Session 3: Frost and Fear in Fireshear

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Helda Silverstream


Jul 6, 2023 8:50 am
Agna approaches a different table where the dwarves are
testlum says:
Good, then I don't need to introduce meself now. I'm givin' Beorne a hand, aye.
Helda Silverstream
"Great tae hear. Maybe we can make it tae em Halls on time after all." The dwarf stands up and offers her and to Agna. "Helda, of the Silverstream clan."
Jul 6, 2023 9:05 am
Agna briefly clasps the woman's hand. "You're comin' with the caravan? I got another two to join. Her and him," the shaman hooks a thumb over her shoulder at Adaia and Izuhn. ""Now can I get a word with Beorne?"
Jul 6, 2023 12:50 pm
"Ah I see." Izuhn responds in answer to the captain's whereabouts. "I'm sure that she'll come and find us when she's ready to unload. I doubt she's in much hurry to depart back, but with her touch of lunacy who knows?"

"I'm here working, lass. Got hired on to move some cargo to up here in the Dale. The caravan might take you along too, but know that it's not like the Sword Coast here. Many an unwary traveler has met their end in this beautiful land."

Seeing everyone else busy with their respective new conversations, Izuhn turns back to Joe. "What about a Griggle Duskloch? I've got something for them, do you know em?"
Jul 6, 2023 1:42 pm
You lads know me, I'm peachy. Momma ponders the fires. I'll tell you what. My new friends have some useful skills and seem concerned about the fires, so if they are up for it I'll help organize a party to snuff out the creatures and get them fires out.
Jul 6, 2023 7:34 pm
"Apologies for interrupting, I admit I was a bit forward. Momma is right though I am interested in helping, albeit out a sense of curiosity. Could you tell me about these elementals and I overheard something about a blacksmith?"
I'm attempting a 'raise roll' I suppose unless the roll wasn't necessary
Post roll - I suppose I'm coming off quite rude still
Last edited July 6, 2023 7:34 pm


Persuasion - lv5, SR: 5-10 (f1-c0) - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Helda Silverstream


Jul 7, 2023 7:55 am
testlum says:
Agna briefly clasps the woman's hand. "You're comin' with the caravan? I got another two to join. Her and him," the shaman hooks a thumb over her shoulder at Adaia and Izuhn. ""Now can I get a word with Beorne?"
Helda Silverstream

"Aye, coming from Mirabar to sell some of me wares in Bryn Shander and then visit me uncle in Kelvin’s Cairn." She happily shares more than Agna probably wants to know before checking out the other two Helda mentioned. "You got yerself a elf and a dwarf fer help?" Seeing Izuhn on his own, she shouts in dwarven and waves for him to join them. She repeats the gesture for Agna, inviting the orc to sit as well. "Sit, Sit, Beorne may take a while. He is dealing with em Manycoins to exchange the merchant's credit. "



Jul 7, 2023 8:09 am
RAAMtentacles says:
Seeing everyone else busy with their respective new conversations, Izuhn turns back to Joe. "What about a Griggle Duskloch? I've got something for them, do you know em?"
Joe stops as soon as he hears the name. He walks up to Izuhn and slightly bends over the counter, whispering. At that point, Izuhn hears some dwarven female voice and notices Helda gesturing.

CESN sent a note to RAAMtentacles



Jul 7, 2023 8:23 am
Ahaha if that was a raise, it is now a fumble xD I'll just twist your words for that now :D With that double, you also got an experience dealing with the northerners, which you can use for a +1 bonus on any social check later. Clearly Adaia is learning a lot about these people :D
Noticing Bjorn diffusing the tension, Adaia decides to apologize for her forwardness, though she immediately makes the mistake of mentioning her good intentions are is out a sense of curiosity. The man immediately turns red, offended by the perceived wizardry arrogance. "You fancy elven witches come here and think we loosing our homes is curious?"

Bjorn manages to contain the man's fury with the assurance that her new friends will help snuff out the creatures and get them fires out. "Oh yeah, the elf better show do something about those creatures unless people here think they are some of her sorceries!"
Ok, they are openly unfriendly towards Adaia now. Such a wizard stereotype this is turning out to be 🤣
Jul 7, 2023 2:41 pm
Momma leans over and whispers in Adaia's ear, They aint anytging to do with you, right? She leaves those words hang a second watching Adaia turn red before letting out a belly laugh. I only joke little one. Of course they aren't. She turns back to the group, Can we count on you all for any of your miners and militia or will we be on our own?


Persuasion - lv4, SR: 5-9 (f0-c0) - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Jul 7, 2023 5:28 pm
Izuhn hops down from the bar and shouts back to the dwarven woman in common as he walks towards the table where Bjorn and Adaia are."Just a moment and I'll be over! Got some business to take care of first!"

Arriving at the table just as Bjorn mentions the miners and militia, Izuhn awaits their response before mentioning the man that he's looking for.
Jul 8, 2023 12:43 am
A bit confused by the reaction she's received, Adaia looks around the room. Seeing everyone preoccupied, she'll try and find a quiet spot hopefully close to a fire and just enjoy being off the ship.
Jul 8, 2023 3:48 am
"S'pose it would be good to rest awhile before the hard journey," Agna grunts at the woman's offer. She takes a seat. The orc shaman glances at the half-emptied platters littering the wooden table. "I'll have summat to eat too if the keeper here makes half-decent fare. Can't be worse than what they call food on decks, anyway," she adds darkly.



Jul 8, 2023 4:22 pm
Mnrtoler says:
Can we count on you all for any of your miners and militia or will we be on our own?
The man turns to Bjorn "Well if your friends figure out where those things are coming from... we can get the locals to help for sure" he grudgingly accepts, clearly only because Bjorn asked him to.

They barely Izuhn joining them as another one of the men at the table continues "What he means Momma, is that you should check what that blacksmith is up to this time. Kalannai doesn't seem to want to do what has to be done"

CESN sent a note to Mnrtoler
Adaia is sitting out of this one for now I guess :D

Helda Silverstream


Jul 8, 2023 4:28 pm
testlum says:
Can't be worse than what they call food on decks, anyway.
Helda Silverstream
"Good choice!" Helda cheers as the orc sits down. Agna suddenly has the feeling of being observed from the dark corners of the tavern. Sense a malevolence presence she turns to find, half-hidden in the shadows from the fireplace, the cook staring daggers at her. "Beorne shouldn't take too long. Just need the monies for the travel. He says yer the best guide around the area. Ye been doing this fer long now?"
Jul 8, 2023 5:26 pm
They barely Izuhn joining them as another one of the men at the table continues "What he means Momma, is that you should check what that blacksmith is up to this time. Kalannai doesn't seem to want to do what has to be done"
Crazy ol' Griggle. Is he working to find the source or are you boys accusing him?



Jul 10, 2023 8:00 pm
Mnrtoler seems to have left. Their profile counts 6 games so I'm going to assume over-gamed. I'll take some creative liberties to get Izuhn to step in

Crazy ol' Griggle. Is he working to find the source or are you boys accusing him?
The man who has been doing most of the talk starts to reply to Bjorn when on of the other's noticed Izuhn's reaction to the name. "Well we surely wouldn't put it past him to be causing trouble"
Jul 10, 2023 9:13 pm
Izuhn makes eye contact with the man that noticed him and takes the opportunity to step in. "A trouble maker eh? That's unfortunate, because I need to speak with him. At any rate, there seems to be some talk about heading to where he may be for a few different reasons. Should I expect hostility?"

"Name's Izuhn, by the way." he belatedly adds on upon realizing his butting into the conversation.
Jul 12, 2023 2:41 am
Adaia having finished her drink and meal, can be seen tapping her foot and looking around the room.

She's very intrigued by the possibility of studying elementals and is trying to see how everyone's conversations are going - especially Kalannai.
Just noting that I'm happy with the pace of the game and feel free to take as long as you want - just playing what Adaia would be doing

Bjorn (Momma)


Jul 12, 2023 3:50 pm
Bjorn (Momma)
RAAMtentacles says:
"A trouble maker eh? That's unfortunate, because I need to speak with him. At any rate, there seems to be some talk about heading to where he may be for a few different reasons. Should I expect hostility?
The men look at Izuhn suspiciously. "You never know what to expect from that nutjob. Hostility is probably your least concern..." they laugh and cheers each other, though it's clear that they don't trust the newcomers as much as Bjorn would have liked. The burly human woman leads Izuhn the table where Agna is drinking with the dwarves and waves for Adaia to join. "Ok, just wait here and I will quickly check what Kalannai is up to"

Helda Silverstream


Jul 12, 2023 3:53 pm
Helda Silverstream
Seeing the other dwarf approach, Helda briefly interrupts the conversation to say a quick greeting in dwarven. "What brings you here? Going to the Valley as well?"

CESN sent a note to RAAMtentacles
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