IC Story Thread: Ch.1,Ad.1 - A Sensitive Matter

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Nov 8, 2023 10:00 pm
Apologies, I had a few intense days that didn't leave me much time to write
During their escape, as they put more distance between themselves and the warehouse on fire, the reality of their predicament starts dawning on Cirion. Here they are, in a foreign city, in a position that the locals would not hesitate to read as that of arsonists, kidnappers and... murderers.
It is the latter crime that weighs heaviest on his shoulders. He longed for intrigue and adventure, but now that he has killed he feels no thrill in the defeat of an enemy. Once the adrenaline rush is over, all that remains are images of violence in his head - his blade piercing the man's flesh, the blood- and the realization that that man had a family, maybe children...

Maybe you're not the rugged adventurer you pretend to be, you fool....
Yet he sees these small children. How traumatic this ordeal must have been for them. And he thinks of their mother, their family. Maybe the blood I spilled can lead to some happiness, in the endl.

Now he looks at the discouraging sight of the locked gates, and listens to the cacophony of alarms pervading the city. He feels despair surging within himself. Fear, too.
His gaze follows the top of the city walls. Back in Pelargir, some of the streets around the walls were so narrow and contorted, that the roofs sometimes reached really close to the wall top...
leaving a Wisdom roll to spot any such architectural features


Wisdom check - (1d20+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Nov 9, 2023 7:58 am
"Is there no way to go over these walls?" he says to the others, looking at the roofs in dismay.
Nov 9, 2023 9:01 am
On the way to the gate, Éothain ditches the peasant garb.
Nov 10, 2023 5:25 pm
"Maybe there is Cirion, but let us first see if there is a need for that," Seònaid answers. She adjusts the child in her arms to a more comfortable hold. "Why don't you sneak up and see what you can spy, meanwhile I suggest the rest of us find somewhere in the shadows over there to wait."
Before we try the roofs I suggest we check for an easier way out. There must be a guard at the gate, so we can try to get across to them we want to leave. Worse case there may not be that many and we can overpower them and let ourselves out.
The other option is our embassy in the city. If things get dangerous we could always deliver the children to them, and then work on making our own way back to Gondor.
Last edited Nov 10, 2023 5:45 pm
Nov 10, 2023 7:49 pm
I agree with Seónaid. Let us see if it is possible to get out through the gates before we venture over the walls." Duinhir. "I'll go and see how it is guarded. Take care of the children." he adds and puts down the child he has been carrying.

He then sneaks up to get a look at the gate.


Stealth - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Nov 10, 2023 8:43 pm
Cirion takes charge of the child Duinhir left, picking him up with a smile.
They withdraw to a shadowy area so not to be too conspicuous.
Nov 11, 2023 6:43 am
Éothain pats Skunktail's nose to calm her down as they wait along the side of a building.
Nov 13, 2023 6:43 pm
Nice roll stefron.
Duinhir moves up to the gate and can see there are no guards outside on the ground at this time, however there is a light burning in the windows of the gatehouse, above, which straddles the gate, spanning the distance between two watchtowers which sit on either side of the gate.

No doubt there is someone up there - possibly many someones, but they've not hailed to him if they're watching.

There are a couple of heavy iron-bound doors that enter into the gate towers from the streets, but they are both locked. And after looking about just a moment more, he sees there is an iron-barred door to the south of the greater gate house and towers, piercing the city wall, which has light emanating from inside it.

And when Duinhir goes over to it, he can see that it is a room that spans the depth of the city wall, and has an identical iron-barred door which, although it is shut, can open to the outside. Duinhir can be certain it opens to the outside, as he can see the dim lights of a make shift refugee encampment that has formed, huddling near the city wall on the other side.

There is a guardsman sitting on a chair inside the room, with a whittling knife in one hand and a half-horse-half-wooden block in the other. He is leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his hands dangling listlessly as he shifts about uncomfortably in his seat.
Both iron-bar doors are shut, at this time you don't know if they're locked or not.
Nov 13, 2023 8:53 pm
Duinhir makes his way back to the other to tell them what he has learned. "I think that door to the south of the wall is our best chance of getting out. If only we could lure the guard away or pacify in some way." he concludes
Nov 13, 2023 10:23 pm
@rpgventurer: The guard is carving a horse. Would Éothain approach and, in friendly manner, point at his horse and at the carving, to see if the guard will engage. Maybe we can lure him out of the space, and then Duinhir and/or Seònaid could jump him?
Nov 14, 2023 4:58 pm
Good idea.
Éothain walks Skunktail toward the guard, smiles and waves. "Hello," he says in Westron. He pats the horse's neck and gestures with his open hand between the horse and the guard with a silent invitation to pet the horse.


Charisma - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Nov 14, 2023 7:24 pm
The man is apparently alerted by Skunktail's approaching iron-shod steps, as he is standing upright and looking outward when Eothain reaches the iron barred door and sets eyes on him. The knife and half carved block lie on the ground by the chair.

Seeing Eothain and his gesture, the man scans the dimensions of the doorframe and then sizes up Skunktail. He shrugs and says something in Southron, but Eothain only catches the words 'big' and 'close'.
Nov 14, 2023 8:47 pm
Duinhir mutters a silent curse as the guard does not just walk into their trap.
He is hiding nearby ready to jump the guard when he comes out to pet Skunktail. But now it seems like that is not going to happen. He gestures to Éothain urging him to press on.
Nov 14, 2023 8:48 pm
@Stefron: Is Duinhir up for using his Stealth to launch a sneak attack on the guard? We can try to knock him out rather than kill. Seònaid and Éothain can help, so maybe we start with you throwing a cloak over his head if Éothain can coax him out the doorway?

@Dr_B: Cirion could guard the children while the other three are having a go at the guard.

Sorry, don't mean to take a leadership role here, so am happy for anyone else to suggest an idea on this?
Nov 16, 2023 5:02 pm
Hey gang, so I think the ball is in y'all's court.

@Stefron,@rpgventurer I think the expectation right now is for one of you two to keep pushing or initiate contact if that is what is to be.
Nov 16, 2023 9:22 pm
Duinhir is ready to jump the guy something along the lines Drakis2 is suggesting. I think Éothain should give it another go at luring the guard outside.
Nov 16, 2023 11:15 pm
Cirion is happy to keep both children safe (and quiet) as the others act
Nov 17, 2023 5:23 am
Standing at the barred door, Éothain points to himself, then points forward several times. He says the word "out" each time he points.
Maybe the guard will just open it and let us out.

@emsquared, does it look like Skunktail can fit through the door?
Nov 17, 2023 4:00 pm
As Eothain makes further gestures and words, the man blinks a bit uncomprehendingly, but soon nods dutifully and sighs, in a somewhat exasperated fashion.

He goes to the door loosening a set of keys hanging on his belt, and eyes both Skunktail and the doorway continually, as he fiddles with the keys and the door.

In the midst of it he jabs his finger indicating Skunktail's side, and then gestures to his own middle section making an encircling motion around himself, saying something in Southron, but Eothain doesn't recognize any of the words.

Regardless the man appears to be opening the door.

Eothain thinks that Skunktail might fit if he can convince his horse to tolerate the mild physical discomfort it would cause to scrape past the door frame, and as he examines the situation, as the guard manipulates the keys and then lock, he figures it would probably help to take the saddle off.
Nov 21, 2023 7:45 am
Éothain nods at the guard then removes Skunktail's saddle, placing his cloak on the horse's back and sides, hoping it is enough protection as he leads his mount slowly through the doorway. "Good girl," he says softly.

Éothain will wave to the others when the horse is almost through the gate.


Animal Handling - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

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