Totems 101

Apr 7, 2023 1:27 pm
This post will be a quick intro to totems since I know we have several relative newbies here.

What Are Totems and Why to Follow One

Totems are powerful spirits called "Incarna" spirits. Incarna refers to the power level of the totem, though not all Incarna level spirits are totems. Totems offer packs that follow them several benefits that vary depending on the totem's nature.

First, totems offer a set of stat benefits-- an increase to attributes or abilities that members of the pack who have contributed to the pack Totem value gain. These come in a variety of forms, but can be very powerful/useful and flavorful. These are individual traits.

Second totems grant "pack traits" that members of the pack may draw on (one at a time) this can include points in willpower, etc that the pack can use as needed.

Third-- if you have more points in totem pooled than the totem cost you can get additional benefits beyond the totem's base benfits. The pack selects this when the totem is chosen & whenever more points are added to the pool-- the Gift Spirit Speech, additional points of gnosis rage or willpower, the totem being near and able to find the pack, or very powerfully (for four points) the ability for the pack to communicate spiritually at great distances-- like an always on telepathic telephone that can cross any distance.

But What About the Costs?

Of course all these powerful benefits come with a cost!

First, each totem has a background point cost-- that's the minimum number of totem points that must be spent for a pack to be accepted by the totem incarna.

Second, totems grant a "ban" or restriction on the pack-- there is a cost to gain the benefits. These are usually minor, but significant in certain situations.

What's All This Totem of Nonsense?

Totems are divided into categories based on the general "nature" of the totems-- Totems of War, Totems of Respect, Totems of Wisdom, and Totems of Cunning. (These roughly equate to your Renown attributes though cunning doesn't fit per say.) It doesn't really matter what category you choose, but if you are looking through for a totem the "kind" of totem you want will be in the category that fits-- if you're looking for combat totems, start with Totems of War.

I'll add some more to this thread later.
Apr 7, 2023 3:30 pm
Totems Mentioned in Discussion

Patrick's Want List

Fox (Totem of Cunning)
ox is used to being both predator and prey and out thinking everything that he faces. Whether he creeps up on a rabbit without his prey being aware, or leads a pack of hounds into a hornet’s nest, he loves to trick and trap his opponents. He loves it even more if that trap also teaches a lesson.
Individual Traits: Each pack member gains a dot of Manipulation, but subtracts one from any awards of temporary Honor Renown.
Pack Traits: Fox’s packs can call on two dots of Stealth, two dots of Streetwise, and three dots of Subterfuge.
Ban: Children of Fox can never participate in a fox hunt, and must sabotage any hunts they encounter

Coyote (Totem of Cunning)
Background Cost: 7
The ultimate trickster, more Ragabash than Ragabash, Coyote is an avatar of chaos. Utterly unpredictable, often foolish, but undoubtedly brilliant, Coyote is both a master of deception and a very clever warrior.
Individual Traits: Each pack member subtracts one from any awards of temporary Wisdom Renown.
Pack Traits: Coyote’s packs gain three dots of Stealth, three dots of Streetwise, one dot of Subterfuge, and one dot of Survival. Coyote’s avatars can always find their packs — the pack does not need to spend Totem points on that ability.
Ban: The very idea that he would limit his packs runs against Coyote’s nature.

Patrick's "No" List
Griffon literally not worth discussing- Griffins is only available to all Lupus packs.

Falcon (A Totem of Respect)
Falcon is one of the noblest spirits, befitting of the Silver Fangs’ tribal totem. His piercing eyes see deep into the hearts of his children, inspiring the valorous and rewarding the honorable. Falcon is known as a bringer of unity to the Silver Fangs and to the Garou as a whole, and he remains above rumors of in-breeding among his chosen tribe.
Individual Traits: Followers of Falcon gain two points of Honor Renown.
Pack Traits: Packs that follow Falcon gain three dots of Leadership, as well as four Willpower points per story.
Ban: Dishonor is worse than death to Falcon: none of Falcon’s children can ever lose permanent Honor Renown. If they do, they must either put right the wrong immediately, or perform a Rite of Contrition and further atone for their dishonor by hurling themselves at a powerful minion of the Wyrm. On the one hand, it’s likely to be a suicide run. On the other, their blood will wash away the stain on their names — as would their victory.

Diana's Want List
Falcon (see above)

Rat (A Totem of War)
Background Cost: 5
Rat is the swift, silent master of hit-and-run warfare — the original totem of guerrilla fighters. While Rat fights to weaken, cripple, then overwhelm, he can be as vicious as any other totem when cornered.
Individual Traits: Rat’s children subtract one from the difficulty of all bite rolls, and from the difficulties of rolls involving stealth or quiet.
Pack Traits: Rat’s packs can call on a pool of five Willpower points per story. Bone Gnawers will aid the pack, and even Ratkin will be somewhat tolerant of the pack’s existence.
Ban: Rat’s children must not kill vermin of any kind.

Owl (A Totem of Respect)
Background Cost: 5
Owl watches silently in the darkness, learning all that he can. Like the Silent Striders who claim him as their totem, Owl holds hidden wisdom, especially about death and the mysteries of the Dark Umbra.
Individual Traits: Owl’s children gain wings when in the Umbra, allowing them to fly from place to place. They also subtract two from difficulties involving stealth or silence, and gain two points of Wisdom Renown.
Pack Traits: Owl’s packs often receive premonitions and prophetic dreams that draw them to mystic places long forgotten. The pack gains three dice that apply to any Gift that involves air, travel, movement, or darkness. Silent Striders may appear to aid the pack when it is in danger, but packs that follow Rat (and Ratkin) are not well disposed towards Owl’s Garou.
Ban: Owl’s children must leave small rodents tied and helpless in the woods for him and his kind

Unicorn (A Totem of Wisdom)
Background Cost: 7
Unicorn is a totem of peace, purity, healing, and harmony. As such, she is the tribal totem of the Children of Gaia. She embodies the blissful and encompassing love of Gaia.
Individual Traits: Unicorn’s children move at twice their normal speed in the Umbra, and subtract two from all difficulties involving healing and empathy, though they add two to all difficulties to harm other Garou (except Black Spiral Dancers and others tainted by the Wyrm). Unicorn’s Garou gain three points of Wisdom Renown.
Pack Traits: Unicorn’s packs gain three dice when using Gifts of healing, strength, and protection. Children of Gaia will aid the pack, and will usually side with them in disputes.
Ban: Unicorn’s children must protect and aid the weak and exploited, as long as they do not aid the Wyrm
in doing so.

Diana's "No" List

Fox & Coyote See above

Bear (A Totem of War)
Background Cost: 5
Bear is wise in peace and fierce in war. He is a master of healing and mysticism, but the Garou mistrust him, for Bear’s true children are the Gurahl — werebears with no fondness for the Garou.
Individual Traits: Bear’s children gain a dot of Strength, can use the Gift: Mother’s Touch once per day, and can hibernate for up to three months at a time without need for food or water. Garou lose five points of temporary Honor renown (if they have it to lose), and reduce all Honor Renown awards by one point.
Pack Traits: Bear’s packs can use three dots of Medicine, and are well-regarded by werebears.
Ban: Bear asks no specific behavior of his Garou. Petitioning for his favor has already cost them a great deal of standing among their own people.
Apr 7, 2023 4:10 pm
Totems from Other Sources That I Think Are Cool and or Whacky and or Fun

Gitushi, the Strong Hair One-- the ancient mammoth. It meant wisdom and power and charm against evil.
-- Many Wade-Wellman, the Old Gods Waken
Background Cost 7
Mammoth is a powerful spirit whose children no longer walk the earth. The giant exists only in the Umbra. Mammoth symbolizes awesome power coupled with the ability to use that power wisely. Ancient humans once hunted the mammoth, which, like the buffalo, provided food and clothing for many inividuals. Mammoth's bones were sometimes unsed in the building of shelters for early peoples.
Individual Traits: Each of Mammoth's children gain enigmas 2 and add two to their strength.
Pack Traits: Once per season, his children can use the Gift: Summon the Great Beast, calling a Mammoth to appear.
Ban:[/b Chuldren of Mammoth must never be bullies and must avoid the temptation to seek power for its own sake.

[b]Mammoth (Great Beast)

Strength 10, Dex 5, Stamina
Alertness 4, Brawl 6, Intimidation 4, Primal-Urge 5, Animal Ken 4
Rage 10, Gnosis 10, Willpower 10
Health: OK/OK/OK/OK/-1/-1/-2/-2/-3/-4/-5/Incapacitated
Attacks: Mammoths can attack with tusks (Str+4); five or more successes with this attack indicates that the mammoth has impaled its victim and can subsequently hurl it into the air for additional damage upon landing; mammoths can trample (str+5). Like all Great Beasts Mammoths regenerate two health levels per round.

Tree totems!
Background Cost: 3
Fir has many names among them Balsam, Fraser, and Spruce, but in all her forms, she is a survivor, able to withstand cold climates that are inhospitable to other species of trees. Fir does not lose her leaves each year, and the cones she produces not only give birth to others of her kid, but also provide nourishment for many creatures of the forest. her sap is the blood that warms her body year round.
Individual Traits: Nunnehi and Garou accepted by Fir gain Survival 2 (apline climate) and an additional point of Stamina.
Fir teaches her Garou children the Gift: Whisper
Ban: Fir requires her children to protect her diminishing forests. Children of the Fir must never cut down a fir tree and may use only dead wood for building fires or making items.

Rock totems!
Backgroun Costs: 5
Granite ons one of the crystalline rocks that form the "basement" of the Appalachian mountains. It comprises part of the geological backbone of the area and has weathered eons of slow change. Granite appears hard and unyielding, but he is also a smbol for stability and stoicism.
Individual Traits: Strength 2 and Intimidate 2; Granite teaches his children the gift Strength of Purpose and Stone Mask.
Ban: Granite demands that his children never back down from a test of strength or endurance.

Father Peyote (Plant Toem)
Background Cost: 7
Traits: Followers of Father Peyote each gain two extra points of Gnosis per story, regardless of their permanent ratings. In addition they add one to Rituals and Enigmas.
Ban: Peyoteists must commune with peyote (take peyote in a sacramental manner) at least once per season, and they must uphold their cultural values.

Nerigal (the Avatar of Mars)
The Ice Warrior is among the more willing of pack patrons; it pleases him that packs should shed blood in his name. He will lend his favor to virtually any pacl brave enough to seek him out and request his guidance.
Individual Traits: Children of Nerigal never enter fox frenzy; they always berzerker frenzy. The Ice Warrior also grants each pack member a die of Brawl and Melee and an extra die to soak rolls and two temporary Glory.
Ban: Nerigal's chidlren are borbidden to show fear. They may not retreat once combat is joined and are not allowed to avoid obstacles rather than overcome them.
Apr 7, 2023 6:13 pm
I think either Owl or Mammoth would be good choices
Apr 7, 2023 6:32 pm
Rat Food is likely to suggest Rat amongst other ones I doubt you would even consider (The Great Garbage Heap perhaps?).

Runnish Fish would suggest Uktena
Apr 11, 2023 4:13 pm
Misha will be ill-inclined towards overbearing totems. Just like she doesn't want to hear the elders, she doesn't want to be told what to do by a spirit. She'd be inclined to follow a spirit that promotes freedom or rebellion. Isthmene or The Monkey King would fit her really well for example. Spirits promoting pride may also work. But if nothing else, she can follow a spirit that is mellow/neutral. Granite and Mammoth above for example and General Lee or Great Trash Heap if Rat Food suggests them. Sphinx-of-War might be cool too so we can become goth vampire hunters.
Apr 11, 2023 4:40 pm
I know nothing of sphinx of War but Diana definitely has reasons to be onboard with vampire hunting. She will protest the fashion though if that is mandatory :p
Apr 13, 2023 2:08 am
Alright. Final picks.

1. Coyote
2. Owl
3. Rat
Apr 13, 2023 2:16 am
Final pick for me
3. Rat
Apr 13, 2023 2:21 am
Ohhh good idea picking 3; I can use a whole point system decision matrix.
Apr 13, 2023 10:06 am
Let's say:
Sphinx of war
Rat (Just to make Diana's day worse :p)
Last edited Apr 13, 2023 11:21 am
Apr 13, 2023 11:04 am
Here are the Totems I mentioned if anyone is not familiar with them:

The Monkey King
The Monkey King is an ancient spirit, favored by the Boli Zouhisze but also popular among some Western packs. Hatched from a Stone Egg, this spirit was originally not a king but merely a monkey, albeit one made from stone. But the nature of Monkey was irrepressible, and soon he had studied under a Taoist wizard to learn the 72 transformations. Still not satisfied, he confronted Heaven and demanded an office, and when he was cheated into becoming a stable hand, he fought Heaven itself and was only defeated when tricked by the Buddha. The King of Monkeys. The Great Sage. Equal to Heaven. God of Victorious Strife. The Monkey King is both student and warrior, both the trickster and the tricked. He is a powerful totem, who champions rebellion and learning.
Traits & Ban

Background Cost: 8

Traits: A stealthy escape artist, teaches his students the Gifts "Blur of the Milky Eye" and "Open Seal", and they receive a -2 difficulty bonus on all evasion or escape rolls. They may also purchase Doppelganger as a Level 3 Gift, and may learn Speed of Thought as though it was a Glass Walkers Gift. Having learned under the Taoist wizard, the Monkey King is an excellent teacher and his students may purchase Abilities with one less experience point than normal. (minimum one)

Ban: Monkey King is a rebel spirit, and demands that his students never stand for the curtailing of another's freedom. Although he allows for imprisonment of servants of the Centipede (Wyrm) he will not tolerate forcing a spirit into servitude within a Fetish. This also includes human's rights, and he is fond of Glass Walkers interested in political causes such as freedom of speech or oppressed peoples. The Monkey King also never forgot the monkeys whom he first ruled, his students lose Honor if they abandon someone they have befriended or are responsible for.
So a big package of advantages for the entire pack (it's an expensive totem for that reason I think) and a totem that's dedicated to freedom and challenging traditions. Considering the story, breaking with old Garou traditions might be quite thematic for us.

The Egyptians called Sphinx by the name Aker and venerated him as the guardian of the Horizon: the dividing line between day and night, and between the worlds of the living and the dead. But even the humans knew that Sphinx was not "their" god; Sphinx existed long before human worship began. He was a powerful chthonic entity, a force of nature, a vital part of the order of the cosmos. As guardian of the lands of the dead, Sphinx despises ghosts and vampires that defy the natural progression of life and worse, wreak havoc among the living. It is also Sphinx’s charge to guard the severed coils of Apep – the Wyrm – so that the enemy cannot regain his power.

Background Cost: 8


Individual Traits: Children of Sphinx may cross the Gauntlet into the Dark Umbra at the setting of the sun (as though they used the rite Descend into the Dark Umbra, with no blood sacrifice required). The difficulty of mind- or emotion-affecting powers used by the dead or undead is increased by 2 against children of Sphinx.
Pack Traits: Once per lunar year that a pack follows Sphinx, the pack may call upon their totem to seize one already defeated, Wyrm-tainted foe (or part of one). That enemy (or part of that enemy) is spirited away to Sphinx’s Umbral realm, and it will never return (or re-grow).


Children of Sphinx must return dead creatures to the land of the dead. Period. They are not required to destroy them or defeat them, but the dead must remain where the dead belong.
Another expensive one, but it opens up the narrative to vampires and ghosts.

Anyhow, here's my picks:

1. The Monkey King
2. Sphinx-of-War
3. Mammoth

Rat is cool and all, especially for a Gnawer, but been there done that. :)
Apr 13, 2023 11:23 am
Telling Diana she can hunt vampires might make her less sulky.

Edited my choice above so not to confuse with two sets.
Apr 13, 2023 2:56 pm
Monkey King would be my second pick... except for my fetish. Lol
Apr 15, 2023 12:18 am
Totems Points
5 points for 1st choice, 3 for second, 1 for third

Mammoth 9
Owl 8
Sphinx of War 6
Coyote 5
Monkey King 5
Rat 3

Pending Paul/@Phil_Ozzy_Fer on this vote with Owl and Sphinx war in the lead barely edging Mammoth, while rat rounds out as "acceptable to a lot of people, desirable to none" with three third place votes
Apr 15, 2023 12:33 am
I calculate Mammoth at 9? (1 of each 1st, 2nd and 3rd)

Not that I am being biased :p

Happy for any of the top 3 in the end.
Apr 15, 2023 12:43 am
Doh; I flubbed that. Mammoth corrected to leading at 9; it's Sphinx of War with two second place for 6
Apr 17, 2023 2:59 pm
Sorry, I've been holding back because of the discussion over who would be alpha. Now that we know, I'd vote Owl, but I also want to extensive debate. Mammoth fight the us better since our alpha is a hothead. So put Paul behind "Mammoth"
Last edited Apr 17, 2023 2:59 pm
Apr 17, 2023 3:26 pm
Not surprised Mammoth won, but I can't say I'm excited about it. 🤷 lol

Patrick gets 2 dots of enigmas out of it, so that's something at least.
Last edited Apr 17, 2023 3:28 pm
Apr 18, 2023 12:40 am
Just because you are the only one to whom 2 dots of strength doesn't sound awesome lol
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