Exam: Chamber 1 (OOC)

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Apr 10, 2023 10:48 am
Out of character chatter about Exam: Chamber 1 can go here to avoid cluttering up the Roleplay thread with discussions.
If you don't require an answer, use the OOC tag in your posts in the Roleplay thread to clarify what you are trying to do, or make suggestions.
This is for longer questions and answers related to that Roleplay, general rules questions can go in General Chat or here depending on the question.

Add a link back to the post in question so we can have context. After posting you can right-click on the orange header and select 'copy link address' (or whatever your browser calls it), then paste that into your OOC post.
Apr 10, 2023 10:49 am
When and how to Roll:
Narrate your character's action up until the point were there is doubt about the outcome, then we can talk about if there is need for a roll, and what sort it is (we will get a feel for this, and it will, mostly, become obvious after a bit of play).

Add the relevant roll (in a new post or in the one that triggered it), then, based on the final results --and taking any help from your companions into account-- continue the narrative in a new post.
Apr 11, 2023 8:30 am
Waiting for the final GM decision, but looks like pretty bad 😅 So spectacularly bad immediately sounds like setting the kitchen on fire but, given I'm trying to cool it down, maybe I can lower it to glacial temperatures instead and actually freeze the fire solid?

That happening, probably should to shapeshift into something cold as well due to the wild surge
[ +- ] frozen
Apr 11, 2023 11:24 am
@The_Librarian: If you want to just eat and see what comes of it, you are welcome to. Else you could maybe roll:
rules says:
Hunch: You sorta get a sense for what someone else is thinking, or get a hint at what to do next.
and then decide. If you roll well, whatever you choose will be right, if you roll badly, whatever you choose will be the wrong thing (I don't know yet if the food is 'safe':).
Apr 11, 2023 11:28 am
CESN says:
(OOC in RP)... both skills start at the same level so I’ll just roll ...
It does matter what you are rolling, the mechanical outcomes and consequences are different depending on which it is.
CESN says:
(OOC in RP)... Looks like wizardry ...
You only know the listed spells, so you only roll Wizard when you are casting one of them, everything is risky Wild. But this 'control flame ritual' could easily be Frost-Nip with a pompous name?
CESN says:
(OOC in RP)... +1 from prop won’t help me ...
No, but using your prop allows you to choose to Add 1 to Wizard or Subtract 1 from Wild (it does not modify the rolls), so, since you used it before casting, you can make that change if you want. It won't make a difference in this case since 4 is still lower than the 5 you rolled.
CESN says:
... Waiting for the final GM decision ...
The dice have spoken.
rules says:
5-6: The spell fails dramatically. Describe the outcome and add 1 to Wild.
CESN says:
... That happening, probably should to shapeshift into something cold as well due to the wild surge ...
You get to describe the failure, so go for it if you want that to come up, you will have to deal with that problem quite quickly else risk drawing attention.

Maybe keep the consequences limited to yourself rather than the room for now? We don't need two new issues right away. :)
Apr 11, 2023 12:04 pm
totally forgot about the spell list 😅

freezing myself would definitely fit Frost-Nip
Last edited April 11, 2023 12:08 pm
Apr 11, 2023 12:05 pm
CESN says:
freezing myself would definitely fit Frost-Nip
Well... a Frost-Nip failure, yeah. :)

Don't forget to add 1 to your Wild Stat.
Apr 11, 2023 12:08 pm
vagueGM says:
No, but using your prop allows you to choose to Add 1 to Wizard or Subtract 1 from Wild (it does not modify the rolls), so, since you used it before casting, you can make that change if you want.
Is this permanent by the way? Why would I want to decrease my Wild temporarily if it can only make me fail and get wilder?
Apr 11, 2023 12:20 pm
CESN says:
... Is this permanent by the way? ...
No, the Stats are fluid. They constantly increase and decrease.
CESN says:
... Why would I want to decrease my Wild ...
If your Wild is at 6 you can't cast Wild Spells. If your Wild ever goes higher than 6 you fail, that is game over.

Props are one way to save you from that. The other way to bring down your Wild is to cast a Wizard Spell when your Wild is locked at 6. However when your Stat is at 6 you can't use that Stat, so if bother your Wild and your Wizard even end up at 6 your Props are the only way for you to lower Wild so you can cast Wild to lower your Wizard.

The whole game is about balancing those Wild and Wizard Stats.

There is no limit on the number of times you can use your Props, but they could be destroyed or damaged if they are used too much (simple abuse prevention:). Use the fiction to guide when they are appropriate (in this case it looked --to any unseen observers-- like you were looking up a spell, which looks very much like what a Wizard would do, so that hides your Wild nature, so it seems like a completely reasonable use of the Prop).
Apr 11, 2023 12:27 pm
right, I think I got that. I will say I used it for RP purposes now, as I'll probably be referring to it a lot of times (as part of the character MO) and get the benefit at a later time so I'm not always using its bonuses
Apr 11, 2023 12:41 pm
CESN says:
... I'll probably be referring to it a lot of times (as part of the character MO) and get the benefit at a later time so I'm not always using its bonuses
Yeah, a spell book is an easy Prop to work in, but it also takes time, and there might not always be time to use it convincingly. A Pocket Full of Glitter --for instance-- takes almost no time at all, but would reasonably run out if used too much. Being 'reasonable' balances most of the Props, I am not stressed.
Apr 11, 2023 12:42 pm
CESN says:
(OOC in RP) From how I read it, it only gets suspicious once wild is higher than 6
Any Wild value at all will be 'suspicious' if it ever goes over 6 that is an immediate failure and we end the game.
CESN says:
(OOC in RP) ... I'll wait for someone to point out what happened ...
Cool... (um, sorry, was that insensitive?:)
Apr 11, 2023 1:05 pm
vagueGM says:
Cool... (um, sorry, was that insensitive?:)
🥶 🤣🤣
Apr 11, 2023 9:04 pm
Tickettbror says:
(in RP) ... they think of the spell best suited to cooking their fish. The current task at hand is somewhat forgotten.
It does not sound like you are helping with the task, so I am not sure that you need to roll anything just for that. There are open fires, hot pots, and griddles and such if you want to cook it in a mundane way (but what sort of cat are your?! Cats don't cook their fish!:).

The closes Wizard Spell would be:
rules says:
Singe: You produce a small flame, like a built-in lighter.
and that would not cook food any better than a lighter would.

If you want to cook the fish using magic, then it would probably be a 'Wild Spell' --which can be any effect of your choosing. If so, describe what you are doing and roll Wild.
If you want another PC to, maybe, shout at you and get you to help the team, let us know. Don't expect us to force your character without your express permission.
Apr 12, 2023 2:09 pm
@nezzeraj, a 3 is equal to your Wild Stat, so that is a success. If you are able to make this look like 'proper magic' or hide that your are using Wild, then all is good, else you need to add 1 to your Wild Stat.

What are you doing? Using the gloves as 'oven mits' so you can touch things? Trying to cool the oven down to the correct temperature so the bread can finish baking and not burn? Something else?
nezzeraj says:
(OOC in RP)... My class doesn't cast magic, I just have random magic items that have the same effects of spells, so I have a pair of "frost-nip" gloves.
Sure, your Wild Spells are from the stuff you have collected, but you do also know a few 'real wizard spells' that you actually can cast 'properly'. (Frost-Nip is one of those spells.)
Apr 12, 2023 7:16 pm
I copied the wizard spells we know to my sheet so I can share them here for easy access.
Hunch - You sorta get a sense for what someone else is thinking, or get a hint at what to do next.

Frost-nip - You shoot a beam of cold air at your enemies, making them chilly.

Singe - You produce a small flame, like a built-in lighter.

Harm - You hurl a tiny ball of magical force, like throwing a pop-it firework.

Transmogrify - Turn a small amount of non-magical material into a slightly different one.

Shield- You create a small force field, although it shatters after one hit.

Slowish fall- Maybe now you won’t break your legs.

Slime- You conjure a ball of goop. Gross!

Simple illusion - Make a thing look like something else, if you squint.

Acid- You produce a small stream of weak acid. Put it over some baking soda for a winning science fair project
Apr 12, 2023 7:21 pm
vagueGM says:
If you want another PC to, maybe, shout at you and get you to help the team, let us know. Don't expect us to force your character without your express permission.
Don't worry, I'm just doing some in character stuff.
Apr 13, 2023 1:32 am
The_Librarian says:
(in RP)... gentle rain around the fire to extinguish it. (I think that's a wizard roll)
Unles it is one of the official Wizard spells (as listed above) you will need to use your Wild magic to achieve your goal.

A 2 is a success, so go ahead and describe what happens. Either show us how you make it look like you are using Wizard Magic, or increase your Wild Stat.
Apr 13, 2023 4:21 am
Yeah using the gloves as oven mitts to take the bread out of the oven before it burns.
Apr 13, 2023 4:23 am
nezzeraj says:
Yeah using the gloves as oven mitts to take the bread out of the oven before it burns.
Cool. You doing anything to make it look like you are using allowed magic? If not, increase your Wild.

Either way, it works, so do it.
Apr 13, 2023 4:30 am
I'm not sure if in the world using magic items counts as using allowed magic. If my character is unsure then he'll make ice cover his hands which hide the mittens.
Apr 13, 2023 4:41 am
nezzeraj says:
I'm not sure if in the world using magic items counts as using allowed magic ...
Yeah, the mechanics kinda clash with that, which is a pain. To keep the world consistent maybe you are not supposed to use preexisting items during the test, since they are being tested on your ability to do magic? So you could, maybe, make it look like you, right now, created the item with magic (that should be fine?), but I am not sure how you would do that.

For now, we can say your apparent ice-covered hands is good enough, but you may need to do more later once they start to pick up on that pattern.
Apr 13, 2023 7:06 am
Ok sounds good!
Apr 13, 2023 12:59 pm
bowlofspinach says:
(OOC in RP)... Sorry, I was waiting for a response to my post / request to roll. But it seems everyone's just rolling freely, so I'll do that as well.
Hopefully not waiting for me? If so, whoops, I was also waiting for more on that conversation and had not noticed that you were wanting to roll, sorry. :)
Apr 13, 2023 1:00 pm
CESN says:
(in RP)... control the heat with another force field ...
That seem to work. Nicely done. :)

Since you are not actually using the weak Shield Spell, it can last long enough get the job done. Describe it.

It does look like a stronger Shield Spell, so they believe you are using Wizard, so no change of Stats.
CESN says:
(OOC in RP)... Abigail’s little rain spell (transmogrify?) ...
You interpreting
spell desctiption says:
Transmogrify: Turn a small amount of non-magical material into a slightly different one.
here to be 'turning a small amount of non-magical air into slightly damper air'? That could make sense if that is really what we want, though I still think it might be better as a Wild Spell instead. Either way it worked, since both stats are currently better than the 2 on the dice.
Apr 13, 2023 1:02 pm
The_Librarian says:
(in RP)... Calling on her druid skills ...
It sounds like you are using your (Wild) druid magic for this and not Wizard as mentioned in the roll? If so: do you think you made it look enough like a Wizard Spell to fool the unseen-watchers? If not: add 1 to your Wild Stat.

Either way, describe what happens. I am not sure which oven/stove you are working on, we seem to have the bread and the
soup, maybe your best results would be with the bread if Hooligander waited for you? Then we can say that it is perfectly cooked, else it might be a bit doughy in the middle from being taken out early? Up to you.
Apr 13, 2023 1:33 pm
vagueGM says:
bowlofspinach says:
(OOC in RP)... Sorry, I was waiting for a response to my post / request to roll. But it seems everyone's just rolling freely, so I'll do that as well.
Hopefully not waiting for me? If so, whoops, I was also waiting for more on that conversation and had not noticed that you were wanting to roll, sorry. :)
Yeah, looking back, my post then wasn't as clear about my intentions as in my head.
Apr 13, 2023 1:39 pm
Isn't that always the case. We know that what we mean. :)
Apr 13, 2023 2:41 pm
what about Abbys's rain?
Apr 13, 2023 2:47 pm
The_Librarian says:
what about Abbys's rain?
I am assuming that is what you rolled in your earlier post? You got a 2, so you succeed, but I am not sure what you are doing with that effect. We also need to work out if you were casting a Wizard Spell (as indicated in your initial post) or a druid spell suggested in your latest.

See my question above for a bit more detail.
Apr 13, 2023 3:14 pm
overlapping posts. Sorry....I'd say weird since it isn't kn the spell list. And whichever fire appears to be hottest or under the least control is the one she casts on
Apr 13, 2023 3:17 pm
The_Librarian says:
... whichever fire appears to be hottest or under the least control is the one she casts on
What are you wanting to do? Generally cool the room? That is a viable and valuable effect as well if you are not working with the soup or the bread.
Apr 13, 2023 6:26 pm
yes trying to cool the room.
Apr 13, 2023 7:12 pm
The_Librarian says:
yes trying to cool the room.
Cool, that works (2) and helps everyone.

Can you describe it in a bit more detail? Or should we just assume it happened and move on, then I will include it in the next framing?
Apr 13, 2023 7:13 pm
@Tickettbror: We can wait to see if anyone acts to save some of the soup (it does not sound like Catin is doing that (through cat-like reflexes?)) and then see how you can clean up (which might help if the dice agree), but we can also assume those things are happening at the same time and you can tell us what you are doing to help the situation without waiting for others.
Apr 13, 2023 7:23 pm
Since Catin wasn't entirely paying attention I'm happy to have someone move in before Catin, otherwise they'll be attempting to use summon familiar to split some of them off from the group to eat the soup
Apr 13, 2023 7:29 pm
Tickettbror says:
... I'm happy to have someone move in before Catin ...
Cool, though, in PbP it is not always necessary to wait for others to post what they did before you acted. We can assume that most of these things are happening at the same time, and even add stage direction like "right before so-and-so did that..."
Tickettbror says:
... use summon familiar to split some of them off from the group to eat the soup ...
That sounds like Wild. Go ahead and describe it, roll it, and then describe the result. If you can make it look like an official 'summon familiar' spell, then they will believe you are using Wizard (if all goes well).

Do you need any help with any of that?
Apr 14, 2023 12:38 am
at this point let's assume it happened. the posts are fast and furious here. not that that is a bad thing.
Apr 14, 2023 12:45 am
No problem.
Apr 18, 2023 7:32 pm
@CESN: Are you needing anything from me or anyone else before you follow on from your Successful Hunch based search of your book?

Are you expecting to actually find a relevant spell in your Massive Tome?
Are you looking for a Wizard Spell in there? You won't be able to cast it since you can only cast the Wizard Spells on the list.
Or are you looking for a spell that you can pretend to cast while using Wild Magic instead? That would probably have worked even without the Hunch, but this risk does guarantee the disguise.
Are you trying to justify its use as a Prop? Done, you can Add 1 to Wizard or Subtract 1 from Wild as you choose.

If you were wanting something else from the Hunch, let us know.

Since you successfully cast a Wizard Spell (Hunch) don't forget to add 1 to your Wizard Stat.
Apr 19, 2023 8:33 am
Since we're testing the system, I wanted to get some insight on what to do next just to try the Hunch spell (You sorta get a sense for what someone else is thinking, or get a hint at what to do next).

Reading through the massive tome (It's a dry but comprehensive encyclopedia) was more like an RP ritual casting. Maybe the spell just makes the encyclopedia open at the right page and it sorta get a hint at what to do next?
Apr 19, 2023 12:38 pm
OK. Summary as a Hunch? :)

Hope that helps.
Apr 19, 2023 1:38 pm
CESN says:
(OOC in RP)... assuming my previous shield spell is still on. If I need to re-cast it or make it wild ...
Your previous Shield was Wild.

You described it as 'short', though, so maybe you need to recast it to cover a person and extend that far? You have also cast other spells since then, but were also thinking about shield spell variants so you had that spell in mind. If you think you could keep that Shield spell going on the appetisers while searching your book and casting Hunch (a Wizard Spell, so hard for you guys?), then we can say it is still up.

If you need to cast it again, I don't see any need for editing the text, just add the roll. Maybe you need to roll Wild to change the shape of the spell?
Is someone else going to take over preparing the appetisers? Else you could finish the job you started and someone else can use your advice to Shield or cool themselves?
Apr 19, 2023 2:05 pm
vagueGM says:
If you need to cast it again, I don't see any need for editing the text, just add the roll. Maybe you need to roll Wild to change the shape of the spell?
Well, it may fail xD And if I cast wild, I may give it extra power anyway (shield being just the wizardry disguise)
Apr 20, 2023 12:59 am
The_Librarian says:
(in RP) ... attempts to put together a charcuterie board with the veggies and some cheese, occasionally nibbling and tasting the blood juice of the veggie bits that she cuts off because they're too large for the board.
assuming its a weird roll...
Charcuterie? In this heat? :)
I am not sure what you are rolling for, though. What effect are you trying to achieve?
the book says:
Wild Spells

Every character also has Wild spells based on their class. Wild spells refer to any significant use of power, even if they aren't "spells" in a traditional sense. If you're not sure if something should be considered a spell, a good rule of thumb is to only roll when a failed outcome is just as interesting as a successful one.
Apr 20, 2023 1:29 pm
CESN says:
(OOC in RP)... I cast glacier freeze on everything! ...
That works. Describe it.
Apr 20, 2023 10:02 pm
thought wild was used for anything not magic. guess I don't need to roll. just veggies then....and maybe some.of.the rescued bread
Apr 21, 2023 4:18 am
Well, Wild is for your particular brand of non-approved magic. Which, for me, is punching things.
Apr 21, 2023 3:37 pm
The Wild Stat does sorta cover everything that is not actual Wizard Magic, but we don't have to roll for things that don't drive the story or have interesting consequence on a fail.

On the other hand, not using 'Magic' in a Magic test will draw the attention of the examiners. I don't want to model that as forcing an increase in Wild (the mechanic for such scrutiny), but the more suspicious they are the closer they will watch, and the harder it will be to disguise your actions as Wizard Magic, so that will drive the Wild Stat up as we play.
Apr 21, 2023 3:39 pm
@CESN, I ran with your suggestion that is may now be too cold [ref]. I hope you don't mind.
Apr 21, 2023 6:07 pm
Okay, I just tried to save the bread and dramatically failed my spell. I already screwed up the soup, so I don't want to decide that I'm ruining the bread as well, since that might well mean we fail the whole game 😅
Thoughts? How should this resolve?
Apr 21, 2023 11:10 pm
bowlofspinach says:
... Alaks is a terrible wizard ...
But definitely still a Wizard, though, right?
bowlofspinach says:
... I just tried to save the bread and dramatically failed ... I don't want to decide that I'm ruining the bread as well, since that might well mean we fail the whole game ...
The bread was already a tad doughy, all you two have done is dampened and then singed the crust a bit. You can save enough to still make a slice or two for the plan. Hopefully that will be enough.

The real consequence of the failure (the only one the rules call for) is the increase in Wild. Which for you is particularly bad since you will need to succeed at a impossible Wizard roll to get get it down when it reaches 6... soon.
Apr 22, 2023 9:36 am
vagueGM says:
@CESN, I ran with your suggestion that is may now be too cold [ref]. I hope you don't mind.
totally, it's probably not completely harmful because the roll succeeded, but I like the messy side effect :D
bowlofspinach says:
I don't want to decide that I'm ruining the bread as well, since that might well mean we fail the whole game 😅
ahah go for it! the examiners will probably put it down to "exam nervousness" :D
Apr 22, 2023 3:45 pm
CESN says:
... it's probably not completely harmful because the roll succeeded, but I like the messy side effect ...
Being a success it should, on balance, be a positive, which I think it was. Everybody can now get in and finish this test, and the veggies might be nicely crisped.

In truth, I merely meant it to spur everyone to move, not to be an obstacle that needed fixing. I should have been more clear.

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