Alright, Players' Club. I hate to even say this at risk of speaking it into existence, but I think we're approaching a stall-out.
Possible reasons:
1) I've made the game and situation too complicated.
2) I haven't made the game interesting enough.
3) Paralysis by Analysis. Party can't arrive at a decision.
There have been 2 plans proposed for fort infiltration.
[ +- ] Draft Plan 1
Plan 1: by Gundus. Audorix alone sneaks in and opens the front gate. Outside perimeter group (everyone except Aduorix) plays the fake prisoner angle if Aduorix runs into trouble.
Aduorix explained why she can't go alone straight in and open the gate. Under the current patrol defenses, she can get in the compound, but she could not get enough time and freedom to operate the door opening mechanism without getting nabbed. And if she gets in trouble inside, it would be tough for her to signal for help from outside to initiate the fake prisoner solution, and that would likely bring MORE attention to the gate and unlocking mechanism. So unmodified Plan 1 seems like low to extreme-low level of success. Which led to proposal of ...
[ +- ] Draft Plan 2
Plan 2: Someone(s) cause a distraction on one end of the compound, drawing guard(s) attention there. Meanwhile, Aduorix and Syrena climb sneak over the wall on the opposite end of the compound. They sneak to the interior gate area. While guard is still distracted, Aduorix moves into the chain room and uses the mechanism to unbolt the bar. Syrena throws the inner lock bar and opens the front gate. Invader group is staged outside of the door and creeps in or rushes in when the gate is opened.
If Plan 2 goes through optimally, that's one version of the #team-sneaker option. (haha - and I love the idea of picking "Sneak-In" mainly because it would be the most fun).
If Plan 2 goes moderately well, but not quite optimally, it's likely the alt-sneaker #rush-in-and-improvise option.
Or (my gut feeling of what would be best, btw) . . .
Plan 3 could be devised[ +- ] ??? Plan 3 ???
Plan 3 could be a modified version of Plan 1 or 2,
or it could be something completely different.
There have been some open ended questions and sentiments mentioned by everyone here and there. Some of those seem like they could be fruitful for an alternate.
CB. Bro. I read your objection to Plan 1 on Decision Week: Day 3, and your objection to Plan 2 on Decision Week: Day 4, but still waiting to read up on a proposed Plan 3. And after that, hear everyone else's response to it.
So, I'm open to ideas of what to do to get back into flow. Boards open today if anyone wants to post up in or out-of Character.
Goal would be to get into a direction here on Frey Day (Friday), in preparation for Casual Pace Weekend.
If Players can get an intent and plan on the board, Characters can engage, and we can move the story along to some degree over the weekend. Though I'll be sure over the weekend to stop progress at whatever moment requires more Player(s) input to see results.
Hopefully that would set us up for return to full motion next week.
Hope so. But if not, we could address if Reasons 1 or 2 above, or some other reason, puts us at a full stall-out and we need to pause or stop the game.