dominion451 says:
Datura waves at the creepy halfling when she catches his eye...
The halfling, caught, scurries over to the gnome and offers his hand.
"You look new in town! Adventurers, by the looks of you!" A smile breaks across his ruddy cheeks, and he runs a hand through his curly brown hair.
"Lannet's the name! If you need a helping hand in town or outside the gates, let me know!" With this, and without waiting for a response, he flips his grey cloak and hurries away. It's fairly difficult to track him once he returns to the throngs of patrons.
Corian smiles at Kariantha and says,
"Everyone here has agreed to a fair share of whatever valuables we find along the way, so long as Eralions treasures and secrets are mine." He then looks around the table.
"As I do not have any more leads- Fairhill being my only- perhaps dealing with the orcs will lead us to clues as well as the goodwill of the town. We can start in the morning after a night of rest. Though we should likely find an inn before too long."