Struggling past Georgi, trying to get him to duck down out of the way, Sabine reloads her Walther and aims out the truck's window, using the door as cover as she draws a bead on one of the wounded German soldiers, steadies her iron sights, and fires -- shooting the man dead!
I don't believe reloading is a Minor Action in this game, so Sabine's Minor Action is to
Aim. That will allow her to reload one missed d20.
Coordination is 8, Fighting is 1, so shooting for 9 or less. If the range is Close, that's perfect for her gun and the Difficulty should be 1.
Two successes! Adding +1 to Momentum pool and Rolling damage... looks like loads of stress. Six? Is there any way to use the special effects?
Last edited June 4, 2023 5:35 pm