Apr 10, 2023 11:59 pm
✅ The Game. https://tatooka.itch.io/24xx-dying-sun ... a rules lite, fast playing take on a harsh desert world with a dying sun, where magic defiles the wastelands.
✅ The Pitch. Your master was Sirboss. He promised you manumission in his will. Now he's been brutally murdered and his will has disappeared. His scheming nephew, Worliss, wants the city's demon prince Yawg to approve a "true copy" of the will that would give Worliss possession of you all. Can you clear your names of murder? Can you pin it on Worliss? Can you find the real will? How long until the demon prince's bureaucrats approve Worliss' fake testament?
✅ Adult Content or Controversial Themes. Slavery. Violence. No sex.
✅ Character Restrictions. The rules offer three classes.
✅ Game Duration and Post Frequency. This game has a beginning, a middle, and I can think of three possible end conditions: you're re-enslaved, or you're freed as citizens, or you flee the city and kill all those who pursue you.
✅ Specialized Software and Resources. None.
✅ Player Experience Requirements. Mature topics, seeking mature players.
✅ How to Apply. Apply in this thread. Link to a post you've made that showcases your writing abilities and tone.
✅ Welcome Marginalized Groups. Yes.
✅ The Pitch. Your master was Sirboss. He promised you manumission in his will. Now he's been brutally murdered and his will has disappeared. His scheming nephew, Worliss, wants the city's demon prince Yawg to approve a "true copy" of the will that would give Worliss possession of you all. Can you clear your names of murder? Can you pin it on Worliss? Can you find the real will? How long until the demon prince's bureaucrats approve Worliss' fake testament?
✅ Adult Content or Controversial Themes. Slavery. Violence. No sex.
✅ Character Restrictions. The rules offer three classes.
✅ Game Duration and Post Frequency. This game has a beginning, a middle, and I can think of three possible end conditions: you're re-enslaved, or you're freed as citizens, or you flee the city and kill all those who pursue you.
✅ Specialized Software and Resources. None.
✅ Player Experience Requirements. Mature topics, seeking mature players.
✅ How to Apply. Apply in this thread. Link to a post you've made that showcases your writing abilities and tone.
✅ Welcome Marginalized Groups. Yes.