Chapter 0: Hole in the Sky

Jul 11, 2023 8:42 pm
You've been living the wrong life.

For as long as you can remember, you've believed you were destined for something much greater than your mundane existence. Yet you've found no way to escape the droll repetition of your provincial lives.

Then the dreams began. An alluring woman dressed in blue finery, her face shrouded in shadows, appeared to you. She confirmed what you've believed your whole life -- your true destiny has been snatched away by sinister forces!

"Become my ally," she intoned in a ghostly tapestry of indistinct voices, "and your enemies shall become my enemies, and together we shall take back the life that was promised to you by the stars. Come and find me at the cliff."

As the dreams continued, you became more and more detached from your lives. You started to ignore your work. You had an increasingly difficult time engaging with your old family and friends, seeing each as a jailer in the prison of your life. Finally the dreams become a mandate, and you left home and followed the visions of your dreams, hoping to discover the mysterious cliff your saw the woman standing before.

You traveled dazedly, as if in a fever dream, your path dictated by strange omens and portents. Eventually, these now waking visions lead you to your destination.

You arrive, exhausted and confused, at the cliff overlooking the ocean. Looking around, you see numerous other people showing up at exactly the same time as you. The scene is exactly as it appeared in your dreams, and you are suddenly grateful as this must mean that you are not insane. There at the edge of the cliff is the woman who has haunted your dreams for months, standing behind a long table, incongruously set for a banquet here in this wild place. The woman is nearly seven foot tall, wearing tattered finery of deepest blue, and for the first time you see her face – somehow her head is that of a statue of a woman. Her features are inanimate and and softened, as if rain and wind had eroded the statue head over time. In her left hand she holds two severed human heads by the hair. In her right hand she holds three.

As you approach she holds all five up as if to great you with their dead faces. Then those dead eyes open, and the five heads speak to you in unison, each in their own voice. "Welcome, brave friends. I know you have many questions, but let them wait for now. I know you must be exhausted from your journey. Sit, eat and rest. All of your questions shall be answered this day." You notice that one of the heads, a pale-skinned outlander with bright red hair, speaks in a foreign tongue.

The feast is laid out before you – meat, bread, cheese, vegetables, and wine. Of every ten dishes, eight are fresh and delicious but two are visibly rotted or otherwise despoiled – for example, a plate of mutton crawls with maggots, a bowl of berries is green with fungus.
Jul 12, 2023 5:27 am
Pipit the greedy money lender halfling jumps in a chair and starts chowing down to the free meal.

Joe the farmer understands that rot and maggots half a place in the world and looks around to see if any creates that eat decomposing food. He cautiously eats some food for the strength.

Henry digs graves all day so is used to the yuck and dead things. Curious about the woman and the severed heads, but still sits to eat as instructed. He came this far from the dreams ans visions why would he stop now

Deacon being a holy man believes this whole mission is sent from his God. The spectacle is very strange, but he must have faith. He sits politely. Says a prayers and then begins to eat calmly and he examines the others.
Last edited July 12, 2023 1:18 pm
Jul 12, 2023 7:13 am
Honey- a gentle beekeeper, she believes life would be simpler if all kept bees. Hard work produces sweetness.

Threadz- a man who works with his hands is a man to trust. This weaver is a fine-dressing dandy with a short temper.

Talon- a stoic, Elven falconer who’s a twin brother to Fox. He prefers animals to people, but is polite enough that most don’t notice.

Fox- twin brother to Talon, he has dedicated his life to studying written works of the history of man and elf. He aims to write his own manuscript someday.
Jul 12, 2023 3:23 pm
Finally, Hyde the mercenary swordsman stands before the woman who has haunted his dreams, his squire Rat stares slack jawed in amazement.

"Greetings, goddess" is all the burly man manages before he is instructed to eat.

"By the gods," murmurs Boxer, a dwarven artisan from the hills neighboring the human lands. He sits as ordered but is leary of the meal for he does not trust the hideous nature of the Lady in Blue.

Sage the elf studies the deific woman thoroughly and takes notes on what he sees in a small field journal. He eats only bread, never taking his eyes from the multifaced woman.

Rat, a young man of only fifteen, is nervous at the sight of so much food but eats heartily when instructed by his benefactor, stealing most of it away on his pockets as his is a lot that knows not when his next meal may come.
Jul 13, 2023 2:44 am
Aemon Stetch rolls some dice across his knuckles and eyes up the marks. He wonders if there is any coin to be made, but the tall woman immediately regains his attention. He sits, pours himself a drink of something that smells like alcohol, and examines the food. Does he take a chance?

Wrong Jonny is a slight man, barely more than a beggar, and when he sees the feast, he plops down and begins eating, but he doesn't take his eyes off the others. His eyes dart furtively from one to the other.

Havlar Pestle, a stout dwarf with a cudgel at his waist, his hand holding it from banging on his knees as he walks, and he looks at the food. "Thank you, miss." His eyes narrow at the severed heads, and even more so at the obvious magic. He will need to watch her. He fills a plate with non-rotten meat and bread.

Yvon Kant holds a walking staff, although it is stout enough and shod for fighting. A bridle hangs from his belt, yet he has no horse. After the woman says her piece, he closes his mouth and sits beside Aemon, and says, "What say you, Aemon? This is not what I suspected."

Aemon replies, "And that's why you should have expected it. It is a mystery, and the more mysterious, the better!"
Jul 15, 2023 2:04 am
Selene, the hunter, cautiously thanks the creature in front of her and casually glances around the banquet to discern any tracks. Once that task is complete, she grabs fresh vegetables and fills a goblet with wine.

The miner Alister has not adjusted to the vast sky that threatens to swallow him whole. He thanks the creature in his Dwarven speech and fills a plate with meat. He sniffs the food to see if it's not spoiled and eats it.

Kip, the Dwarven herder, happily thanks the stone creature pats her beloved sow Minnie. Kip feeds Minnie with the spoiled scraps. Kip smiles as Minnie tears into her food and then fills his plate with meat and cheese. Kip sets themself at the table and digs in.

Roy, the armorer, approaches the stone creature in awe. He looks at the figure squarely and states "I've few friends and many enemies. I'm glad to have the chance to get glory....and food." He hauls his bulky frame next to the Dwarven herder and miner. "Hail to the mountain folk." May I join you? Alister gives a neutral shrug without looking up. Kip flashes a smile full of food and pats the chair beside him. Roy nods to Kip, removes his helmet, fills a plate and eats.
Jul 17, 2023 11:43 am
The strange woman declines to answer any questions until you have all eaten as much as you intend to. Finally, the assortment of heads she holds addresses you again:

"Thank you friends, for taking the dangerous journey to be here today. I know each of you, your minds and your hearts, and yet I must keep my identity veiled. If I were even to think my true name it would instantly be sensed by our enemies, and they would race here to break our fellowship and confound our plans. Please let me be known to you as the Lady in Blue. Trust that I am a friend, and not one that would mislead you.

"Know this – our enemies, who are indeed the enemies of all right thinking people of this world, have kept you from living the lives you were meant to live. Each of you was born under the wrong stars, a misfortune fostered upon you by our enemies. But I wish to be your ally. I can set this misfortune right.

"If you wish to have me for an ally, I ask just this: that tonight, when the full moon reaches the top of the sky, you step off that cliff and on to an invisible bridge that does not yet exist, but shall exist tonight. This bridge will take you on a long journey across the ocean. This journey will be difficult, and some of you may not live to see its end. But those who do shall find the hole in the sky, a porthole to another world. That world is a prison, and its warden is a titan, a fierce creature that cannot be slain by mortal means. This titan keeps a prisoner in a cage of Alder wood. Its prisoner is our ally, and to say her name aloud would give my presence away to our enemies."

At this, the Lady in Blue takes a cup of wine from the banquet table and carefully pours it there on the dusty ground. For a moment you see a word written there – DREZZTA. A moment later, a mass of beetles bubble up from the earth and devour the word. An instant later they disappear, leaving only bare ground.

"Never speak the name aloud. Friends, I would ask that you take this bridge tonight under the full moon to the hole in the sky. Free our ally. Those who do shall be my trusted friends, and I shall set their stars right with this –"

The Lady in Blue gestures and you hear an immense tearing noise, as if the spinning of the world was grinding to a halt. Incredibly, a seam opens in the morning sky, and you are looking through it into another world, one where a massive black monolith is the epicenter of what seems like the mother of all storms. The wind blows so hard you are all shoved back several feet, almost to the edge of the cliff. As your eyes adjust, you see that the monolith is actually the edge of an immense black wheel. The wheel turns slowly and seems to be made of the night sky itself. You see stars, clustered in groups or shining alone, in its surface. As it spins you feel as if reality itself might slip from beneath your feet at any moment.

You clearly hear every word the Lady in Blue speaks, despite the hurricane winds. "This is the Wheel of Destiny, one of the posters of the universe. For each brave friend who aids in the rescue of our ally and returns, I shall allow them to spin it... once. One time, and the true destiny you were meant for shall be yours."

With a gesture, the Lady closes the seam in the morning sky. The winds dissipate. You see that the remnants of your feast have all been blown into the ocean.
Jul 17, 2023 1:24 pm
Hyde and Rat briefly share a dubious look of concern over the details of the Lady's story. They had worked as mercenaries for some unscrupulous folks and were all to aware of the methods of coercion employed by the otherworldly figure.

Sage on the other hand was elated at the proposition that his stars might be changed.

"If mine are the wrong stars now, what were they originally meant to be and how did this mix up come to pass dear Lady in Blue?"
Jul 17, 2023 3:04 pm
Pyne, Asha, Ulric and Bren had finally made it to the destination that fate had sent them, the rest of the group could see this one coming up, two of which, Ulric and Bren arguing about the morals of stealing a candlestick from a person's home.

"You can't just steal something like that! What if the moon and stars hide behind the clouds in the sky, if you take that candlestick, they might not have a light for the darkness, could trip, fall, hit their head and die, that death would be on you!" Shouted Bren.

"If that candlestick was the only one they had, then they deserve the fate they get for being so irresponsible!" Ulric shouted back.

"Where is their fireplace in all of this? Shouldn't it be roaring up a-" Asha began to say.

"Quiet you three! We're finally here!" Interrupted Pyne, the group watched the food be blown away and they all groaned together.

"This is all your fault Pyne, if we didn't stop and help that farmer, we would have been here on time!" The three others in unison cried to Pyne as they all pointed fingers at him.

"Yeah, and all we got was this candlestick!" Ulric said as he took it out of his pocket, broken in half from the rough travels, "dammit, now we really got nothing to show for it." He then threw the candlestick down onto the ground.

"Shut up! All of you! Be respectful to the person who summoned us here." Pyne finally said, ending the conversation, they all now stood there, waiting to hear from the host.

Confidence Artist - Pyne
Halfling Chicken Butcher - Asha
Cutpurse - Ulric
Scribe - Bren
Last edited July 17, 2023 3:05 pm
Jul 17, 2023 3:33 pm
Pipit is chowing down and misses most of the mission description, but stops in his tracks at the thought of changing his fate for the better. Riches? Fame? Oh the possibilities. "Let’s get this started!"

Henry the young muscular grave digger has had his fill of food and listens to the words. "This sounds like a long adventure, you sure you can leave the food that long pipit?

"Guarded by a titan? I see there is at least 24 of us here, but do we really have chance against a titan Lady?very few of us have a real weapons or fighting knowledge." Joe says questioning their chance of success.

"With faith all things are possible dear boy." Deacon says. "Show us the way madam."
Jul 17, 2023 4:32 pm
dominion451 says:
"If mine are the wrong stars now, what were they originally meant to be and how did this mix up come to pass dear Lady in Blue?"
"Discord and malevolent mischief in the cosmos," the Lady intones. "But what was broken may yet be repaired."
Mnrtoler says:
"Guarded by a titan? I see there is at least 24 of us here, but do we really have chance against a titan Lady?very few of us have a real weapons or fighting knowledge." Joe says questioning their chance of success.
"No, you do not have a chance against the titan," the Lady agrees. "That is why your task is not to fight it, but to free our ally. I would advise finding alternatives to fighting if you wish to make it out alive."
Jul 17, 2023 7:44 pm
Kip finds himself hunched over to protect Minnie. "I don't know if I'm cut out for this sort of thing. But I don't know if I can make it home! My parents can't handle the herd by themselves."

Enraged, Selene checks to make sure that her that she has her equipment. She hears the herder talk of home, and an image of her cottage pops into her head. Selene reassures the herder "The only way out of this mess may be through it. If we survive, then I'll help you find your way home." She calms down as she helps Kip off the ground.

"Why bother?" snapped Alister. He gestures his pickaxe towards Kip and the sow, "They've abandoned the Stone. He deserves neither help nor pity."

Roy dusts himself off and puts his hammer in its holster. "I agree with the huntress. I can maintain our weapons and armor. I can use this," he gestures at his hammer, " crack a few skulls if need be."

Kip glares at Alister over Selene and sticks his tongue out at the miner.
Jul 18, 2023 2:57 am
Aemon Stetch
Aemon Stetch and Yvon Kant look at each other, and nod grimly. "We'll take the bridge. It seems that it calls to us. Why, I can't speak for Yvon, but for me it is the dice throw of all dice throws."

Yvon Kant
Kant nods once more. He keeps his reasons to himself.

Wrong Jonny
Wrong Jonny nods when attention falls to him. "Alright. I will." He hasn't actually decided that but it's what he thinks they want to hear. He can always run later.

Havlar Pestle
Havlar Pestle the dwarf snorts, "I dinnae come all this way to turn back at the prospect of certain death. I'll go to the prison, Lady."
Last edited July 18, 2023 3:16 am
Jul 18, 2023 3:32 am
Honey had been tasting the variety of fruits and sampling the wines and mead when the intense lady in blue made her plea. She looked around to assess the reactions.
Truly, she did feel as though she was meant to be someone else. It wasn’t just the recent dreams. She simply doesn’t fit in. Her interest was peaked. She would follow the throng to the edge and beyond. She would lend her wit to the task.

Threadz had been slowly sizing up this ragtag assemblage of townsfolk. Some he recognized, most he did not. A couple were so horribly dressed that he swore they even smelled poorly. Could have been the rotting food though. He steered clear anyway. He did spy a couple of identical twin elves that had exquisite fashion sense. He approached and whispered,
"Does anyone else notice the way the gown on this blue diva drapes? The light play is mesmerizing!"

Fox had been simply staring at this insane display. When the well-dressed man made his gown comment, he snapped,
"Is there no one here that is alarmed by the dismembered heads?! Are people actually thinking of joining this ridiculous quest?"
He doesn’t exactly direct this comment as an answer to the gown question or even at the man in fine clothes. He just blurts it out and then plops down on a bench.

Talon sees his brother become upset and reaches out to soothe him by rubbing his shoulder. He feels that he must apologize for him to the fancy man. He does in a whisper to keep tension from mounting.
"I am truly sorry for my brothers outburst in your general direction, goodsir. He means no ill will, I assure you."
He then looks up at the lady in blue to appreciate the gown’s draping. He sees nothing special, but lies to be polite.
"I see what you mean about the fabric. She must have the finest seamstresses."
Last edited July 18, 2023 3:35 am
Jul 18, 2023 8:35 pm
Hyde turns over to Fox with a look that says 'thank you!'

"Finally! I thought I was losing my mind! Are we in fact making a deal with a demon? No offense Blue Lady..."

Rat just continues grabbing and stuffing bread into his pockets with a sour look. When Aemon mentions the bridge, an audible sigh escapes his lips.

"Don't worry m'lord, I'm sure I'll have to be the first one to test that fairy tale. Hmph, invisible bridge indeed."
Jul 18, 2023 9:39 pm
Pyne is eager to begin this journey and looks to the sky, it's not every day that someone of his background had a chance of saving someone of such importance with such high stakes.

"It would be an honour to help in rescuing your friend from the titan that holds it captive." He said to the Lady.

Asha nods in agreement.

"I would love it if I was able to stop having to chop the heads off chickens, it can get quite depressing with all that death all the time." She said.

Ulric can be seen eyeing up every ones things and sees that not everything has been blown off the table and grabs what food he can before the moon reaches it's peak.

Gotta keep an eye out for what they got in case they die. He thought to himself as he did.

Bren reaches into his pockets and finds materials to quickly jot down what is going on.

"This will be a tale for the ages! I have to write this down!"
How close is the moon to hitting the top of the sky?
Confidence Artist - Pyne
Halfling Chicken Butcher - Asha
Cutpurse - Ulric
Scribe - Bren
Jul 19, 2023 4:08 am
Thanger the stonemason dwarf can’t stop starting at the lady. She appears to be made of stone, but she is animated. The stone is very lovely indeed. He is soon lost in thoughts of stone and the magic needed to bring stone to life.

Thelma leans on her staff, considering the whole bizarre situation. This lady who appears made of stone, the name that must not be said, the heads, the idea of going to another realm. Another realm? That’s not real is it. As she considers her dog Clancy keeps sneaking a little closer to eat, attracted by the food. He is sitting, he is a good boy. But he takes an opportunity here and there to try to get just a bit closer. He wants to be friends with the potential food source.

Mildred is happy. The idea of a new life! Now that’s exciting. She accepts the invite. As a tax collector she has the money, but not the friends. Obviously she was meant to have both!

Lastly, Stelious quickly jumps on board. What good luck for once, it looks like his fortune is changing. No more rags, no more begging!
Jul 19, 2023 7:42 am
The Lady in Blue remains impassive as you banter and prepare for the task. At some point, you turn back and see that she has abruptly vanished and is now nowhere to be found. It's still a few hours until moonrise. There's little to do but wait.

Eventually, the moon rises on the horizon, working its gradual way up to the top of the sky. If the Lady in Blue is to be believed, the invisible bridge should have manifested now. But who among you will be brave enough to be the first to step off of the cliff and test the truth of its existence?
Jul 19, 2023 6:51 pm
I guess it’s time. But how do we know where the bridge is. I guess we have to try to feel for it? I would imagine there would be posts or something connecting it to the land, maybe we can feel for those says Stelious, anxious for a change in luck but not anxious to fall off a cliff.
Jul 19, 2023 7:51 pm
"Come on someone try. Let’s get a move on I got a destiny to change!" the round halfling says.

"Kick some dirty on it!" comes a voice near the back from the grave digger.
Last edited July 19, 2023 7:53 pm
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