Despite the protection of their Armour, and the dauntlessness of their courage, characters can only withstand a certain degree of punishment before any lasting injury is caused. This ability to endure is represented by the character’s ability to take stress, while any lasting harm they suffer is called injury.
Injuries represent wounds and mental trauma. While injuries don’t knock you out of the fight by default, if they build up they can cause lasting issues and leave you defeated and helpless before your enemies. If you suffer 5 or more stress from a single attack or hazard, or you reach your maximum stress, you immediately suffer an injury. If both these things happen, then you suffer two injuries instead of one. Suffering 5 stress is just a threshold, however, and injuries aren’t gained by suffering multiples of 5 stress (10, 15, 20 etc.)
If you are already at maximum stress then suffering any amount of stress will cause an injury, and if you suffer 5 or more stress while already at maximum, this causes an additional injury.
Because Irish took five Stress at once he sustains an Injury.