As the three of you meet and interact, suddenly the doors to the tavern burst open with a loud BAM! The room goes silent and in walks a large half-orc and a small gnome.
Well, looks like it's tax time, Gleebo. the half-orc says to the gnome.
Indeed, Borkis. the gnome responds.
The half-orc makes his way to the bar. Fenrille, based on how many patrons are in here, I'd say you owe about 50 gold.
Please, don't do this. That's too much.
The half-orc grabs the elf bartender by the collar. You owe, what you owe. I don't make the rules, Veris does. Veris protects this place, you owe for that protection. It'd be a shame if something bad happened to this place.
With that, the gnome releases a small flaming bolt from his hand at the stacks of alcohol behind the bar. No fire starts, but the point is made.