Welcome to The Misfits

Jul 29, 2023 5:14 pm
Off the beaten path, in a quiet part of the city, stands a relatively, if not for its size, unassuming building. A sign over the main doors reads "The Misfits". Your search has come to an end, but you get the sense that a grand adventure awaits you on the other side of these doors.

Pausing for a moment before heading into the building, A'ramis stands in the empty street and notices another walking in his direction. Markus approaches the stranger in front of the guild they both are hoping will welcome them.
Introduce yourselves! But do not go further than opening the door to the guild.
Jul 31, 2023 3:38 am
A'ramis was being as nondescript as he could be, a largely impossible task everything considered. The hood could not entirely hide his ears even when up, and his tail could never be covered by anything less than a full cape. As trapping his ears and tail within the confines of fabric was incredibly uncomfortable he rarely tried, unless for weather. Right now, though, his hood was up and his tail was tucked close to his legs. If someone paid attention they could see the oddities, especially his eyes. As the street was currently sunny, his feline pupils were a 'normal' size. That wasn't always the case which, while helpful with vision, often drew unwanted stares. Not that he wasn't used to that. Still, it was a new city and he liked to observe things as much as he could before the inevitable exposure. Only his head, hands and tail weren't covered by clothing constantly. His bag rested on his back, as did his rather unique bow. Since he was within city walls the bow sat underneath the backpack as he wouldn't be needing to grab it here. If something happened here, the bow wasn't the best option.

The building before him, and the city he was in, was probably his best bet at finding a steady home and job. Wandering was good for a while, but A'ramis had never wanted a nomad's life. Travel? Sure, that was great when one had a home base. But the courage to walk in was another thing altogether. He had the feeling it would have been easier to walk into hostile territory - that at least was familiar. But this idea of possible acceptance was both tempting and terrifying. Hope was a good thing to have, a painful thing to lose.

A man, that A'ramis has assumed was simply using the street, stopped near him. His tail subconsciously flicked near it's tip as he shifted his gaze from the building to the man. Someone who worked here? Someone also interested in "The Misfits"? Or something else entirely? He watched the other man for a minute or so, before his gaze shifted back to the door. Was this city small enough that a greeting was expected? He didn't spend enough time with others to know, so he decided to possibly seem rude instead of taking that chance.
In lieu of properly describing his clothing, an image! It very similar, this kind of vibe, but not the boots. He just has normal, good for travelling boots.
Aug 3, 2023 3:57 pm
Markus stopped in front of the stone building. His eyes moved down from the sign saying Misfits and to the cloaked and wrapped young man before him. Unlike this man, Markus's body was on full display. Dark skin and a medium height with athletic build. But his eyes immediatly and sometimes irrationaly was what garnered most attention to him. They had an eerie purple glow that was as imposing and offputting as it was beautiful.

"Hey. How are you? You a Misfit?" His voice is warm and deep, but with an edge that makes it feel like he could be violent at any moment. "I'm thinking of joining. How do you like it?"
Last edited Aug 3, 2023 3:58 pm
Aug 3, 2023 11:33 pm
A'ramis blinked when the man spoke to him, the one expression of surprise he couldn't quite stop from happening. He turned his head to look closer at him. The other's eyes were certainly interesting, and his voice would take some getting used to, but if they were both hoping to join the Misfits perhaps he would have time to. Being an outsider himself, he wasn't overly bothered by other outsiders simply from appearances or nature.

"Hello. I am a Misfit hopeful, as you are it seems." It was a beat before he answered, but his voice was even when he did. Mid-toned and faintly melodic, it had a rather unique accent to it that he just couldn't get rid of. "Entering the building seems to be the hardest part so far. A'ramis, at your service." He gave a slight bow when he introduced himself, and lowered his hood when he straightened back up. It was usually polite to do so when talking to people...he thought so, anyway. He could be wrong.
Aug 4, 2023 6:38 pm
Markus looked the other man up and down. Then extended a hand to shake. Without smiling or any nirth really, he said. "I’m Markus. Yeah, I figured I’d join. It’s a good way to get some access to resources and if everyone is a misfit, maybe I won’t be singled out as much." He looked the cloaked man up and down again, noticing the catlike ears. Strange, but not the weirdest thing. If they ended up working together he’d have to ask about them. But until then, he’d been treated like enough of a pariah that he didn’t feel like he needed to ask questions to understand why he may be joining.

"Well, let’s check this out. " he said as he began to walk up the stairs leading to the door.
Aug 5, 2023 1:58 am
A'ramis shook the offered hand, and nodded in agreement with Markus's stated reasons for hoping to join. He walked up to the door with the other man, it was easier to do when not alone. "Do you suppose we knock? I don't spend much time in cities." For obvious reasons, but it did leave him lacking in knowledge about what to do in basic situations.
Adding the fact that A'ramis is 5'2", I don't think I put it on his character sheet even. While not terribly important, he is a small man.
Aug 7, 2023 3:44 pm
As the door opens, you are greeted by a wall of cacophony. Given the near silent street outside, the difference in volume is almost deafening. After reeling from the noise, you realize you are looking into the main hall of the guild. Tables fill the room and many of these tables have individuals sitting in groups, sharing stories over cups of ale and plates of food.

The entire mood in the atmosphere is both raucous and jovial. It is not until a few moments of taking in the scene that you realize that these people are all very different. Many look roughly human, but a few are of a...design you wouldn't have imagined. One such individual catches your eye.
I would like you to describe an NPC that will become relatively important to your character (rival, lover, friend, teacher, etc.) here at the guild. You can describe as much of the character as you wish which includes name, appearance, backstroy, role in guild, and why/how they will become important to your character. The less you put down, the more you leave in my hands to define. However, I would like you to at least describe their appearance.
Before the door can close behind you, a large and very imposing bipedal bull walks up to the two of you.

"Ah! New faces!"

The expression on his face seems to be a mix of menace and joy. Given the general levity of the hall, you suspect that the menacing is something that cannot be turn off.

"Are you here to join our ranks? Nevermind that for now. Please take a seat and have something to eat and drink."

He leads you to an empty table and seats himself while waiting for the two of you to do the same. He motions to a squat, aproned female near the bar who nods and disappears into what you assume is the kitchen.

"Have you two travelled here together? Or is it serendipity that brings you both here at the same time?"
Aug 8, 2023 2:39 am
A'ramis's ears pin flat to his head in an attempt to lower the shock of the sudden noise. He took in the room and the various people, and felt like he wasn't the oddest in the room. It was...nice. As he slowly lifted his ears, one voice caught his attention. He searched around the area with his eyes, and landed on an extremely short woman.

She was loud, enthusiastic about whatever her topic was, and the tankard in her hand contained alcohol of some kind - that she seemed to be drinking like a fish and yet also did not seem drunk. Physically he wasn't sure what to call her. She had long elven like ears, but was at most three feet tall (once he saw her feet on a tall stool) and was...round. Her face and body seemed to have almost no angles, but not from being overweight. It was as if she was a large, cherub like pixie. She was cute and yet...he instinctively didn't want to mess with her.

When the bull man greeted them, A'ramis followed to a table and sat down in a position to see as much of the room as he could. He wasn't fond of having his back to a room but he also wasn't about to offend someone right off the bat for ignoring the invitation - especially not someone this...dangerous looking. So he settled for what he could get. "Serendipity, I suppose. We just met out front."
Heck yeah! Absolutely putting in Wraith. I will put her details and her image under spoilers, so as to save page space. This is a write up I did for the characters in general when planning A'ramis out and such (as I write for fun with him) and so it is from the perspective of them being friends already. But it will give the idea of what they are like together, and so I think it will still work. Her abilities are based around healing people. She isn't a miracle worker, but she can save people from a lot. She uses the natural energy around her but can inadvertently start using her own if there is too much to do. She can exhaust herself if not careful, sometimes to the point of being in danger herself.
[ +- ] Wraith Moonflower (npc)
[ +- ] Appearance
Aug 9, 2023 7:10 pm
As Markus follows the bull and A'ramis to the table, he takes all of the motion and activity in with interest. It's been a while since he's been near so many poeple and they haven't immediatly stared at him and grown hostile.

While his gaze moves through the crowd, he sees a woman in heavy armor. Full plate. She looks tired as she picks at her plate, but she has a couple of people near her, one of them ribbing her. Some friends. Before he notices much about them though he keeps looking at her. She has black hair and dark skin. Her eyes, while tired, do seem otherwise playful and... present. A smile that the tiredness hasn't touched yet is on her face while she eats. Her hands can be seen, gauntlets resting on the bench next to her next to a large spear, are wide and thick, muscled, but still subtle.

Other than that, she's seems to be covered head to tow in armor, which seems interesting at a time and place like this. But who is Markus to judge.

"No. We just met outside. I've been traveling for a while to get here, so thanks for the welcome. I'm here to join. I heard you guys take all kinds and I could use a bit of a network and a place to put down some roots."

I've described someone named Megan above. I think she's an adventurer who wields a spear and is very dangerous with it. She's smart, kind and funny, but very tough lady that may be hard to get to know.
Last edited Aug 9, 2023 7:11 pm
Aug 10, 2023 5:33 pm
The squat, aproned female reappears from behind the nearby counter carrying a tray with a pitcher and three mugs. She sets the three mugs on the table and fills each with the brew from the pitcher. As she sets the pitcher down, she addresses the table.

"We got vegetable stew, whole chicken, and steak-"

Her eyes glance at the large bull-man sitting at the table. He gives her an equally intense stare. You sense an entire silent conversation going on between these two in the short glance.

"-and everything comes with a roll. Which would you all like?"

The large bull-man clears his throat before speaking.

"I was just about to do some introductions, perhaps we should start there before going any further."

His words for the entire table, but his gaze is squarely on the lady with the apron. He then shifts is attention to the two of you.

"My name is Dohavin and I am this guild's one man welcoming party."

There is a slightly unsettling grin on his face as he mentions his role.

"And this is-"

He begins to motion towards the woman who had been serving you, but she cuts him off before he can finish.

"The name's Myrre (meer-rah) and I do most of the cooking."

Another silent conversation is held between Dohavin and Myrre as she fixes an intense stare at Dohavin. At this, Dohavin's grin abates.
Aug 10, 2023 8:11 pm
Markus notices the intense looks and tries to suss out what is going in them. Are these lovers? Rivals? Either way he's curious. He trusts his gut and what he learned on the streets as a kid. He trusts every thing he’s learned and seen from people reacting over the years.

The seats were comfortable and the aroma coming out of the kitchen was wonderful. His stomach began to grumble and his mouth to water at the sound of food. "... I'm Markus" he says to both, looking each in the eye in turn. "Nice to meet both of you. And I'll have the chicken."

He thought briefly to tell them that he's a monk of the Order of Lysander, but decided against it. It rarely got him anything other than trouble. And they'd find out in time if this was a place for him to stay around.
I don’t know why this rolled twice but I’ll use the first roll I guess? I’ll use the d8 that came up as a five got the effect die.
Last edited Aug 11, 2023 2:28 am


Insight on their look (wis, child of the slums, social) - (1d8, 1d6, 1d8)

1d8 : (8) = 8

1d6 : (4) = 4

1d8 : (5) = 5

Insight on their look (wis, child of the slums, social) - (1d8, 1d6, 1d8)

1d8 : (4) = 4

1d6 : (2) = 2

1d8 : (8) = 8

Aug 10, 2023 11:54 pm
A'ramis gave Myrre a nod as she introduces herself, and then listened to Markus. His ears shifted frequently as they tilted this way and picked up different noises in the room. He wasn't used to this volume. Ever.

When he sat down, he had carefully and tucked his tail to the side and now, as he did his best to remain calm, it flicked and wrapped around his leg.

"A'ramis. Pleased to meet you." Mostly, he wasn't used to this. "I am also here to join, similar reasons. Perpetual travel is only appealing for so long." He glanced at Dohavin before continuing. "I'm not fussy food wise, so I'll have whichever is easiest. If I may."
Last edited Aug 10, 2023 11:55 pm
Aug 11, 2023 9:32 pm
Markus is able to discern that there is a rivalry of sorts going on here. Specifically as it pertains to food and perhaps the kitchen. Given Myrre's antagonistic demeanor towards Dohavin, Markus surmises that she is being defensive of either her role as the guild cook or Dohavin's intrusion into her kitchen.
Myrre nods at Markus and gives A'ramis a less than amused stare.

"It's all easy, kid. I wouldn't offer it if it wasn't already available. And I'm no mind reader, so if-"

"How about this, I will also have chicken. And since we already have two chicken plates coming to the table, why not make it three?"

Myrre gives a stern look at Dohavin then back at A'ramis. She then waves her hand in the air as she walks back toward the kitchen mumbling something about 'children'.

"You'll have to forgive her, she is a wonderful cook. But a terrible server.
And since we are through with introductions, let us discuss the two of you. What are your stories? And what brings you here?"


Normal - (1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (5) = 5

1d6 : (1) = 1

Aug 12, 2023 1:51 am
Markus says thanks as Myrre walks away. Then he focuses back on Dohavin. He thinks on what to say and how to say it. This man doesn’t need his full story and certainly hasn’t earned it. "I was born in a pretty village, seemingly a world away from here. I was born different though. My eyes were like this. At first it didn’t seem to bother folks, at least from what my parents said, but every year I was treated worse and worse. And my parents, as much as I loved them n and they loved me, began to treat me poorly.

Markus such his head and closed his eyes. Not to hold back tears but anger. " So it was time to leave. I wandered for a bit, my anger at everyone treating me poorly growing. I Cursed everyone. My parents, myself, the gods. And slowly that anger turned solely toward the gods and in particular the one who did this to me. That anger led me to the Order of Lysander. They trained me, taught me, honed me. Then set me free. " a smile comes over his face now.

"I resumed wandering. Taking jobs and doing what work I could. I heard about you folks. A place where the strange and misfit can fit in. So I came. "
Aug 12, 2023 5:41 pm
He listened quietly to Markus tell the abbreviated version of his life. It had a familiar echo, oddly comforting despite how dismal it was. When he fell quiet, A'ramis spoke up. "My life is simple to sum up. Unpleasant. I've stayed away from others for most of it, so I'm afraid social norms escape me sometimes. Hopefully I haven't offended Myrre too much. I have been...trained shall we say, to always be as unobtrusive and invisible as possible. The idea of 'ordering' anything, or stating a preference is something I will have to get used to." That wasn't to say he didn't have them, just that he learned not to express them.

He glanced down at the table as he continued, he decided he could afford to give basic information, considering he would like to join. There was always a cost to these things. "I have had my fill of most people and have been an easy scapegoat from birth. Fae cursed, my mother's people called it. A child toyed with in the womb by trickster fae, meant to bring misery and best killed right away. Three people in my life have gotten close enough to matter, and they have all passed away. Wandering stopped most of the abuse - it is hard to attack someone who isn't there after all. But it is wearisome, and I'm smart enough to know all people are not bad. When I heard of this place, I thought why not? If it was true, I could possibly have a home and allies. If it wasn't true, nothing changed. A similar tale to others, I am sure."
Aug 12, 2023 6:55 pm
Markus lifts his mug after here A’ramis’ tale. "Hmmm.. truly a familiar story. And although we just met, theres one thing we definitely have in common then. Cursed from the day we were born, but still here. " He tilts and pushed his mug toward A’ramis in a toast. A mocking gesture of celebration for their bad fates.

"Well we’re here now. For now. Let’s make the most of it. "
Aug 12, 2023 10:57 pm
An amused look flashed across A'ramis's face at the toast. A wry smile crossed his face as he responded. "Indeed. It would seem it is easier to blame an infant for your issues rather than solve them. Yet, as you say, we are here for now. Should prove diverting, at the least." He gave a small shrug at the end. Experiences were valuable, even the shitty ones.
Aug 14, 2023 2:22 pm
Myrre returns from the kitchen balancing three plates in one hand, each with a small, pit-roasted chicken and a couple of root vegetables. As she deftly places the plates on your table, Dohavin gives her a smile and small nod and she pretends not to see it.

"If you need anything just holler for me, I'll be around."

An individual on the other side of the room holds up a tankard and shouts "Myrre more beer!" She nods and waves at the individual and heads toward the bar.

Dohavin easily removes a drumstick from the chicken and takes almost the whole thing in a single bite. His large size seems almost comical compared to the size of his meal. He swallows before speaking.

"It is a common story amongst those here."

He gestures toward the rest of the room.

"Although, some individuals found their misfortune later in life. And since we are sharing, I came to this guild ten years ago after being an enslaved gladiator turned mercenary. Since then, this place has become my home and its people, my family."

He finishes the first drumstick and begins to work on the second.

"You'll find that the tasks we accept are often of an odd nature. Essentially, jobs that other guilds won't or can't do. It is perhaps the primary reason we exist and continue to be welcome in this city.

So, tell me what you bring to this guild."
Aug 14, 2023 4:34 pm
He thinks... what can he bring to the guild... He looks back over the Spearwoman he noticed before. "To be perfectly honest with you there's not much that I can add that you probably don't have in spades. I'm good with a blade, my fists and on my feet. I'm no coward and I'm usually more loyal to others than they are to me." He takes another drink again, then adds "Depending on the job, I can be a great help. At the very least I won't be dead weight."

He grabs a wing off of the chicken and thinks for one more moment. "But what can the guild offer me other than work that I can't find on a bulletin board somewhere?" and bites into it.
Aug 14, 2023 6:45 pm
A'ramis takes a moment before trying some of the food. His eyes scanned the room and, like Markus, he doubted he could add anything new to the guild. Well, nature spirits seemed to like him but that wasn't quite something he would say was useable by the guild. Or he just didn't wish to mention it - that was entirely possible. Some things he could do could end up rather unpleasant for him and were best used sparingly, if at all.

"I'm decent at defending myself and others. I can work with people even if I greatly dislike them, which isn't quite a talent but it is there. I am a good learner, and good at recalling what it is I have learned. While I have never truly had a standard to measure it, I appear to be reasonably intelligent. Knowledge is often useful, and I can pick things up easily if need be." He loved to learn and to figure things out, especially about the past, but didn't bother to mention that. It wasn't exactly relevant at the moment. "I have made what living I have with my services as a herbalist. Healing is my specialty with it, although it has led to knowledge of poisons. And what tastes good, generally. I'm good with plants over all, tending them usually goes rather well for me. I suppose I'm generally competent, won't cause problems, and might keep a few people alive."

A'ramis said it all not as if he was attempting to sell himself but as if he were going down a list of facts. There was no sense of embellishment. And yet, if one were perceptive enough, there seemed to be things left out. When he mentioned plants especially, his tone slightly changed and it could leave the feeling that there was something else that should have been there. But he moved on without hesitation as if nothing had happened.

While he thought Markus's question a good one he didn't echo it. Anything he had was based upon getting work from desperate people - often the ill that no one else would look at - or he had to spend the entire time hiding every feature. Both were exhausting, the first often led to customers that changed their minds when it came to paying and the second was not a solution long term. He knew what the guild could offer him, what he could offer in return, and he was willing to take what potential stability he could. And the chicken was tasty, so that was a plus. Even if he had possibly offended to chef already.
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