposing the conflict going on within.

His words settle in and it becomes apparent that he is probing into the events of that long night. Even as his own memories reach into that chaos, it is painful and he winces outwardly, forcing his eyes shut.

He sighs and opens the valve to allow only a trickle, maybe it would help to share it, maybe he could trust, maybe Gennadius will understand and not think him weak or stained by the defilement.

"It started with the song, while I stood my watch." Damanandros exhales, his breath easing the mounting pressure.

"It was the most beautiful sound I have ever perceived. It called to me, and I was unable to deny its influence." His lips begin to draw tight around the confession of his sin, a loss of control.
His throat tightens and he is forced to clear it before he can speak again.

"I am sorry, it is hard to talk about." He clears the air for a moment. "In my studies, I have learned that control over my mind and body is vital to my success. It has become taboo" Damanandros makes eye contact, to see if he understands. The connection urges him to continue.

"Once I was away from camp, even as I fell into the trap set by the goblins, I longed to find her, the source of the enchanted song." He reaches across to place a hand on Gennadius’. "You understand that I was disarmed of my logic and will, I was unable to see clearly or to think rationally. I only knew a longing for her presence." It is important that Gennadius understands that the post was not abandoned willingly, he was under her control.

"Even as she revealed herself, she appeared as a goddess, a creature of unsurpassed beauty and light." Damanadros’ pulse quickens and his face flushed with the coming emotional surge.

"There is nothing I would not do for her, she asked that I submit myself to her will, and I did, take my right eye if I did not." His voice is raised and he stands as he is swept up in the moment. Still she influences him, still he is hers.

"And so I answered all her questions, and she wrung from me everything." His face contorts as the emotions push through the aperture he had allowed; tears begin to fill his eyes. He sniffs, pulling back away from Gennadius. Shame twists his visage, and he breaks.

"I am sorry." The only words he can muster through the emotional torrent.
Last edited April 29, 2023 10:40 am
Apr 29, 2023 5:40 pm
Syrena pokes absently at the fire, watching the dislodged motes float into the air before her eyes. Her gaze shifts, as Gennadius engages Damanandros and entices the mage to speak, finally, of his ordeal of last evening. She hears most of the words, but does not move closer from her perch at the edge of campfire. Best to give the two men room to converse and not to interfere. It was well enough at this point to hear something of it, than to pry and have the mage shut down.

She pokes at the embers once more.
Last edited April 29, 2023 5:42 pm

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 29, 2023 7:32 pm
Constablebrew says:
Time travel - at camp before the soldiers arrive
Finished tending to all the wounded, Gennadius agitates the old bandages in a small pot of water, cleaning out the grime and scabs. He is waiting for a second small pot to boil, which he will place the bandages in as the final step in cleaning. After which, he'll pack them away carefully in his healers pouch.

It's quiet while he scrubs the cloth strips. ...

"Your wounds, Damanandros, they heal fast. It's horrible still, but thankfully it were just needles it seems instead of blades.
In Gennadius's estimation, Damanandros's wounds seem strange.

The mark of the three main wounds (left axial, right groin, left knee) are quite dramatic. The pins inserted there must have been sizeable, chunky square iron or steel shafts apparently - Gennadius pictures them like large chiseled nails. These terrible tools wrecked poor Damanandros's joints, and the remaining wounds still hinder his mobility and render considerable pain.

At the same time though, the flesh of the wound seems to have healed faster than Gennadius would have expected. Scar tissue has already formed at the outer edges. The tissue at the center of each mark is still tender and present the sapping blood that is more normal, but normal for wounds about a week older. It seems out-of-the-ordinary, but Gennadius is sure of it.

The top two digits of Damanandros's right hand ring finger was torn off completely and gone, but the skin and soft tissue at the end of the amputation is more than half healed already.

Quite strange indeed, but good to see.
Apr 29, 2023 9:57 pm
Xenophon actively listens to Damanandros, his longest comrade. When he finishes, he claps him on the shoulder.

"That's a real mindfuck you went through there, old friend. We're here for you."

Xenophon never appreciated the dangers of being magically gifted. Yes, your mind could reach into the arcane domains, but true darkness lurked there, and it seems that darkness reached back sometimes.

He sits with Damanandros for as long as Nicean mage will allow it, trying to convey that he isn't scared off by his emotions, and that he is not judging him.
Apr 30, 2023 12:03 am
Unable to resist any longer, Syrena turns and looks across the campfire to Damanandros. "So, a goddess of extreme beauty did this to you?"
Apr 30, 2023 2:18 pm
"You have nothing to apologise for, Damanandros," Gundus says. "The fault was not yours, and you alone were wronged.

"My order deals with... situations... not unlike what befell you. Possessions, hauntings." Dark memories stir, from early in his novitiate. Before he became steeled to such things. Strain creeps into his voice. "There are forces in the world older and stronger than humankind, that even the most steadfast are powerless to resist. I have seen them."

What was done to you cannot be undone. But we can ensure that the monster faces justice. That it is never allowed to harm another."
May 1, 2023 8:40 am
Damanandros takes a moment to compose himself before he continues speaking. He averts his gaze from his companions, still feeling ashamed about what he had revealed to them. He speaks slowly, his voice low and trembling with emotion. "The visage of the goddess was only an illusion," he says. "Once she had extracted all she cared to know from me, the illusion fell and it was a harpy that remained. She referred to herself as Ish'tauxi, and I am not sure how deeply her influence goes."

Damanandros closes his eyes and shakes his head, trying to clear his mind. "It was only after this that the torture began," he says, his tone shifting slowly away from grief and more towards self-analysis. "Admittedly, it was horrible, but not nearly as demoralizing as the loss and heartbreak I felt. The pain I still feel is from the loss of the connection." He takes a deep breath, as if gathering his thoughts, and continues. "There are details I held onto that may help, may give us an idea of what greater plot remains in play."

Damanandros looks up at his companions and nods, trying to convey that he believes there may be some useful information in what he has to say. "She spoke of a 'she' that would want to know the details learned from me before the full moon," he says. "She wanted to know who the soldier Eramus was, although I am not sure if she learned of the name from me. She wanted to know if I knew anything of the Dreams of Sekki or Nur-Hunzu Isiratuu." He shakes his head. "Which I do not."

Damanandros pauses for a moment, his brow furrowed in thought. "You are nothing like Isiratuu," he says, his voice sounding more feminine attempting to mimic her. "You will never be able to open the Sanctum." He recalls her words, trying to make sense of them. "The skull-headed vulture argued with her, said that her mother would not stand for something. Perhaps the details her questions were informing me of." He looks perplexed but continues. "Lastly, she was concerned about being put back to sleep. I am not sure by what process or by whom."

As he finishes speaking, Damanandros lets out a deep sigh, feeling somewhat relieved after sharing the details with his companions. However, the physical pain from counting off the details and reaching his severed digit causes him to wince. He looks somewhat relieved, yet exhausted from the emotional purge and ordering of the details he needed to expel.
May 1, 2023 8:54 am
"I know not why she left me alive, perhaps as a tool to be used in the future." He absently places his fingers on his wounded lips.
"There was an exchange before she left me, after killing the skull-headed vulture." His tongue caresses the wounds and he closes his eyes almost as if to savor the moment.
"She bit her own tongue and then my lips and kissed me." He looks confused "I fear there is significance to that, and it may be wise to find a way to see if it was more than just symbolic."

Damanandros takes a deep breath, the weight of his experience still heavy on his shoulders. "I do not know what it all means, but I do know that we cannot let her plans come to fruition. There is something larger at play here, and I would like to stop it before it's too late."
Damanandros looks to his companions with determination. "Thank you for being here with me," he says, his voice shaking slightly. "I could not have made it through this alone."
May 1, 2023 12:12 pm
Flash foward to present moment

Gundus is conflicted. After the dangers braved on the road, the safety of Saromen Fro beckons eagerly. He longs to embrace it. And he might learn valuable news at the legion camp. But Gennadius and Syrena appear openly reluctant - perhaps even outright suspicious - of the centurion's invitation. After the encounter at the Saromen Gen, he can't blame them. He is unwilling to leave them, especially with the night so charged; he can feel the power of the rising full moon. Inside his pack, the icon of Tuweigh seems to thrum with energy. The stag - the divine messenger - had appeared in the forest, and lead away rather than to the watchtower. Was it an omen? A warning?

He trusts his companions with his life. He would trust their judgment, too, and stand by them.

"Forgive my comrade. I'm sure he means no disrespect," Gundus says, biting the phrase off loudly. "Our welcome at Saromen Gen was less cordial than expected; some of our troop are wary of putting themselves in the power of an unfamiliar armed force. And I am wary of leaving that one," a quick head nod indicates Gennadius, "unsupervised. We've had enough mischief from him already!" He shoots the bard his haughtiest Patrician glare. With a bit of luck, the soldiers would consider them more trouble than they're worth.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 1, 2023 8:05 pm
Centurion Omander receives Gundus's response. After a pause of silence he tells Gundus that it seems strange to him.

"Your company has been commissioned to coordinate with rightful authorities on the Lusetem. Now that you are at the last stop, you are deciding not to engage to complete your assignment?

Do you understand Gundus Tavius that the Lusetem continues on for a way forward and then reaches its current end? No more than a half mile forward has been cleared by the logging teams."

After an open ended statement, " say you will stay here, camping on the roadside, instead of joining us at the tower...", he makes a long pause of silence as he ponders. He slowly scans them all again, developing an uncomfortable tension in the air. The soldiers stand by, waiting at the ready.

"I do not permit armed travelers to make camp and travel freely around the Prefect's Military Installation, kyrazenus", he says slowly, looking Gundus in the eye.

" normal circumstance," he adds after an apparently deliberate delay. "But since you are a clergyman and your team has your religious tasks, I will make an exception.

I assume that you need to assess the trail and this wooded area at sunrise. Could this be correct?

Perhaps you are thinking of constructing a sheltered icon here at the spur junction, a spirit assigned to give future travelers luck and safety? It seems possible. It would be a fine feature to have a god near to the Tower, a destination site even here with us - out at the edge."

He puts his hands up and gives a tilted frown, gestures to suggest his idea is worth considering but that the answer is yet unknown.

He turns back to Gundus to finish the interaction. "I fear that Castellan Eramus might be frustrated with my decision to allow you your insistence, Gundus Tavius, but I will leave you be.

Take your camp tonight at my permission, but I require that you meet with me on the morrow at the Tower to provide an update on your religious project. Castellan Eramus would hear it as well, and we should all consult together.

We must know your next intent and would have a word with you before you decide to stay along with us or return to The Harvest.

My Legionnaires and I will depart now, but I expect your visit by midday tomorrow."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 1, 2023 8:22 pm
The soldiers depart and the traveling company is left to return to their campsite.

Xenophon makes note that none of these men were in the normal Legionnaire field uniform. Omander certainly spoke as a Centurion and a Patrician, but his battalion dress garb seemed unusual here in the wilderness. If those others were Legionnaires, they had the most slack in discipline that Xenophon had ever seen allowed. Except for that lantern bearer with the sword. Now that lad was squared away - his armor and equipment immaculate.

Syrena had kept eyes on the archer all the while. He was an edgy one - and seemed quite angry throughout. He looked over his shoulder frequently, as if his mind was on something more pressing behind him, up the spur trail. She was also doubtful that the man was either Tirenean or Krysean. Something about his clothes, features, and demeanor suggested that he was a foreigner.
And the younger soldier who held the lantern - Omander had called him Galopan - Syrena recognized his armor as the new issue uniform worn by the port guard in Amanuctum. Unusual to see it here.

Gennadius just wondered how all of them wore such light clothing. The mustached Krysean did not even choose a shirt! The air is crisp now after nightfall. Those fellows must have grown accustomed to the chill here in the heights.

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