Exam: Chamber 2 (OOC)

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Jun 24, 2023 11:59 am
The_Librarian says:
there's a wizard spell called dim sight that let's you see through dim light/darkness, I thought it might help.
That is not in the rulebook, but I do see it listed in the older, partially-upside-down 'printable' one, it could often be a useful spell, so I suppose it is allowed, though this is not 'darkness', so the effect it not significant.
Jun 24, 2023 7:01 pm
yeah that's the one I was looking at. weird that it's different
Jun 24, 2023 7:34 pm
The_Librarian says:
... weird that it's different
Half the text was upside-down and I was not printing it, so I did not look at that one in enough detail to see what else may be different. I just went with the PDF that was readable and the most recent. In this case it does not mater-aside from the brief confusion, and the Spell is fine.
Jun 24, 2023 7:36 pm
The_Librarian says:
(in RP)Abby waves a hand and stirs up a wind trying to move the papers to a readable position
Did you do anything to disguise this Wild Magic as being Wizard Magic? Describe it.

Remember that you are at 5 Wild, if you hit 6 --which happens if you don't convince everyone that you are Definitely a Wizard and only using Wizard Spells here, or if you don't roll well-- we move straight to endgame and you officially 'fail' and are taken away by the authorities.

Weigh your actions value against that real and immediate risk. Do you want to retract that 'look at the papers' action? They are probably your Certificates of Wizardness, and while looking at them might give you hope, it will also take time and require the others (who are at 6!) to act again to keep the hand off your back.
Jun 24, 2023 9:22 pm
I'll retract it, thank you.
Jun 29, 2023 2:09 pm
Haha, I was just trying to end on a dramatic post-credits scene 😅 It was not my intention to turn this into a full thing
Jun 29, 2023 2:19 pm
Yeah, else we would have to start asking ourselves what ruleset to use for that break-in. :)

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