IC Story Thread: Ch.1,Ad.1 - A Sensitive Matter
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If the surprise give advantage to the roll I have included an additional roll.
Grab and muffle the guard - (1d20)
(18) = 18
Advantage? - (1d20)
(1) = 1
So you guys can mechanically try to surprise them.
You'd both first need to roll a Stealth. So go ahead and do that.
Following on that, well need it anyway, so everyone roll Initiative.
@Stefron we'll strike that roll for now, because we have so much to figure out before that. But if you do get the opportunity to try it after Surprise and Initiative is determined, it will be a Grapple made at Disadvantage.
Cirion and Eothain probably hear little, but I think would notice Seonaid rushing inside.
Initiative - (1d20+1)
(2) + 1 = 3
Stealth - (1d20+2)
(7) + 2 = 9
Initiative - (1d20+2)
(17) + 2 = 19
Stealth - (1d20+4)
(3) + 4 = 7
Initiative - (1d20+0)
(1) = 1
@Stefron does Duinhir really have no Dex bonus to apply to initiative?
Also, I will mention it again, EVERYONE still has Inspiration that they can spend on important rolls...
The enemy was not trying to be Stealthy so you guys are not surprised.
And you guys failed to surprise them also.
So no one is surprised! We go straight into initiative.
@Drakis2 Seonaid is first and I'm assuming she still closes with the far "Guard". The near Guard does get an Attack of Opportunity, and there's no way she can avoid that without a Feat or sacrificing her ability to reach the far Guard. But he also doesn't have a weapon drawn yet, so it's just with his barehanded attack...
Duinhir I believe actually ties his opponent, but with the higher Dex bonus, I will have Duinhir go first.
And since Seonaid must use her entire turn just to reach the far Guard, @Stefron go ahead and resolve your action for this round. And I'm also going to go ahead and roll both of your opponent's attacks, because they are not surprised and can act, and even if Duingir succeeds at the Grapple, your opponent can still attack you.
Rolling for the AoO.
And rolling for both enemy attacks.
And then @Dr_B,@rpgventurer please also declare your actions.
I will also provide an updated battle map.
EDIT: Jesus, ok everyone hits. Rolling damage.
5 damage to Seonaid
1 damage to Duinhir
Just realized Seonaid's was a crit, so rolling second damage dice.
Then as the fight progresses, both men draw batons from their waist-sashes and fight back!

AoO on Seonaid - (1d20+2)
(16) + 2 = 18
Attack on Duinhir - (1d20+2)
(19) + 2 = 21
Attack on Seonaid - (1d20+2)
(20) + 2 = 22
Damage Seonaid (+1 is the unarmed strike) - (1d3+1)
(3) + 1 = 4
Savage to Duinhir - (1d3)
(1) = 1
Seonaid crit - (1d3)
(1) = 1
Strength check - (1d20+1)
(13) + 1 = 14
She is using flat of blade to disable the giard
Attack on Guard - (1d20+2)
(13) + 2 = 15
Broadsword Damage - (1d8+2)
(6) + 2 = 8
[ooc]Rolling strength. It is the same modifier for atletics if that more appropriate.
I'll roll your Disadvantage for you, as well as the guy's opposed check.
She is using flat of blade to disable the giard
@Dr_B go ahead and declare/play out Cirion's action please! You've seen Seonaid and Duinhir rush inside on the upper level.
@rpgventurer go ahead and declare your action as well after you've rolled initiative.
Duinhir Grapple Disadvantage - (1d20)
(5) = 5
Opponent opposed Athletics - (1d20)
(3) = 3
Initiative - (1d20+3)
(16) + 3 = 19
Athletics - (1d20+3)
(9) + 3 = 12
@Dr_B,@rpgventurer because of the disjointed way in which we resolved the first round, and because you guys rolled so well, it is your turn again! Please go ahead and go.
@Stefron you can go as well at any time, you're all before the Enemy.
Inside the warehouse, the deckhand-guardsmen have engaged Duinhir and Seonaid, and responding in kind, Seonaid downs her opponent with a fierce non-lethal ((I assume that's what you meant by using the flat of your blade)) blow.
Down on the ground level of the warehouse, a woman in a flowing nightdress and head-scarf turns and looks up at the scuffle between Duinhir, Seonaid, and the watchmen in stunned confusion. She stands before two heavy, iron-bound chests the are open, each with a small child inside - who in turn are also looking upon the scene with great confusion, bread heels clutched in little hands.
Two more watchmen are reclined on crates and barrels near the double-doors, but they rise at the sound of a fight and start taking tentative steps toward the woman, as they squint into the dark of the upper deck trying to figure out what is going on.

Knowing that they are past stealth, now, he charges the nearest corsair, short sword in his hand. If anything that will move him away from the edge of the roof and the drop below.
short sword (P) to hit - (1d20+3)
(12) + 3 = 15
Knowing that they are past stealth, now, he charges the nearest corsair, short sword in his hand. If anything that will move him away from the edge of the roof and the drop below.
short sword (P) damage - (1d6+1)
(4) + 1 = 5
Non-lethal attack with broadsword - (1d20+5, 1d8+6)
1d20+5 : (8) + 5 = 13
1d8+6 : (1) + 6 = 7
Athletics - (1d20+1)
(10) + 1 = 11
Duinhir struggles with his grapple guardsman, but fails to inflict any harm.
As the Corsairs and guardsman fight back, the woman inside the warehouse orders the deckhands next to her in Southron, and they run up the steps to engage Duinhir and Seonaid!
Neither Duinhir nor Seonaid's new guardsman attackers can attack this round due to double moves.
Looks like @Dr_B takes 5 damage, and that's about it.

Good guys, go! All of you can just go whenever!
Corsair attacks Cirion - (1d20+3, 1d4+1)
1d20+3 : (18) + 3 = 21
1d4+1 : (4) + 1 = 5
Corsair attacks Eothain - (1d20+3, 1d4+1)
1d20+3 : (6) + 3 = 9
1d4+1 : (1) + 1 = 2
Guardsman tries to break grapple - (1d20)
(7) = 7