Chapter 1: On the Trail We Blaze!

Jun 13, 2023 1:58 pm
To start once we finish the last of the prologue.
Jun 16, 2023 1:16 pm
Five years have passed since everyone had last seen each other on those fateful 6 months you spent together with Flora and Grandmother Sophie. With the news of Grandmother Sophie dying of magical pneumonia, you all answer Floras call to say goodbye to your beloved mentor and family friend.

Flora leads everyone into Grandmother Sophie's room and she beams up at everyone with a weak smile.

"Oliver, Atrius, Woody, it is so lovely to see all of you. Flora said you were coming but I did not know when. You all grew up to become such dashing young men while Flora became a beautiful young woman. How are all of you?" She asks everyone after Flora comes in with her Fox familiar Todd with a glass of water.

Grandmother Sophie thanked her before taking a sip.
Jun 16, 2023 1:23 pm
"I don't know how this happened or what did this to her but I don't think there is a cure. I'm sorry I was unable to help you Grandmother Sophie. I tried my best. " Flora said sadly.

"Don't cry Flora. Doing our best is all we can do. Magic is very unpredictable. Sophie told us that with Lord Oberon. " Todd said a moment later comforting her.

Flora nodded. "I don't know if I'll ever be ready to take over as the new Guardian witch but I'll try my best. "

"Flora, you just do what's in your best judgement. All I've ever asked of you is to use your magic to help and protect others as well as to treat others the way you want to be treated and treat all from the Spirit and Faewild as our Special friends. Everything else just comes naturally." Grandmother Sophie says before she let out a huge whooping cough and black goo fell to the floor.

Flora quickly cleaned it up and threw it outside.
Jun 19, 2023 4:26 am
"So how have all of you been? I have not seen all of you in five years. You all grew up as dashing young men though. " Flora said to her friends a moment later to her friends Ollie, Tink and Woody.
Jun 19, 2023 10:22 pm
As woody walks in the house, it's apparent he's been in a few fights. His nose isn't as straight as it used to be and his knuckles seem enlarged, as if he'd been smashing them into something many times. He still wears the same Scimitar and dagger but he's added a hand crossbow in a modified holster to his left leg and a quiver of bolts on his right. Other than that you can see he carries a well used messenger bag and that necklace he used for collateral so long ago.

"Hey, little Sis. Looks like we made it in time." Woody goes into the kitchen, bringing back cups. After rummaging in is bag he pulls out an old bottle of wine. Opening it, and pouring 1/4 of the deep red liquid into a cup for himself, he motions to offer to pour for anyone else. "I have another bottle... if we run out."
Jun 20, 2023 3:43 am
"No thank you. I don't imbibe in alcoholic delights. But thanks for the offer Woody. How have you been? It has been a while since we all have seen each other. " Flora says to Woody after taking a sip of water from her cup.
Jun 20, 2023 8:03 pm
"You know, mostly just getting bye. But, I've had a little fun. Assuming we can get together, I'm ready to take on the cellar now." Woody sniffs the air and smiles, the familiar scents a welcome distraction.
Last edited June 20, 2023 8:04 pm
Jun 20, 2023 8:42 pm
Oliver, takes the wine and sits down next to Grandmother taking her frail hand in his. "It wasn’t so long you were holding my hand. We are going to beat this you know. All of us together"

Looking up at his friends now grown, the longing in Olivers wet eyes speak louder than words threatening to betray his greatest fears. Turning away quickly, Ollie the boy hides behind the mask of a long drink to regain his faltering composure before holding it out for another.

"What magic has done, so can magic undo"
Jun 20, 2023 11:15 pm
After coming in, giving some hugs, excepting Woody the Kid’s offer of the wine he brought and thanking him, Atrius sits in the room watching Ollie—Oliver that is—comfort Grandma Sophie. The whole ordeal makes him sad. He’s happy to see his friends but hates to be losing another mentor who he cares deeply for like he lost Carlin. He hopes Oliver is right about there being magic that can cure Grandma Sophie.

To attempt to comfort himself, Atrius pats his steel defender, Scrap, on the head—who curled on the floor at his feet.
Last edited June 25, 2023 3:44 am
Jun 21, 2023 2:56 am
Grandmother Sophie nods. "Thank you Oliver. The disease has spread to my heart though so I don't have much time left. If I only have but a day left, then I'm glad I get to spend it all with you and I love you all. " She says a moment later weakly before coughing up more black goo into a white cloth before she takes a sip of water and falls fast asleep.

If you go to feel her pulse a moment later, there is none. She has passed away peacefully in her sleep.
Jun 21, 2023 4:35 am
"Flora, I think she's gone."
Woody stands silent for a moment and sends a request to the godess Selune, to guide Grandma Sophie to rest; or, on to the next adventure! Then he heads outside to build a funeral pyre on the hill, overlooking the house.
Jun 21, 2023 1:21 pm
Flora begins to sob after that with Todd her Fox familiar comforting her. "I don't know if I'm ready to be the Guardian witch of the village and the Spirit realm and Faewild and human realm gate Guardian. I tried to do everything she had taught me though. Grandmother Sophie, I'll try my best and make you proud. Goodbye my mentor and friend. "

After Flora says her goodbyes, she begins to prepare Grandmother Sophie for the funeral pyre.
Jun 21, 2023 1:27 pm
From what Oliver can tell about the magical disease, was this "natural" or inflicted on her?
Jun 22, 2023 3:36 am
This was caused from the black magical spot that Captain Kidd inflicted on her all those years ago after he tried to suck the life/magical essence out of her but failed. He left behind a magical injury which slowly became an incurable disease to her. Not many spellcasters get this disease unless they were attacked by a creature or someone that drains magic. The disease did make her weak and slowly sapped her of her strength though. Grandmother Sophie just ignored it and thought everything was fine until she started to cough up the black goo. That's when she began to train and teach Flora to take her place. @Basil
Jun 22, 2023 1:49 pm
As you all help prepare Grandmother Sophie's body for the funeral pyre, Todd the Fox walks up to Flora and says "I can't believe shes gone. You're now the new Guardian witch. How does it feel? "

Flora shakes her head to Todd indicating that they would talk about it later . Tears are in her eyes as she carries Grandmother Sophie's body that is wrapped up like a mummy in a blanket covering everything but the face and places it on the funeral pyre before placing a bouquet of Forget me nots on her chest and stepping away quietly.
Jun 22, 2023 11:17 pm
Woody, having started a small fire earlier, hands each of the crew a torch.

Woody starts, "Grandmother Sophia, I never knew your full name. But, you gave me my life back. For that I owe you. I will finish what we once started and help to protect my friends, here. Rest knowing we are together in spirit."

Having said his piece, he raises his torch in a salute then turns to and offers the group a chance for any last words.
Last edited June 22, 2023 11:18 pm
Jun 23, 2023 2:30 am
Flora steps forward and clears her throat before she speaks her final goodbye to Grandmother Sophie.

" Grandmother Sophie, I will be forever grateful to you for saving me from Baba Yaga and as well as giving me a home as well as a purpose and a family. I will forever follow the rules and everything you have taught me and will try my best as the new Guardian Witch. With Todd's help, we will do our very best to make you proud and to protect our family and friends. I consider my friends as my family and I love you all. May you forever be at peace. "

Flora blew a kiss up to the sky before silently backing away with tears streaming down her face. Todd places his head on her to comfort her after that.
Jun 25, 2023 3:07 am
does anyone else want to say their final goodbyes to Grandmother Sophie? Just curious @Basil,@Seck .
Jun 25, 2023 3:20 am
Ill get something tomorrow. Sorry for the delay keep getting pulled away
Jun 25, 2023 3:43 am
"Before Carlin was murdered, he told me to go to the Enchanted Forest and find you Grandma Sophie. He said if you're ever in trouble go to Grandmother Sophie. She will help and protect anyone in need. Well...I did find you Grandma Sophie, and you did so much more than just protect me. You brought me together with Flora and Ollie again and brought a new friend into my life, Woody, who took care of us too and who also taught me important things. You gave us a loving home, with people to trust and care about. Thank you Grandma Sophie for all of that. I will miss you more than I can say."
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