Admiral's Story

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Jun 1, 2023 4:20 am
Pushing back your instinct to pick up a glowing rock and longing greatly for rest, you step into the mouth of the cave.

Less rocks glow before you in inside the cavern. Something doesn't seem right to you and you pause you steps, puzzled..."Why rest when there is gold to be taken? I have to find the key. Can't sleep now," you think to yourself.

You consider pressing on but hear Dharzal's voice calling to you. You turn and see him just outside the cave waving his hands. He shouts, "Admiral, Admiral! Captain! Captain!! Captain!!!"

Being called captain repeatedly brings your senses back into the reality of the moment.

You see Taresh standing inside the mouth of the crystal cavern calling to you.
Phew...sweet wisdom save roll!
Jun 2, 2023 12:12 am
A shiver runs down Admiral’s spine. That was a close one. He fixes his attention on Taresh to keep himself from being swept up in the dream again. "…Thanks," he says. His throat feels tight and his voice is thick with emotion. He looks off into the darkness, then back to Taresh and Skeev. They must cross this cavern one way or another, so he clears his throat and tells his companions: "Follow me, but be careful. You were right. This place plays tricks on the mind."
Jun 10, 2023 4:31 am
Some rolls...

This is to check what Admiral and his companions instincts tell them about the celestite crystals. Admiral and Taresh have adavntage. Admiral, because of his recent dream state experience. Taresh, because of the suspicions he had about the area already and because of his monk-related understanding of focus and the mind. And Skeev--even though he already nearly fell prey to the dream state lure when Taresh snapped him out of it earlier--I'm not giving advantage because, well, he's Skeev.


Taresh: Wisdom Check (DC 15) - (2d20H1+2)

(715) + 2 = 17

Skeev: Wisdom Check (DC 15) - (1d20+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Admiral: Wisdom check (DC 15) (advantage) - (2d20H1+1)

(184) + 1 = 19

Jun 10, 2023 4:51 am
Admiral and Taresh both succeed in their Wisdom check and understand the nature of the crystals. Skeev on the other hand suitingly rolled a critical failure. HA!
Your companions follow you into the area of dense celestite crystals and you begin to lead them through. The sound the crystals emit becomes intense. Now each once seems to hums loudly. Taresh's curiosity gets the best of him and he reaches out and touches one. All the sound stops. He removes his hand and the sound continues.

"Captain," he says. "I believe the crystals have a connection with the Nightmare's ability to influence the minds of its prey."

You feel that the monk is right. And you further believe that in your dream state a force--perhaps the Nightmare itself--was trying to dissuade you from taking a crystal. You think the rocks in your trance were actually the crystals in this cave.

The goblin interjects, "No! Don't touch those things! The Nightmare will probably know we're here now!"
Jun 11, 2023 11:27 am
Admiral swipes a small fragment of crystal off the ground and inspects it closely. "I think you’re right, Taresh. In my vision, something – the Nightmare, maybe – didn’t want me touching these." He pockets the crystal fragment and picks up a few more. "I say we collect a few pieces and bring them with us. They may be useful… or valuable."
Jun 11, 2023 5:47 pm
Taresh takes your lead and grabs some fragments. After he pockets some for himself, he picks up a few and hands them to Skeev. "Take these Skeev," he says. "Do not worry, I believe, when in our possession, the crystals may hinder the mind-predator's ability to probe our thoughts and use them to lure us to this rotting heap you speak of." The goblin nods and apprehensively takes the celestite fragments.

When you touch the crystal shards they seem to stop vibrating and their hum ceases. But when they are in your pouches you can feel their vibration and hear them contribute to the humming sound all around. You believe, while in your hand--or around your neck, if you were to fashion a necklace somehow or something of the like--they can shield your mind from the Nightmare's probe. They are likely linked to the reason why the creature has gained psychic ability in the first place.
The shards, when touching a creature's skin give that creature a +3 bonus to charm, sleep, and psychic probing type saves.
Jun 12, 2023 5:33 am
Admiral decides he'll take the time to fashion one of the crystal pieces into a necklace or something later, but for now just slips a small piece of the crystal up his sleeve so that it presses against his arm and continues leading his companions toward the source of the rotting smell.
Jun 12, 2023 6:45 am
Your companions follow your lead. Taresh rips a piece off his already tattered shirt, ties it around his forearm, then tucks a crystal shard under it. Skeev shrugs and slips a couple pieces into his boots.

As you lead your companions on the celestite gets slightly less dense in the natural cave, but with each step the smell of rotting flesh gets stronger. The cavern is far wider and higher than the tunnels the Nightmare ripped through the stone. The smell is repulsive and becomes so strong it starts to seem like a physical barrier you force yourself to push through. It takes effort to keep yourself from gagging on the nauseating air.

Taresh coughs again, fighting back another fit.
continued after roll...


Taresh Constitution Save (DC 10) - (1d20+1)

(13) + 1 = 14

Jun 12, 2023 7:02 am
The monk manages to hold back the fit and keep himself under control. He continues on exercising conscious controlled breathing.

After about 10 minutes of walking further you realize that the smell isn't so bad anymore, And you wonder how long the air has been clear. In fact, you don't really smell rot at all. There even seems to be a calming breeze blowing through the cave. It's restful and reminds you of sea air on a calm night docked off shore.
Please make a Wisdom Save. Don't forget to add +3 for the crystal up your sleeve.


Taresh Wisdom Save (DC 15) - (1d20+2+3)

(17) + 5 = 22

Skeev: Wisdom Check (DC 15) - (1d20+2+3)

(13) + 5 = 18

Jun 12, 2023 10:12 am
Wisdom save!


Wisdom save - (1d20+3+3)

(12) + 6 = 18

Jun 12, 2023 4:54 pm
You push on ahead remembering to be wary of your sight and smell. You keep the thought that this is the Nightmare's domain and that the smell of its rot was indeed undeniably apparent no matter what your senses may be telling you.

The cavern bends slightly and you see ahead the beautiful glitter of gold...and mounds of it! And in it's center a peaceful looking moss covered place to rest.

You push the thought that this IS the Nightmare's domain to the forefront of your mind and look again...

A flood of rotting stench overwhelms you as you realize the horrible reality of what is before you. The gold is nothing but rubble, probably accumulated by the Nightmare itself. In the center of the mess is a ghastly mound of bodies probably about 10' high and 20' wide, those closest to the bottom are formless and mashed together in decay. Hundreds of small many-legged centipede type insects crawl in and around the base of the pile. The bodies on the top look fresh and retain their form. There are humans and goblins alike, all figures stripped down to flesh, with no gear or clothing.

Around the rotting heap, in the rubble piles, weapons, armor, pouches, gems, belts, boots, and various other items can be seen strewn through the ruble. Some items look as if they have been discarded long ago; some look less weathered; others slightly protrude suggesting that things may be buried under the stone mess.

You also notice large cocoons or eggs of some sort attached to the cavern wall near the heap.
Please pass a Constitution check (DC 8) or be subject to disadvantage on rolls involving Intelligence or Wisdom while close to this heap. This is due to the mental distraction the inescapable stench will cause if Admiral's fortitude can't take it.
Jun 13, 2023 10:09 am
Admiral grits his teeth and cautiously approaches the heap, looking for the body of the hound amid the mountain of decaying corpses.


Constitution check - (1d20+1)

(9) + 1 = 10

Perception - (1d20+3)

(8) + 3 = 11

Jun 13, 2023 3:48 pm
When you get closer to the heap many insects scatter into the rubble. Others continue to crawl on the heap. Now further into the lair you notice that the cavern continues on beyond the heap. Taresh and Skeev both start searching the rubble and area for signs of the Hound's belongings.
continued after some rolls...


Taresh: Constitution Save (DC 8) - (1d20+1)

(19) + 1 = 20

Skeev: Constitution Save (DC 8) - (2d20H1+4)

(1815) + 4 = 22

Admiral: Investigation - (1d20+0)

(15) = 15

Taresh: Investigation - (1d20+0)

(10) = 10

Skeev: Investigation - (1d20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Taresh: Perception - (1d20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Skeev: Perception - (1d20+6)

(9) + 6 = 15

Secret Roll - (1d20-1)

(16) - 1 = 15

Jun 13, 2023 4:06 pm
You spot some corpses that are not yet decayed or at least not very decayed near the top of the heap. These are goblin corpses except for a human male. The corpses are bare, with no items on them. Convinced that the dead human is the Hound, and seeing there is nothing on the body you turn your attention to your companions.

Taresh calmly stands still near a rubble pile. His eyes meticulously surveying the mound. As you look at Skeev he moves from one spot he searched to another. Kicking aside insects and rocks he reveals a green gem. He snatches it and holds it up to admire it with a pleased grin. You are amazed that the goblin doesn't seem very phased by the horrible stench.

Skeev is just about to slip the gem into his pouch when his expression instantly shifts from satisfaction to dreadful fear. His face turns pale. The gem falls from his grasp to the rubble. He shouts' "I hear it. The Nightmare! It's coming. Beyond the heap."
Please roll for intitiative.
Jun 14, 2023 8:06 am
Admiral adjusts his grip on his swords, readying himself for a fight. "Remember what I said, Skeev! Your job is to find the key."
Last edited June 14, 2023 8:07 am


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Jun 14, 2023 10:34 am
Some more initiative rolls...
Initiative order:


Skeev: Initiative - (1d20+3)

(7) + 3 = 10

Taresh: Initiative - (1d20+3)

(17) + 3 = 20

Nightmare: Initiative - (1d20-1)

(1) - 1 = 0

Jun 14, 2023 10:50 am
Taresh responds quickly to Skeev's warning and leaps up on a high point of the rubble. As soon as he makes out the Nightmare and it moves into range, he raises his arm and a firebolt projects from his outstretched fingers toward the beast. The bolt misses and blasts into a crystal stalagmite directly in front of the oncoming creature.

Skeev already responded to your words and stealthy slipped out of sight between mounds.
Note: The party has been traveling through the Nightmare tunnels and crystal caverns for about 35 minutes. Therefore, I believe fiendish vigor/false life would still be in effect as it has an hour duration.

Admiral is up next...
Admiral--Current HP: 27, Temp HP: 7, Spell Slots: 0/2, Current PP: 3, Pact Tally: 12/400
Taresh--Current HP: 45, Temp HP: 0. Ki: 7
Skeev--Current HP: 31, Temp HP: 0
Nightmare--Current HP: 75


Taresh: Firebolt Attack - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Taresh: Firebolt Damage - (1d10)

(10) = 10

Jun 14, 2023 12:27 pm
Admiral can feel the spell he placed on the hound lingering in the human’s corpse at the top of the rotting heap of flesh. As soon as the Nightmare comes into view, he redirects that power, focusing his ire on the monster in front of him as he attempts to blast it in the face (if that hideous toothy maw could even be called a face) with a beam of crackling energy.
Moving Hex from the hound to the Nightmare as a bonus action and hitting it with an eldritch blast as an action

...Or trying to anyway :P
Last edited June 14, 2023 12:39 pm


Eldritch Blast (to hit) - (1d20+5)

(4) + 5 = 9

Eldritch Blast (damage) - (1d10)

(9) = 9

Hex damage - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Jun 14, 2023 1:49 pm
I think the hex is still in effect and can be transferred. Also, which of the Nightmare's abilities are you hexing?
As the Nightmare emerges to attack, Skeev hastily scours the rubble for sign of the Hound's belongings in hope to locate the key. He spots the Ring agent's boot mostly covered in rocky debris on the far side of the rot heap. He's about to dash to that area. but hesitates, when the Nightmare plants a foot just beside the item. The creature let's out a foul smelling hiss though its faceless toothy maw. Rancid black, green, and brown ooze drips from the ortifice.

The Nightmare bangs its fists on the cavern floor causing rubble to shake and slide. Stones and debris slide down and trap Skeev nearly up to his waist. The shifting floor threatens to cause you to loose your balance. Taresh manages to maintain his balance as the rocky mound he stands on moves under his feet. He leaps into a spinning kick the direction of the Nightmare, landing two
Please make an athletics or acrobatics check, depending how you role play your maneuver (DC 8) to avoid disadvantage on your next action.


Skeev: Search (Perception) - (1d20+6)

(10) + 6 = 16

Taresh: Acrobatics check (DC 8) - (1d20+6)

(2) + 6 = 8

Taresh: Martial Art Kick - (1d20+6)

(2) + 6 = 8

Taresh: Martial Art Kick (multi-attack) - (1d20+6)

(13) + 6 = 19

Taresh: Kick 1 damage - (1d6+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Taresh: Kick 2 damage - (1d6+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Skeev: Strength check (DC 10) to break free from rubble - (1d20+1)

(11) + 1 = 12

Jun 14, 2023 1:58 pm
Strength again
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