AutomAtomic says:
Hey everyone. So sorry about my absence. I was in a car accident out of state and it took me a while to get my phone replaced and to get back home. I am going to get back in the swing tonight hopefully. I'm fine, just some scrapes and bruises.
I'm glad you're okay overall! Sounds like a very stressful time for you.
I've been busy this week, but should be much better now (I hope). Two family members have recently passed and, despite things supposedly being handled months ago, things still keep happening with people messing things up. We're having to go to our lawyer (one the family likes, we don't have 'a lawyer' like richer people) and it has created a lot of stress, tension and balls of emotion in our house. We have a sort of plan now, so I should be back to checking here every day.
Feirgon says:
Do you guys want the game private or public?
Are you comfortable with continuously open recruitment for the game?
Would you all like to start at the same time or would you prefer individual threads until you end up in a party?
I don't feel super strongly either way, but private perhaps unless someone has expressed interest in reading it. That way, since we will most likely be dealing with more mature themes, someone doesn't stumble upon it who shouldn't/doesn't want to.
Continuous recruiting seems okay. I think we could revisit that later if we get too many people, or if the game gets longer. Then perhaps we could bring new players in at certain points, so that a knowledge gap will be less of an issue. I do agree with you from another post, the game's nature does lend itself to people joining mid narrative!
I lean on all at the same time. Unless you have an idea for individual threads first. We could just include a little introduction to them in the first post.