[Open] Kingdom 2e: Ark of Generations

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OpenKingdom 2ePrivate1 / dayriven
Kingdom by Ben Robbins of Microscope and West Marches fame.

A massive colony ship hurtles through space at almost 5% of the speed of light. It's destination? A new world, a utopia, a renewal of hope for the human race. Sixty years ago, it left Earth on its maiden voyage through the stars. Its original crew and passengers have all but passed on, while their progeny takes up a task that they didn't choose and will never see finished.

We will tell their stories.

Aboard the vessel officially designated the Camino Lejano, but known to its occupants as the Ark, these hardy souls toil ceaselessly to maintain a delicate equilibrium in the harshest environment known to humanity. The dangers of cold, indifferent space, along with the pressures of a miniature society attempting to understand a way of life completely confined within a flying metal tomb constantly threaten the success of the mission.

Does the Ark have any hope of reaching its destination safely? Or will the forces acting upon it--whether from within or without--tear it apart?

Apr 30, 2023 11:29 pm
EDIT: See here for an updated look at how this game has shaped up!

Hi all! I am looking for 2-4 players to participate in a game of Kingdom. I finally got a chance to run it for some friends a week or two back and it played even better than I thought it would. Now I've got an itch for more.
[ +- ] TL;DR
How does it work?
In Kingdom, we will explore the fate of a community we create as seen through the eyes of its most influential members. What do we stand for, and what prices are we willing to pay in order to preserve it? Or will we see it burn? We'll find out by creating Crossroads--a key decision looming in front of the community upon which its destiny hangs.

Then, we'll explore the Crossroads through the eyes of key community figures--characters we create--who will either
- have Power to direct the community and make the final call
- have Perspective to predict the outcomes of the decisions the community makes
- be a Touchstone, voicing aloud the collective feelings and desires of the community at large.

Our choices and interplay between our characters will ultimately determine whether the community survives the crises we throw at it or whether it collapses into ruin.

The community may be a literal kingdom, or it could be any sort of group, collective, or organisation we care to tell a story about. Here are some inspirational examples from the rulebook
[ +- ] Kingdom Inspiration
I personally have played the game once about a retirement home for people with extraordinary powers and once about a faction of marauders operating out of a derelict space station in the era of Star Wars' Old Republic, so I can personally vouch for system's flexibility. We decide what interests us together as part of the game, so nothing is set in stone yet!

This a GM-less game; while I will be facilitating by explaining the rules, we will all have equal authority in development of the world and story. The system provides some very well-designed rules for how to handle conflicting ideas about how the story should progress (and a little conflict is good! Our characters will want different things, that's what makes the story juicy, after all).

Themes, tone, and sensitive content
Personally, I prefer to play right around a sort of PG-13, Lord of the Rings kind of level. Sexual violence is right out, non-negotiable. A discussion about what we are all comfortable with is especially important in GM-less games since all players have a great deal of leeway in introducing new elements, plots, and themes, so we will have one as we settle on the exact genre we want to play.

What kind of commitment?
I am aiming for a fairly fast-paced but short game. I'm looking for players to post at least once a day. At that pace, by my extremely rough estimation, we can plan to get through the set-up and play through one Crossroads in about 6 weeks. At that point, we will pause and check in.

If we're not enjoying it, we'll call it there.

If we enjoyed it, but feel satisfied with where the story has gone, we will also stop.

If we feel that we've all got more in us and that the community's story is not yet over, we can discuss extending to play through more Crossroads.

Bottom line: 6 weeks at 1 post per day!

Next steps?
If this sounds like fun to you, erm... post below! If I get at least two volunteers, I'll go ahead and set up a game. Be thinking about what kind of community you want to create!

If it doesn't sound like fun to you, well, I salute you for reading this far anyway and wish you best of luck on your Tavern trawling!

Example of play
Here is a really great example of how I think this game could look in PbP format. I believe this recap was typed out from a live game, but the writing is done pretty well and captures the drama and intrigue of the game:

(note that this game was played with an older, playtest version of the rules, so some minor elements you see in rules explanations will not feature in our game)

Fear and Loathing in Emporopolis
Last edited May 4, 2023 2:45 am
May 1, 2023 3:51 am
This sounds really interesting conceptually. I'll have to look a bit more into Kingdom, but mark me as potentially interested!
May 1, 2023 4:04 am
sounds good! I'm also happy to answer any questions about the system or rules in more detail, just let me know.
Last edited May 1, 2023 4:12 am
May 1, 2023 5:52 am
I don't know the system, but this could be fun.

It would depend on the type of community created. When I look at the list of examples it is about 50/50 yay or nah.
May 1, 2023 5:57 am
That's true. A lot depends on what exactly the setting would be
May 1, 2023 6:29 am
Hmm, well perhaps it would be expedient to post at least the broad strokes of what you're interested in. I still think going through the actual steps of fleshing out the world together in game will be valuable, but we can at least avoid the scenario where, for example, sometime is only interested in classic fantasy and someone else is only interested in zombie apocalypse.

For my part, I really am fine with just about anything. I enjoy all the standard fantasy and sci-fi tropes. I think using an established setting like Star Wars turned out pretty well since it gave everyone some common ground to work with. I'd also be interested in trying something a little more low stakes or slice of life. Or, on the other hand, like a weird west kind of thing, magic cowboys and ghosts and whatnot. Or then again, I could very easily go for something post-apocalyptic. Just some ideas
May 1, 2023 6:35 am
My preference for games always lies with slice of life, so something low stakes/modern day would be my first choice. I also enjoy stuff like zombies or scifi. A remote research facility could be interesting, whether it's on the moon, deep below the ocean or in the antarctic...
What I'm less interested in would be historical settings, including things like weird west or medieval fantasy (something urban fantasy could be fun, though).
I'd probably prefer to not go for an established setting, but if it's something I'm familiar with, like Star Wars during one of the movie eras, then I might still be up for it.
May 1, 2023 7:32 am
A very brief summary

Stuff I would like:
High fantasy / fairytale kingdom
Zombies / post apocalyptic city
Island survival
Space ship / station

Stuff I would not like:
Running a business / club / research station

I am always open to ideas of course
May 1, 2023 7:39 am
Great! Seems to me like there is enough overlap here that we could come up with something we're all satisfied with.

I will get started on setting up a game (might take me a bit to figure out, first time running one on the forum). Hopefully by the time I get that sorted, we maybe get one or two more interested parties. But either way, I'll send out the invitations and we can jump right in. thanks everyone!

EDIT: sorry, just realised I assumed you were up for it, @bowlofspinach. let me know if you want some more time to look into the game first!
Last edited May 1, 2023 7:43 am
May 1, 2023 5:54 pm
@bowlofspinach, @Ledosero game is created, invites sent!
May 4, 2023 2:43 am
Bumping this just once more to say that, thanks to some excellent creative work from @bowlofspinach and @Lesodero, this game is now fully fleshed out! If you weren't sure about a game without concrete details, consider what we have for you now...

Ark of Generations
Sixty years ago, the Camino Lejano, one of just a few multi-generational colony ships ever constructed, departed Earth on its maiden voyage. Its destination? A new, distant world, perhaps even a utopia, promising a renewal of hope to beleaguered humanity. Years of meticulous engineering and planning have shaped the Camino Lejano to be capable of maintaining the delicate equilibrium its passengers will need to survive among the stars.

https://i.imgur.com/WIM9eWpm.jpgNow deep in space, its original crew and passengers have all but passed on. They have left the care of the ship and the success of the mission to their descendants, the first humans to be born without setting foot on their native planet.

Their home will be the sterile, labyrinthine passages and cold metal bulkheads of the Camino Lejano, now known familiarly as the Ark. They know their destinies were determined by choices made long before they came determined, but what other option do they have? Their very survival depends on steadfastly adhering to the many duties and tasks passed down to them by their forebears.

Then again, they must fix their minds on an unimaginably distant future, preparing every necessity for and anticipating every need of a progeny so far removed that they seem more an equation to satisfy than the human inheritors of a new world. Every variable must be controlled and every anomaly must be rectified when a single misstep might inadvertently condemn thousands to a slow, inexorable doom. Or a fast, painful one.

Will the ingenuity and willpower conquer at scales it can scarcely conceive of? Or will the mounting pressures tear the Ark apart, whether from the inside or the outside?

If you want to find out, indicate your interest now and help us shape the fate of this expedition! We've still got 2 slots open. You can take a look at the forum to see how we put this together and how to create a character. Ad astra per aspera
Last edited May 4, 2023 2:50 am
May 15, 2023 10:46 pm
I’ll have to take a couple days to read the rule book and get a solid character idea together, but if you’re still looking for more players I’m interested!
May 16, 2023 5:16 am
Sure thing, we'd love to have you! Let me know if you've got any questions about the system or the current progress of the game, happy to answer them!

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