@Dr_B - you need to record your Animal Handling and Survival proficiencies from your Background. And instead of describing your Expertise skills as "doubled" go ahead and just double your proficiency bonus for them and add the ability score modifier (so 4+ability mod)
Thanks! I added the Lure of the Road skill proficiencies, I had missed those.
As far as the 'doubled' skills (Persuasion, Stealth) character sheet doesn't let me edit the single associated proficiencies (it only shows a box to tick a proficiency once, and a pull down menu to change the associated base ability). I guess I will just have to remember adding another proficiency bonus on top of the one shown on the sheet.
Rolling for starting funds.
ALso added these missing details:
Speciality - Trading
Distinctive Quality - Adventurous
Hope - If you only live at home, then you have never truly lived
Despair - My travels are simply my excuse for getting away from problems at home
Last edited July 25, 2023 9:00 am