Rim Stories [ EDIT ]
This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.
It is a time of civil war...and much, much more. Every day, the growing Rebellion threatens the Galactic Empire on new battlefields and political arenas, fighting for hearts and minds throughout the galaxy in their bid for freedom. Moreover, the agents of the Galactic Empire viciously hunt the few remaining Force users in known space and strive to end the influence of the Jedi forever. Beyond the Rebellion and the Jedi, the rest of the galaxy goes about its business. Some hope to stay out of the line of fire, but others profit from the conflict. The most unlucky beings are caught in tyrannical Imperial policies that repress freedom and enslave entire species.
Here you will be part storyteller and part improvisational actor. You will simultaneously create and play through fantastic Star Wars stories filled with action, suspense, space battles, and more than a few stormtroopers, smugglers, bounty hunters, and Force sensitives.
Unlike most RPGs this will be an experimental storytelling game:
1. Everyone will have a thread, named after their main character. It will be in this thread that your main character will shine. You will play there, with or without suggestions and opinions from other players: You can play solo with the dice or have me and more people writing posts and giving Out-of-character (OOC) suggestions.
2. All players must take responsibility for the game in their threads, both the game mechanics and the general flow of the story. Please follow the Star Wars RPG rules, as published by FFG, and the Star Wars Canon Timeline and Setting. You should read and have easy access to, at least, one of the RPG core rulebooks from Fantasy Flight Games. This will be our common ground, so we can tell relatable, similar and interesting stories.
3. Here, your main character is not your "avatar". Characters’ are not extensions of the players into the DM’s world. In fact, there is not a "DM’s world". Each thread is a world, a parallel Star Wars universe, potentially unaffected by the other threads.
4. I won’t be a classical DM. I will not have "special powers", I won’t be a referee, I won’t handle all NPCs and it is not my word that goes in your thread. I may give you some hints, some suggestions, some story hooks if you want to. You can go from there… Or you can ignore everything that I wrote. Indeed, you can even ignore me completely, as long as you are writing your story following our rules and everybody is having fun. =)
5. In their threads, players are free to have more than one character, ebbing and flowing between them as the story dictates. They are also free to control and create all NPCs (minions, rivals and nemesis). In fact, there will be no distinctions between player characters and non-player characters.
6. Collaboration: If you want to, me and your fellow storytellers can help you, OOC, with some hints, some plots and/or some character's description and motivations. If you explicitly ask us to, we can also have our own character in your thread, and occasionally post something In-Character (IC), maybe with some unexpected situations, dialogs or actions.
7. This is still a game. Everybody should have fun and I expect there will be at least as much role-playing, problem solving, exploration, combat and adventure as a classical Star Wars RPG. More so when you consider that now everyone gets to do everything and we don't need to wait days for someone else.
8. Let the dice help (and surprise) you. Use the Star Wars RPG rules and the randomness of the dice to give you structure, boundaries and surprises so you can use your creativity while also having some unexpected challenges. When in doubt, make a skill check ;)
9. In your thread, you should keep the plot moving forward, provide plot twists and maybe even side stories, while still collaborating with your readers, players, following the RPG rules, the dice rolls and listening to suggestions. But don't wait too long for us! The best storytellers can think on their feet and improvise new plans and directions for a story on the fly, depending on the dice roll or based on another player's incomplete suggestions, keeping everyone entertained.
10. This is an experiment. I have never done this collaborative storytelling stuff before. English is not my first language. I won’t be able to post more than once a week and won't require you to, but if you can, please do! Real Life also happens. So please, be patient and open minded with me, yourself and everybody else. Maybe it will work. Maybe it won’t. As long as we have some fun, it will be worthwhile. ;)
The game forums will be open for everybody to read. If you are in doubt, go there and check other people's threads.
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
During character creation, you develop a background unique to your main character. What kind of person is your character? Where is your character from?
To do so, I would suggest that you follow standard 'Edge of the Empire', 'Age of Rebellion' or 'Force and Destiny' character creation rules. Maybe you should create one main character with up to 50 XP of extra experience. I suggest that most of your thread should be written from the main character point of view. It’s your main character, after all.
Then, if you want to, create one secondary character (or sidekick) with only the usual starting experience. This secondary character can fulfill one or multiple functions in your fiction, such as a counterpoint to the hero, an alternate point of view, or knowledge, skills, or anything else the hero does not have. They often function as comic relief, and/or the straight man to the hero's comedic actions. A sidekick can also be a character to whom the audience can more easily relate than the hero, or to whom the audience can imagine themselves as being. Last but not least, by asking questions of the hero, or giving the hero someone to talk to, the sidekick provides an opportunity for the author to provide exposition, thereby filling the same role as a Greek chorus.
If you need any help creating a character, just let us know
To do so, I would suggest that you follow standard 'Edge of the Empire', 'Age of Rebellion' or 'Force and Destiny' character creation rules. Maybe you should create one main character with up to 50 XP of extra experience. I suggest that most of your thread should be written from the main character point of view. It’s your main character, after all.
Then, if you want to, create one secondary character (or sidekick) with only the usual starting experience. This secondary character can fulfill one or multiple functions in your fiction, such as a counterpoint to the hero, an alternate point of view, or knowledge, skills, or anything else the hero does not have. They often function as comic relief, and/or the straight man to the hero's comedic actions. A sidekick can also be a character to whom the audience can more easily relate than the hero, or to whom the audience can imagine themselves as being. Last but not least, by asking questions of the hero, or giving the hero someone to talk to, the sidekick provides an opportunity for the author to provide exposition, thereby filling the same role as a Greek chorus.
If you need any help creating a character, just let us know
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