Georgian can correct me if I’m wrong, but in cortex, you essentially pick one trait from each array (in this game: attribute, skill, distinction, gear, spell and ability, condition) that you can make relevant to the roll. You need at least 3. Then you roll them. You select 2 of your results to sum, and the third die is your effect die,. Essentially saying how well you did based on die type, not your result. If your summed die are over the Target Number, you succeed.
So if you look at my rolls in the IC: I looked at my CS and said "I’ll use wisdom to interpret what he’s seeing between them, along with his street smarts of reading between the lines he got from his childhood in the slums, and his social skills" (I chose an attribute, skill and distinction). I didn’t see how my gear or abilities could help me there, so I just had 3 die in the pool. Then I rolled.
I think I rolled an 8,4,5. But I wanted to get a good read on the situation, so I used the d8 for my effect die (the 5 I rolled). I summed up the 8 and 4, getting 12. So if the TN is less than 12 I succeeded.
I also tried to narrate my thought process to the dice pool in character, I think that’s one of the metatextual benefits of Cortex Prime.
I hope this helped clarify a little bit.
Last edited Aug 11, 2023 2:59 pm