IC - Potential High-Level PF1 Adventure

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Apr 30, 2023 5:12 am
This is, for now, just an interest check to see if it is worth setting up. The adventure would require a not-inconsiderable amount of work to prepare and run, so I would want people that I know would be in it for the long haul. It would also need to be understood that my games do move more slowly than what you are used to. I try to keep pace with the players, generally, but my wife is blind and her needs come first.

If I do this, I will take six 20th-level characters (yes, you read that right) on the adventure of a lifetime. The adventure is the TSR classic module The Throne of Bloodstone. Since you are probably already referencing it on Wikipedia, I will spill this much. The plot couldn't be simpler; steal the wand of Orcus and bring it to the Seven Heavens for destruction. Easy, right?

The rules of this jaunt, if it happens, would be:

1) We would use the Pathfinder 1e ruleset, adapted to the Forgotten Realms by calling on 3.5 sourcebooks for that setting.
2) There would be six characters of 20th level, with appropriate magical items. Each character would also be a mythic tier 4.
3) You would not gain experience for this adventure. It is meant to be an endgame.
4) I would want reliable people who will not ghost us two weeks into the game.
5) All game rules would be strictly enforced. For this reason, I would want experienced players (not necessarily experienced users).
6) This module is largely hack-and-slash. That isn't to say that there are no opportunities for role-playing, but be prepared to fight!

With this in mind, would there be any interest in this adventure?
Last edited May 3, 2023 9:59 pm
Apr 30, 2023 6:03 am
For the sake of building a high level character with mythic levels for what appears to be a very unique opportunity - I'm in, if you'll have me :)
Apr 30, 2023 8:43 am
High level pathfinder, yes please :p Would finally be an opportunity to look at the 'new' capstone abilities for different classes.

Brains already building a shiel bash warpriest that was for wrath but never finished the game, so she might get dusted off but I will no doubted ky have loads.

I do have quiet a few games however so happy to let others grab a spot instead of me
May 2, 2023 2:39 am
::bumping, in case anyone missed it::
May 2, 2023 4:36 am
I would kill severely maim for a shot at a high level PF1e. In all the time I've played, I've never gotten to do any hih-leel, and barely any mythic. So I am a very willing volunteer for the adventure. :)
May 3, 2023 9:59 pm
I changed the title of the post, figuring that several people would just ignore it and I want to be sure that it gets seen.
May 4, 2023 5:38 am
I posted a plug for it in discord - hopefully some more people will come out of the woodwork on this one, because I would love to see it happen.
May 4, 2023 2:11 pm
I'm tempted for sure, but still on the fence. I'll see who else posts interest and if I'm needed to get this off the ground, I'll consider it more deeply :)
May 4, 2023 5:40 pm
Consider me tempted! I haven't played on this site before, but I'm pretty seasoned with PF high level play. I am not the best min-maxer, but I have played and GMed mythic, and typically get pigeon-holed as the healer in our tabletop games.
May 4, 2023 9:35 pm
Actually, Sparklemuffin, given the option, I'd generally rather not have min-maxers. I prefer balanced characters for campaign play. That said, min-maxing is probably best for this one-shot adventure.
May 7, 2023 8:53 pm
If you dont mind getting a newbie on the forums for the game, this sounds like a really cool premise. I always wanted to try and use the unchained rogue phantom thief in a high level game - see where mundane skills and thieving could take me (for example, all the way to the throne of orcus himself).
May 7, 2023 10:49 pm
I've no objection to newcomers to the site, but I would prefer experienced PF players.
May 7, 2023 11:30 pm
Elysword says:
If you dont mind getting a newbie on the forums for the game, this sounds like a really cool premise. I always wanted to try and use the unchained rogue phantom thief in a high level game - see where mundane skills and thieving could take me (for example, all the way to the throne of orcus himself).
As someone who has played a phantom thief to a highish level...They're great for RPing but you lose a lot of combat capability and spells wind up doing a lot of what your skills can.

...that said I was able to use dance to reposition a dragon, and kept sleight of handing my opponents weapons into my handy haversack, so they can be fun. The loss of sneak attack really hurts though.

Not syaing don't go for it, just wanted to make you aware that was my experience of it. You may have a very different one :P
May 12, 2023 5:17 am
That's six interested, so I'm going to give it until Monday my time before I send invites. If you are reading this and are on the fence, you have until then to get your hat into the ring!
May 12, 2023 9:47 am
I kinda like the idea of playing a Mythic Tier Kineticist. Something that could Body Goku is always attractive to me.
May 22, 2023 1:05 am
Okay, a little delayed over my original intent, but I have sent invitations to those who were interested. I've sent out eight invitations and if all are accepted, I will adapt for eight players.
Last edited May 22, 2023 1:05 am

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