Jul 25, 2023 8:23 am
THE PITCH I have my vacation starting this weekend and I want to run a game to emulate an 80s or 90s B-action movie since I'll have more free time than usual. The type of action movie will be decided on together as well as the world and major NPCs.
THE SYSTEM The game will be using Action Movie World - First Blood (AMW) which is a PbtA game. The players will play actors, who are in turn playing a character in the movie, so there's a second level of metafiction that happens. For example, you'd play both the actor Sylvester Stallone and the character John Rambo within the fiction of the movie. The possible action genres are: barbarian, cop, fighting tournament, ninja, sci-fi, and war. Character moves are a combination of actor playbook and action genre moves.
THE GAME I am hoping this is a fast-paced game that lasts as long as a 90 minute movie through PbP (maybe 1-2 months). PbtA is relatively rules lite and we'll be doing a lot of collaborative world building so posting should move pretty quickly. I'm expecting a post a day, five a week at the slowest. Hope to kick the game off this weekend, Monday at the latest. 4 players is ideal, but 3-5 is good too.
If you're interested, leave a comment below. Thanks for reading!