Character and World Creation (OOC)

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Apr 9, 2023 7:11 pm
The pointy hat club, who knew each other before hand, due to the mutual hat/robe shop?

It's a place where Catin frequently conducts business!
Apr 9, 2023 8:38 pm
pointy hat club is like a subculture in future wizard world. While everyone is using cybermods, we wear a pointy hat 🤣
Apr 10, 2023 8:33 am
CESN says:
... I guess we’re all from the same class ...
If you attended some sort of school, then you are graduating around the same time.

If anyone does not want to know the others that well, or does not want their character to have gone to school, that is fine, you will still have sat and passed the written exam with the rest and be teamed up to do these trials.

Everyone let us know if you were in school with the others:

Your question here... Public

I was in school with the others.
Vote to view results.
I did not go to school.
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Something else.
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I don't want to force everyone to be the same age, so if we have a school connection let's maybe say it was 'tertiary education'? Maybe a trade-course, or diploma-mill? Some people can have done many years to get them from level 0 to level x; while others could have done mere months, only bone up on the exams?
Apr 10, 2023 8:34 am
CESN says:
... me not knowing they are cats could be interesting ...
That could be an interesting reveal. @Tickettbror, who knows --at the start-- what is under that trench-coat?
Apr 10, 2023 8:35 am
The Pointy Hat Club

Then what's the deal with Hooligander and Ari?

Do you two not have point hats or just not wear them (maybe Hooligander as a 'fashion statement' and Ari following their lead to impress them)? Did you two just not yet earn the right to wear pointy hats in your little clique?

Else, if we don't want to make a thing of this lack, you two could still wear pointy hats, they just are not the Props you use.
Apr 10, 2023 10:48 am
vagueGM says:
Who knows --at the start-- what is under that trench-coat?
I'm thinking Catin is made up of the group's familiars who banded together (without their owners knowing) in order to prove they're better at this than their owners/masters. The only difference being Fuzzypaws, the lead familiar, who wasn't originally part of the group and installed themselves as leader of the familiar's union.

So to directly answer the question, no one knows they're cats and bats under there, though should they find out they know the individual familiars. Any thoughts?
Apr 10, 2023 10:55 am
Tickettbror says:
... Catin is made up of the group's familiars who banded together ...
Very cool idea.

Hooligander still has a familiar, though, and Abigail has a mechanical one. So we would need to work out with them how this fits (are these replacements?).

We also need to make sure the others are happy to have had familiars (and lost them).

Aside from Fuzzypaws there are 6 others (unless you want to adjust that number to fit the current number of players?). Where did the other ones comes from? Were there more members of this party at one time?
Apr 10, 2023 11:04 am
I was sorta hoping for anything but the two way mirror (judge 2), but so be it. I will probably roll again --hoping for something more interesting-- for later chambers.
Apr 10, 2023 11:08 am
vagueGM says:
Hooligander still has a familiar, though, and Abigail has a mechanical one. So we would need to work out with them how this fits (are these replacements?).

We also need to make sure the others are happy to have had familiars (and lost them).
Happy to let others weigh in. I'm not set on the idea if the others would rather not have their familiars involved / would like the replacements idea.
vagueGM says:
Aside from Fuzzypaws there are 6 others (unless you want to adjust that number to fit the current number of players?). Where did the other ones comes from? Were there more members of this party at one time?
Could be other members of Fuzzypaws' gang who helped him persuade the others? I'm happy to drop the numbers down to fit with the numbers in the group as well.
Apr 10, 2023 11:11 am
I like the idea that wizard school is not like regular school but some sort of trade or guild professional training actually. like the driving licence that was mentioned. Want to drive a truck? Need a truck licence. Want to cast spells? Need a wizard licence!
Apr 10, 2023 11:23 am
I love all the ideas floating around! I kind of think that rather than stolen a familiar one or 2 of the cats are druid companions of Abigails that she lost somehow?
Apr 10, 2023 11:52 am
Indeed, the extra familiars/companions could all be replacements that the other PCs went through.
Apr 10, 2023 12:15 pm
My familiar is a chameleon named Karma. Hooligander doesn't wear hats because it gives him hat hair.
Apr 10, 2023 12:20 pm
nezzeraj says:
... Hooligander doesn't wear hats because it gives him hat hair.
Why would that matter, it is hidden under the hat. :)
Apr 10, 2023 12:53 pm
Happy to say I used to have a familiar and lost it
Apr 10, 2023 1:03 pm
No familiars for me. I'm in this just to impress Hooligander
Apr 10, 2023 3:15 pm
Cats are just so small and puny. It's easy to lose track

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