IC Story Thread: Ch.1,Ad.1 - A Sensitive Matter

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Sep 11, 2023 6:01 pm
Nice roll.

I should have included in my last narrative reply - you guys see no children out and about/involved in any of this.

Alright then, are you two proceeding with your plan? Going to the side dock to pretend-fish while observing? Or doing something else?
Sep 11, 2023 7:56 pm
if it looks like our original plan wouldn't make us conspicuous, we will proceed with that. If we see an opportunity for a better inconspicuous observation point in the corsair ship, we will adopt that instead.
"Too bad Ónar is not with us. In our fellowship, he'd be the one who could understand what is being said and written, here. Come on, let us stick to plan and watch the ship..." he whispers to Seònaid.
Sep 12, 2023 2:16 pm
Cirion and Seonaid proceed to their planned false-fishing spot, have a seat and cast in their makeshift lines.

The activity continues around them, and they're able to watch the conflict between the Corsair at the gang plank and the clerk through to it's conclusion, which only takes a minute or so more. After which, the clerk walks off shaking his head, and the Corsair makes a rude gesture and walks back aboard the Storm-tide.

They sit there a bit more with little changing or notable going on, but after awhile it seems as though someone has taken notice of them, as a Corsair comes out of a door from a collection of structures north of them, and starts coming toward them.
Sep 13, 2023 8:06 am
I spent the 3 sp.
Éothain's blade remained in its scabbard, even after scoundrels ambushed his group on the docks. Well-placed fists and elbows sent them scurrying back to their darkened hideaway. I wish I could've seen their faces.

Still wearing his inconspicuous outfit, the rider from Rohan spent the entire next day in areas of the city frequented by Westron travelers. That's where he sought, and found, a translator. More then one person recommended a Gondorian woman, Jhanna Persphine, who agreed to his terms.
Last edited Sep 13, 2023 8:10 am


Second wind - (1d10+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Sep 13, 2023 11:26 am
Cirion whispers to Seònaid to act normally, like two foreigners learning to fish, with the incoming Corsair. Their fishing ruse will no doubt look amateurish to one that knows the type of catch, bait and technique required here.

He nevertheless tries his best to seem at least competent, by performing pertinent actions with line and bait.

He says in Westron to Seònaid, at an audible level, "we have to be patient, my friend. These look like good waters..."
Sep 13, 2023 3:42 pm
Would love to get @Drakis2 in on this but I know they're busy and so I also need to keep this moving so we can get back to group actions.
The Corsair approaches, scowling, his silken sash swaying, a hand resting lazily on the pommel of a dagger.

Still in stride, walking up to the two, he begins ranting in some Southron tongue. He is making gestures to the general area, gestures to your "poles", gestures to the waters of the bay, and ultimately makes shooing gestures to the both of you, all the while seemingly lecturing you both in a language you don't understand.
Sep 13, 2023 3:50 pm
"Ah. Do you speak Westron, my good sire? We cannot understand..." he says, shrugging and smiling at the corsair.
Sep 13, 2023 4:04 pm
The Corsair quirks an eyebrow, and looks slightly confused and impatient as he continues to rant in his tongue and makes dismissive gestures.

He pauses a moment to angle his body back toward the building he came from, puts a couple fingers into his mouth, and lets out a sharp bark of a whistle.

Then just kind of stands at ease, and issues one or two word commands, pointing away from the docks out into the greater surroundings of the city.
Sep 13, 2023 4:21 pm
Getting his meaning, and hard pressed to believably pretend he doesn't, he nods, telling Seònaid: "we'd better go, looks like we trespassed, or something..."

He withdraws the makeshift fishing line and stands up on the dock, starting to move away from the waterfront.
Sep 13, 2023 6:34 pm
Yea, I mean, at the very least this was the ship that was used to abduct the kids, they have a bunch of activity in their neighborhood where someone is taking their stuff.

Hopefully understandably, they're on a bit of high alert for the immediate area.

Do you two have a back up observation spot/tactic you want to pursue? Or return to the party? Or something else?
Sep 13, 2023 9:42 pm
Seònaid shrugs her shoulders and packs up her makeshift fishing gear and follows Cirion away from the docks.

"I am still curious to know why these towns people were moved Cirion. If we spot any maybe we can see where they are heading and report back to the others. What do you think?"
Sep 13, 2023 9:46 pm
"Yes. it is still not time for the shift change, anyway. Good idea, Seònaid..." he agrees.
Sep 14, 2023 2:18 pm
No one appears to be taking much away, out of the neighborhood of Easterly Rock, right now.

They're moving stuff into piles on the street. Durable goods. Furniture mostly. But boxes of smaller wares too. The clerks are examining and cataloguing this stuff.

Some directly on to wagons - this, you notice now that you have a better understanding of what might be going on, is stuff that is clearly valuable. Statuary. Fine, tall decorative pots. Yards of fine silk or linen. Clerks are cataloguing these too.

But nothing is getting moved away yet. There's nowhere to follow anyone to.

Following that, Cirion and Seonaid are able to return to the Company with their findings. It has been maybe 4 hrs, and it is about noon.
Sep 14, 2023 3:58 pm
Sure let's return to the rest of the company. I am especially happy that we now have an interpreter as it will make things so much easier. Thank you @rpgventurer for doing that!
Sep 14, 2023 6:07 pm
Drakis2 says:
Sure let's return to the rest of the company. I am especially happy that we now have an interpreter as it will make things so much easier. Thank you @rpgventurer for doing that!
The following day, you will have an interpreter.

Alright, we are back at Onar's.

Cirion and Seonaid can share what they saw.

Does this change anything for the group?

Or do we proceed with what I believe the previous plan was: to watch and rest with 1 half the group, and then watch and rest with the halves of the group switching (minus Eothain, who is securing the interpreter for tomorrow)?

This would take us to about midnight.

Eothain is not gone until midnight, but is gone until later in the evening, so getting him a Long Rest would push things until 3 or 4 AM at the earliest.
Sep 18, 2023 8:24 pm
Leaving the house with the man he had been shadowing, Duinhir makes his way to Onar's house and finds a spot in a corner to lie down. Exhaustion overcomes him and he sleeps for a long while without a mind or care of what else is going on.
Some time later he wakes up, thoughts of their mission return and he immediately tries to catch up on what the other group had learned the previous night.
Though perhaps a bit late, he volunteers to do his part of the stakeout.
Sep 19, 2023 5:36 am
I wrote something yesterday, but obviously I didn't click the "Post" button. Sorry.
When Éothain returns to Onar's, he listens to what happened at the docks, then tells the group about the translator. "She is meeting me at the record hall tomorrow morning. The corsairs seem to be organized -- these clerks are more common than what I am accustomed to. I hope we can find out who controls the Easterly Rock area and who this 'Ibn-ahten' is."
Sep 19, 2023 7:03 am
After sleeping and learning that watch team has been forced to leave their watch Ónar suggests:
We may each move around the docks at different times and then compare our observations
I propose each PC but Cirion and Seonaid would walk buy Easterly Rock, to get once-per-hour observation of the place and see cargo unloading progress.
And I would like to get close to Storm-tide during the night time to learn how it is guarded by night. Perhaps anyone younger and sfiter than me want to volunteer?
With stealth modifier -1 I'd be happy if anyone else try to sneak around the ship during the night.
And finally - if that is possible - Ónar would like to visit any library if there is one in the city and study this ship construction.
Sep 19, 2023 3:03 pm
It is late in the afternoon, and Seonaid and Cirion have taken up refuge in Onar's austere but serviceable flat, while Duinhir and Onar take up watch. Eothain at this time is still out securing the interpreter.

The dwarf and the Dunedain find Easterly Rock to be in a similar state as was reported by Seonaid and Cirion, as they move through the warrens and water-fronts surrounding and making up the Easterly Rock neighborhood. But as they draw closest to it's central hub where the Storm-tide is docked, they can see the activity has changed a little. Now, porters are moving things back into the buildings, and the wagons are more or less loaded to capacity.

As they pass by again, the wagons are mostly all gone, and the last of the goods on the street are being taken back into the buildings.

And by the time the sun is setting, when they pass by again, they can see the streets are empty, save for random comings and goings. The clerks and wagons and laborers and things on the street are all gone.
@GreyWord you mentioned wanting to get a closer look at night.

Let's take a moment to zoom in on that a bit.

You also mentioned Onar's lack of particular skill in that regard, but @Stefron Duinhir and Onar are double teaming this watch, how do you want to do this?

The dwarf has night vision which could help, but Duinhir is the superior sneaker.

Is Omar going along? Or letting Duinhir handle it alone?

And... just as a reminder, since we're still in the very early part of this campaign (and because it's good to fully use the tools the game provides us, and it reinforces Tolkienian themes...), I would point out that either the Help Action or Group Check rules favor you here: Onar's night vision I think is an arguably benefit even tho he is not a skilled sneak-thief, or for Group checks only 1/2 of the participating group need succeed on the check for it to be an overall success.
Sep 19, 2023 4:30 pm
To be honest I totally forgot about night vision. I would love to do this are two player group check(s)
Duinhir, I'm ready to get my feet wet with some scouting. Ónar whispers and propose to try get closer to the ship. Shall we?
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