@CESN: Are you needing anything from me or anyone else before you follow on from your Successful Hunch based
search of your book?
Are you expecting to actually find a relevant spell in your Massive Tome?
Are you looking for a Wizard Spell in there? You won't be able to cast it since you can only cast the Wizard Spells on the list.
Or are you looking for a spell that you can pretend to cast while using Wild Magic instead? That would probably have worked even without the Hunch, but this risk does guarantee the disguise.
Are you trying to justify its use as a Prop? Done, you can Add 1 to Wizard or Subtract 1 from Wild as you choose.
If you were wanting something else from the Hunch, let us know.
Since you successfully cast a Wizard Spell (Hunch) don't forget to
add 1 to your Wizard Stat.