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Aug 13, 2023 9:35 pm
Awesome. I’ll check those.

Adding in downtime should be be a problem. But what were you originally seeing for the Tinkerer? Because we can maybe make that work. Super powered Macguyver or something?
Aug 14, 2023 5:02 am
No, downtime does make sense, I think. He's not supposed to be "out in the field" himself, just the guy who builds gadgets that other people then use. Not really assembling something in the moment. I think it's all good.
Aug 14, 2023 2:43 pm
Ok. Cool.

I made a few more characters ( I’ll have to clean up the sheets, and we can start soon.

I think I’m going to put together at least a preliminary list of connections and relationships for these characters, soap opera style.

And i figure we can open in that support group council if session. Can you tell me a little more about what you were thinking for that concept? It’s really interesting.
Aug 14, 2023 8:32 pm
I'll try to get the last of the characters I proposed done tomorrow and submit them. And I'll be happy to help you figure out how they fit into the social web!

For the counseling, the original setting I made the character for had a recent event where lots of people suddenly gained superpowers, so she was trying to help those people cope since she already had powers before.
But outside of that, the idea is that she is an older student at the university, she has superpowers and she suppresses them, and she wants to help people who are struggling with their powers. So it would kind of be a group therapy thing. Talking about how the week went, whether there were any problems, giving advice and coping strategies, being there to talk to. That kind of thing. It'd probably be a university club that's officially something else but unofficially, people know what it's about. Rebecca as the one leading the group would be known to have powers, but she'd try to let anyone else in the group keep their anonymity if they want to.
Aug 15, 2023 4:06 pm
That sounds great. When I have a first draft of the relationship web, I’ll throw it in here. Probably near the end of the day today

This group sounds like a really good idea. Lots of meat in this concept, so I think we will start there.
Aug 17, 2023 8:00 pm
Here’s a first draft of the relationship web so far. Very high concept relationships.

Aug 17, 2023 8:23 pm
Did you post descriptions for the characters you added to the characters you added somewhere? That would help me wrap my head around the web.
Aug 17, 2023 8:27 pm
I can add that. No problem. I’m filling in the bios and stuff now.
Aug 30, 2023 4:11 pm
Ah. Mingling is a great idea.
Sep 14, 2023 8:31 pm
We can definitely explore these guys and their convo. I’ve just got a couple of situations and scenarios planned, but i mostly want to do this kind of sandbox style. Poke around, see what’s interesting and what’s not, you know?

So definitely let me know what you or the characters are interested in and we’ll make that happen.
Sep 15, 2023 4:15 am
Then let's go for that scene. And maybe somethign to introduce Cole, since he has no powers and didn't go to Rebecca's thing.
Oct 26, 2023 7:41 pm
I think we hit a good point with both those stories at about the same time, actually. Who do you want to move onto next? I guess, pick two?
Oct 26, 2023 8:38 pm
I guess for one scene, we could go for Brian's attempt to get access to Rebecca's phone. Not sure what his approach would be, but probably to meet under some false pretense. Or to follow her and try to find a good opportunity.

As for the other scene, we could go for a scene at university. Maybe Cole and Elise actually share a class, or they're both eating at the uni cafeteria (not together, but near each other) when something happens there.

I'd just leave the details on both of those up to you. Unless you say you want me to come up with something concrete.
Oct 28, 2023 3:34 am
Nope. That’s enough. Sounds good!
Nov 8, 2023 1:47 am
What would Rebecca be doing mid day on a Wednesday? Actually, what does her say to day look like in general?
Nov 8, 2023 3:52 am
I think she mostly has a pretty boring life schedule. She goes to university, meets with friends... maybe she has a job as well. Probably nothing exciting, just as a barista or something, as she focuses on studying. I imagine she lives in some student apartment with a friend as roommate.
As for midday Wednesday, I'd probably just say she would be at university, but if something else works better for you, just go for it. Overall, she just doesn't live a very exciting life.
Nov 8, 2023 4:56 pm
Nope! That’s perfect. I’ll get something going.
Nov 13, 2023 6:01 pm
I've been trying to find avatars for them but my initial tries weren't too successful. I'll lower my standards a bit and search again.
Nov 13, 2023 6:30 pm
Haha! The same! But I need to see them, so like you say, lower standards for now, until we find something better.
Nov 13, 2023 7:24 pm
Hmm, I went to Midjourney to try and get some images for them. I'm not completely happy yet, especially with Elise, but I guess these might be better than nothing.


Rebecca Temple
Cole Falkart
Elise Darrington
Last edited Nov 13, 2023 8:55 pm
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