Jul 2, 2023 4:33 pm
DISCLAIMER: This ad is not looking for players,
but for people interested in getting involved in a game in a different way
Too long has the planet Pulonis, forcibly renamed to Vesk-6 by the conquering vesk empire, been under the thumb of tyrannical, cruel consuls and governors like Shethris Nazriar. But right now, a strike team of the Mrraheen resistance movement is preparing for a mission that will expose the consul for the monster he is - and for his betrayal of the Veskarium that put him in power in the first place.
We may not be able to take down the entire Veskarium in one day, but we can take down Consul Nazriar. And you can help! Tune into the broadcast of Mrraheen agent and Influencer Extraordinaire Veevee to watch the team on their daring mission. Help out with your knowledge and enthusiasm and be a part of our effort to topple Consul Nazriar!
Freedom for Pulonis - Freedom from the Veskarium!
Alright, this is a little experimental addition to a Starfinder game that we're about to start here on the site. After @Qralloq has broken the local Starfinder curse with his lovely oneshot, our group has decided to stick around for a second game with a new crew of PCs, and with me GMing (and hoping I'm not just going to reinstate the curse right away).
We are not looking for players for this game, but the adventure we'll be playing through recommends a live chat accompanying the game, simulating people inside the setting watching the mission unfold, giving advice, voting on a path forward and encouraging the team on the job.
I would be curious to try and open this livechat up to anyone here on GP. I will be creating a live chat thread inside the game that will be opened for public posting. You'll be able to follow along with the in-character thread and leave your comments in the live chat, whether you make up one character following along and giving multiple comments or just leaving single 'anonymous' remarks. The PCs will be able to read and interact with this chat and on a couple of points throughout the adventure, the live chat will actually be able to give some mechanical boosts to the PCs. I'll also be hopping into the live chat here and there to drop some information or just to keep it going.
There's no commitment or application process. You can hop in or out at any point. I have no idea how well the live chat feature will even work to interact with the game, but it's a fun little experiment. And if nothing else, you can finally get the roleplay experience of a backseat driver, sitting in the comfort of your home and laughing at the PCs screwing up.
You can find the game here (and if you're interested, I'd recommend subscribing by hitting the little bookmark icon in the top right corner). We're currently wrapping up character creation and will hopefully get started early this coming week. I'll post another reminder then. There is already an in-character thread in the game forum, but that is from a previous, unconnected Starfinder adventure we played before. There's no need to read it for this project, though you're free to read it if you want to.
Anyway, this post, as always for me has turned out way longer than planned. If you have questions, let me know. If you're interested, I'd love to try this with you.
but for people interested in getting involved in a game in a different way
Too long has the planet Pulonis, forcibly renamed to Vesk-6 by the conquering vesk empire, been under the thumb of tyrannical, cruel consuls and governors like Shethris Nazriar. But right now, a strike team of the Mrraheen resistance movement is preparing for a mission that will expose the consul for the monster he is - and for his betrayal of the Veskarium that put him in power in the first place.
We may not be able to take down the entire Veskarium in one day, but we can take down Consul Nazriar. And you can help! Tune into the broadcast of Mrraheen agent and Influencer Extraordinaire Veevee to watch the team on their daring mission. Help out with your knowledge and enthusiasm and be a part of our effort to topple Consul Nazriar!
Freedom for Pulonis - Freedom from the Veskarium!
Alright, this is a little experimental addition to a Starfinder game that we're about to start here on the site. After @Qralloq has broken the local Starfinder curse with his lovely oneshot, our group has decided to stick around for a second game with a new crew of PCs, and with me GMing (and hoping I'm not just going to reinstate the curse right away).
We are not looking for players for this game, but the adventure we'll be playing through recommends a live chat accompanying the game, simulating people inside the setting watching the mission unfold, giving advice, voting on a path forward and encouraging the team on the job.
I would be curious to try and open this livechat up to anyone here on GP. I will be creating a live chat thread inside the game that will be opened for public posting. You'll be able to follow along with the in-character thread and leave your comments in the live chat, whether you make up one character following along and giving multiple comments or just leaving single 'anonymous' remarks. The PCs will be able to read and interact with this chat and on a couple of points throughout the adventure, the live chat will actually be able to give some mechanical boosts to the PCs. I'll also be hopping into the live chat here and there to drop some information or just to keep it going.
There's no commitment or application process. You can hop in or out at any point. I have no idea how well the live chat feature will even work to interact with the game, but it's a fun little experiment. And if nothing else, you can finally get the roleplay experience of a backseat driver, sitting in the comfort of your home and laughing at the PCs screwing up.
You can find the game here (and if you're interested, I'd recommend subscribing by hitting the little bookmark icon in the top right corner). We're currently wrapping up character creation and will hopefully get started early this coming week. I'll post another reminder then. There is already an in-character thread in the game forum, but that is from a previous, unconnected Starfinder adventure we played before. There's no need to read it for this project, though you're free to read it if you want to.
Anyway, this post, as always for me has turned out way longer than planned. If you have questions, let me know. If you're interested, I'd love to try this with you.