Cortex Prime

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Jul 7, 2023 4:16 pm
Use this space to discuss and raise any questions you have about Cortex Prime and my implementation of it.
Aug 11, 2023 10:41 pm

Whenever the GM (me) rolls a 1 on any dice. The opposing player (or any and all players involved) may spend a Plot Point (PP) to either step down an ongoing complication or to step up an asset. If multiple 1's are rolled, a single PP will cover multiple step ups/downs of a single asset/complication. However, if you would like to affect different assets/complications, 1 PP will need to be spent for each trait being stepped up/down.

E.g. The GM rolls 3,1,1.
-For 1 PP you can step up an asset twice (or create a new asset at d6 and step it up once).
-For 1 PP you can step down a complication twice (stepping a complication down from d4 removes the complication).
-For 2 PP you can step up two different assets.
-For 2 PP you can step down two different complications.
-For 2 PP you can step up an asset and step down a complication.
Prime Opportunity

If the GM rolls all 1's, the opposing player(s) get a number of opportunities equal to the number of dice rolled and may use them without the PP cost.
Oct 10, 2023 3:22 pm
Tools and Gear

Each player will have the tools and basic resources associated with their Professional Experience and Background Distinctions. These supplies will automatically be maintained at no cost unless a Complication changes that.

Gear and resources that are specialized, unique, or magical in nature will be tracked on an individual level and will, likely, have a cost when first acquiring.
Feb 16, 2024 11:26 pm
Scene Records and Quest Records

As a character works through scenes and finishes quests, they will acquire records of those accomplishments. These records can be spent to advance a character through a couple different ways.

Scene Records are the most common and will allow a character to gain small advancements.

Quest Records are rarer but will grant large advancements which will not be available to SRs.

Advancement Table
Advancement TypeRecord Cost
Gain 1 Plot Point (PP)1 SR
Train an untrained Skill (d6)1 SR
Gain a specialization in a trained skill (d8)2 SR
Gain expertise in a specialization (d10)3 SR
Gain mastery in an expertise (d12)4 SR
Add an SFX to a Distinction1 SR
Upgrade the die for an Ability3 SR
Upgrade the die for an Attribute1 QR
Gain a new Ability1 QR
Gain 5 SR1 QR

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