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Jun 3, 2023 10:42 pm

Wuc'vulog - Episode I

Jun 21, 2023 1:14 am
I think deleting the first post in a thread will delete the whole thread, just FYI.
Wuc'vulog was miserable. He sat on the empty crate looking at the remains of his once proud clinic. The Twi'lek doctor rued it all and then grabbed his one bag, and left. With the loss of the clinic, boarded up until he could make good on his debts, he had also lost Poklo'lay, his exotically beautiful (even for a Twi'lek) paramour, who had returned to her old life as a dancer. Now he had nothing, but debts and a bad taste in his mouth.

My options were many, he thought. I could seek the Black Sun syndicate and join them as a medic. My practice is already in ruins. He considered a number of other options, but none screamed quick credits like the Syndicate. He needed credits fast or he'd lose Poklo'lay for good.
Allright, I need a planet on the outer rim on which the Black Sun will deal, a contact to approach, and a complication: what unsavory thing might the young doctor be asked to do to get jumped in?

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