Experience Point (XP) Awards and Advancement

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DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 6, 2023 2:29 pm
Reaching Level 1 in Class

Our story picks up at a point in each of the Character’s life when they have been steadily, over a notable course of time, proving that they are different from the normal. They are more competent than the mean in one or more attributes. More importantly, they have taken steps along their paths that suggest that they are extraordinary.

Whether by serving as line soldiers, studying under renown masters, completing initiation into religious orders, traveling the rural countryside, performing in the arena, or wandering through dangerous hinterlands – these individuals are set apart already. True, they have done nothing truly grand yet. They are not famous. They have not reached the highest measure of their skills. But they are Adventurers at heart.

In game terms this means the difference between a 0-Level Human and a Player Character (PC) in a defined Class. It means the Adventurer Proficiency and all the others. It means multiple languages. It means Class skills. Most of all it means the chance for advancement.

It should be recognized that being Level 1 is exceptional in this setting. The vast majority of Non-Player Characters (NPCs) are Level-0’s with bell curve mediocrity Ability Scores, a small set of mundane trade skills, maybe a talent or two for the lucky ones. But perhaps with the exception of improvement in a focus specialty, the Normals will remain in the same general capability for their entire lives.

The PCs are set apart. If they survive, they will continue to grow in capability, power, influence, and prestige.

This thread will record the progress and milestones of the PCs' advancement – their Ascendancy.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 6, 2023 2:31 pm
Story Award: Reaching the Wilderness

No conflict nor technical accomplishments involved in this award, but it is noteworthy all the same.

The PCs…

* were recruited for a mysterious adventure,

* met in an exotic city tavern,

* made deals with an organized crime syndicate,

* formed as a party,

* launched into the open countryside,

* were recognized by and engaged with military and civilian authority figures,

* departed the civilized world, and

* crossed over into an infamous wilderness known for danger.

Now, the Adventure begins.

Experience Points (XP) Earned, All PCs: 500 XP

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 28, 2023 8:58 pm
Story Award: Reaching the Destination Goal, The Spur Trail

The spur trail to Saromen Fro. Not at midday. No Eramus to meet there, but the Party made it. It was a fast paced march and certainly a gauntlet, if not a life-changing trial for some (one? two?).

The PCs...

* Fought giant insects.

* Witnessed the violent and dramatic death of one of their own.

* Parlayed with a contubern of high discipline / strong flex / low patience legionnaires.

* Camped overnight in the true borderlands.

* Weathered a severe storm that seemed to define their initiation.

*** Fought off two gangs of goblins***

* Experienced the mystery of The Witching Hour
(with Damanandros facing mental, magical, and physical trials all his own)

* Completed a dramatic rescue / reunited as a company after a close call with death by one party member

* Witnessed a site of historic regional ruins

* Pressed on to complete the movement to reach the destination identified in their hiring documents.

This was always anticipated as a junction point of the story, and it doesn't disappoint.

The predictable script is over. This Episode is likely to take some wild turns from here, and the PCs will be driving - no matter where it goes in the end.

XP Earned, All PCs:500 XP

Monsters Defeated, XP Awards

Giant Beetles, 10: (judging this as a complete neutralization / rout of the yearling beetles)
20 XP each x 10 = 200

Goblins, fully defeated: (6 Throatcutters killed, 2 Sharpknives killed, 1 Sharpknife driven to full surrender)
5 XP each x 9 = 45

Goblins, choice withdrawal: (4 Sharpknives driven to withdrawal)
3 XP each x 4 = 12

Total Monster Defeat XP: 257
Divided by 5 party members: 51 XP each

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 4, 2023 11:05 am
Story Award: Solving the Mystery of Saromen Fro

After a successful capture of Saromen Fro, the PC Party stands victorious. Not all questions are yet answered, but the companions have arrived at a major landmark along their tumultuous journey.

The PCs...

* Encountered and made alliances with two high-impact "Free Thieves"

* Successfully overtook a wilderness military compound through strategic planning, boldness, stealth, improvisation, speed, and combat – a true mixture of brains and brawn

* Defeated a corrupted lieutenant of the adversary group, and his disgusting vermin minions

* Protected and allied with the remaining small but honorable faction of the 3rd Legion

* Encountered powerful wizardry in a spelltower, experiencing the dual-edged danger and advantage of high-level spellcraft

* Recovered large quantities of lost coins

* Witnessed the rise of the undead and responded with extreme prejudice

* Recovered an Emperyan religious icon

* Gained limited control of ancient unearthed arcana

Overall, the victory won at Tower Four was a monumental event, likely a definitive one with greater impacts yet to be realized in the Characters’ futures.

It certainly is a suitable moment to recognize that the Characters are no longer novices. Their recent experiences and success have now taken the capability and prestige of these adventurers to another level.

XP Earned, All PCs: 800 XP
Monsters Defeated, XP Awards

Note: Most of XP is distributed on a division by 7, which means division between the 5 party members plus the 2 impactful ally NPCs (Baudecca, Aduorix). In some cases, the division is 6 or 5, if one or both of the NPCs played no significant role in success.

Rat swarm, 65 XP:
11 XP each PC

Giant Rats, 3 x 5 = 15 XP:
3 XP each

Igolio (Ratlord), 100 XP:
17 XP each PC

Animated Corpse, 29 XP:
6 XP each PC

Total Monster Defeat XP for each PC: 37
Treasure XP Awards

Total Treasure gained: 27,000 silver pieces (sp)
Potential Total XP value: 2,700 XP
Divided by 7 (PC Pary + Impactful NPCs): 386 XP per PC

Note: Within the story, there is the ambiguity about whether or not the silver should be taken or not. It is clearly marked as soldier pay, and therefore property of the 3rd Legion and by extension the Imperium. Debates on claim and decisions on the end-use of the silver can and should continue. For the mathematical purposes here though, and for the sake of simplicity, it is being valued and awarded as XP in and effort to quantify accomplishment. The XP is awarded to each PC without regard to how the silver is spent, whether it is kept, returned, reinvested, or given away. This is a subjective or fiat ruling in this moment of the game. It may or may not be definitive for same or similar circumstances in the future.
XP Totaling:
Total Story: 800
Total Monsters: 37
Total Treasure: 386
Grand Total XP per PC: 1,223 XP

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