The Call of Starsong Tower (D&D 5e Class Playtest)

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Jul 24, 2023 8:13 pm
EDIT: My partner in crime says that I should mention some of our cred as designers, so here's us:

We're a four-person team of designers known as Unraveled Archives who have worked professionally together basically since COVID, publishing primarily on the DMs Guild until recently. You can find some information about each of us here. Most of our work is on D&D 5e classes and subclasses. One of our more well-known bits of work is
The Sentient Weapon: A New Combination of Race and Class, which is a Gold-bestseller on the DMs Guild (putting it in the top 4% of products on that platform). We've got a slew of new classes on the rise, and we're looking for people to help test them in a short pbp adventure!

First come, first served! Please make your interest known here in this Games Tavern thread.

I'm looking for a small handful of players (3 or 4) to join me in a short "one-shot" adventure for 1st-level characters. In reality it's a playtest of some new classes I've helped to design, so your character must be one of the new classes. There's a pretty broad array to choose from though! Most of the other elements of character-building are yours to choose, though in this case I'm restricting variant humans and races that have a fly speed from 1st level.

The adventure comes from Mike Shea's excellent Ruins of the Grendleroot. It says it runs in 2 hours. We'll see how long that takes in play-by-post format with 1 post per day ;)

I'm going to ask you to join our Discord server to make communication more convenient, but if you'd prefer not to join, that's okay too.

Here are the classes you'll be able to choose from:

Animist: summon a spirit buddy to fight alongside you
Commander: charismatic warrior who can heal/support allies
Harbinger: no spells, just nukes. Just a really really big blaster.
Loremaster: scholar who uses their expansive knowledge to aid the party
Mechanist: basically a non-magical artificer. think "combat engineer"

Possibly also include:
Glyphabrian: 2/3s typical spellcaster, 1/3 rune magic stuffs
Witch: full spellcaster, arcane but with Wisdom, specialize in crazy Curses

Once you're accepted into the game, you'll get links to these resources and you'll be able to check out all the details for yourself!
Last edited July 25, 2023 8:38 pm
Jul 25, 2023 7:05 pm
Hello! I would be willing to participate and try out some new classes!
Jul 25, 2023 8:40 pm
Kaneda_Shepard says:
Hello! I would be willing to participate and try out some new classes!
Welcome, Kaneda_Shepard! Thanks for being here! Expect a game invite shortly, and we'll get you set up to start making your character soon.
Jul 25, 2023 8:42 pm
(Just making a note here in the thread that I added some information about myself and my fellow designers at the very top of the initial post. Hope to meet some more players soon!)
Jul 25, 2023 8:51 pm
Animist and Commander seems interesting. Since this is a playtest, are you accepting more newbie players or is it limited to experienced ones?
Last edited July 25, 2023 8:53 pm
Jul 25, 2023 8:55 pm
HueHueBr says:
Animist and Commander seems interesting. Since this is a playtest, are you accepting more newbie players or is it limited to experienced ones?
Newbie players are just fine! The Commander would be a great one for you probably if you don't have much experience with D&D 5e.
Jul 25, 2023 9:09 pm
In this case I would like to enter your game.
Jul 25, 2023 9:16 pm
Harbinger you say? Just nukes you say? Why, yes, I would like to become death, the destroyer of worlds.
Jul 25, 2023 10:20 pm
Khulod says:
Harbinger you say? Just nukes you say? Why, yes, I would like to become death, the destroyer of worlds.
Haha, awesome. You're in!
Jul 25, 2023 10:25 pm
Including my fellow designer Carcabob, that makes 4 players! We might be able to squeeze one more in if someone else really wants to join us.
Jul 26, 2023 2:47 am
If you still have room, I'd like to join! Witch sounds fun, but I notice that it's a "possible" one, so I can play any of the other classes that the others don't pick.
Jul 26, 2023 3:09 am
Sounds great, goofanader! I just sent you an invite.

And that's all, folks! This game is now full.
Oct 18, 2023 12:16 pm
when browsing games it shows you as having 4 of 5 players. If you still have need of a player, let me know :)
Oct 18, 2023 2:36 pm
Game has been ghosted, sadly.

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