Stefron says:
I have submitted Duinhir, Dunedain ranger of the north, for review.
Still need to fill out equipment and back story but the basic should be there. I not very familiar with D&D, so if I did something wrong let me know.
By my calcs, Stefron, you still have 1 point to spend on your Point Buy ability score distribution to use.
There really aren't any great distributions that you can arrive at with Point Buy to convert 4, +1s to an all-even set of ability scores. So you may just have to turn 1 of your 12s to a 13. But there are other ways to play around with it too (maybe makes getting 2, 15s
slightly less painful), and/or I think there are some Virtues that grant a +1 to some abilities, so just take another look and see what you want to do.
Mnrtoler says:
@emsquared so question about inventory. Do we just take what our class give us per our standard of living or can I switch some things around. Like ring mail which is ac 14 and has stealth disadvantage for a corslet of mail which is is 13+ plus dex and has no stealth disadvantage. Corslet of mail is actually in a lower standard of living than my culture.
Yea, in AIME your starting gear is rather "locked in" by your Culture (Standard of Living) and Class.
I've never read anything official on it, but my take on the approach is, in addition to using Standard of Living/Equipment and Class to try to "enforce" another element of the feel of Tolkien's Middle-earth, there is less gear in AIME, less general wealth, and less magic/magic items and things. And so they kind of scaled starting gear back to still allow room for equipment to be a part of progression.
As a Warrior, I would look at it like: you probably didn't buy your own gear, you either inherited it from a dead relative, or you were handed it by your town when you were conscripted that time during or in preparation of an orc raid that may or may not have happened. Something like that.
You are welcome to sell starting equipment at 50% cost before we begin play, and purchase something else/other things with that money. But I don't know if that will get you your corslet.