You got a tough start but is all up from here, first perhaps a bath? :)
The Manor
Aug 16, 2023 2:15 am
The first thing Etcher was aware of was pain. Owww. The first though was Where does it hurt, why is it hurting, how do I make it stop? Owwww. Slowly his thought become more clear. Echer is in the mud, cold, in pain, and with a slight movement he concludes he was likely caucused. Carefully assessing his wings he is comforted to conclude they are fine some how. His head is definitely not fine. As opening his eyes reminds him of trying to outstare the sun Echer focuses on listening and smelling. A bit of wind, some rustling of leaves, mud, already knew that was there, but no imminent danger.
You got a tough start but is all up from here, first perhaps a bath? :)
Welcome to your characters life @Solidgobi You got a tough start but is all up from here, first perhaps a bath? :)
Aug 16, 2023 2:24 am
Fuzzy image's of a sudden storm flit though Etcher's memory. He should have had time to descend safely but then . . . Wham!!! He didn't hit anything but it sure felt like he had. A sudden though makes him shudder. He must have flown through a Barrier. They are usually noticeable and not a big thread, when crossed properly. Etcher has done it twice himself but this is his first crossing mid air. The storm must have somehow obscured the border, though he is not sure about that. Nothing else makes sense. Unless he was struck by lightning and somehow survived. The little storm should not have done that but then it also should not have obscured any Border. But he is alive and has his wings. Next step, make the pain stop and get out of the mud.
Aug 16, 2023 4:09 am
Etcher slowly stands and attempts to brush off any mud he can. He checks for any serious injuries, and double checks to see if he still has what is important to him. Shiny bouncy rock? Check. His sword? Check. His headband that makes him look tough? Check. Etcher lets out a small happy squawk. He looks around intending to get his bearings hoping to find people in this strange place he has found himself in. He speaks, his voice is shrill and high pitched. "Friend?"
OOC: Etcher is going to scan the area for any signs of other living people. If he spots any sort of building or camp he will head directly towards it. He will not hide his presence when approaching any other people.Aug 16, 2023 1:53 pm
Looking around Etcher stands in a muddy clearing the woods. He remembers following a road before the storm and subsequent crash landing here so over should not be too far away. And water would be good to.
With that last thought he picks up the slight sound of running water and turning his head to locate the source he spies a strait line standing out in the lush foliage of the trees. Hoping to one side to get a better angle Etcher confirms there is a structure about a quarter mile from him. The trees hide most of it but the part he can see is section of roof.
With that last thought he picks up the slight sound of running water and turning his head to locate the source he spies a strait line standing out in the lush foliage of the trees. Hoping to one side to get a better angle Etcher confirms there is a structure about a quarter mile from him. The trees hide most of it but the part he can see is section of roof.
Aug 16, 2023 11:51 pm
Etcher squawks in delight in seeing both the water and roof. Lucky! He still was hazy on where he was, but he remembered the road. Not yet trusting his wings, Etcher decides the best course of action is to walk by foot until he can remember or find out what caused his crash in the first place. Probably hit a barrier, the boss always said Etcher was stupid, it was most likely Etcher’s fault for the crash. Etcher nods to himself, proud he was able to solve the mystery so quickly. Best wash up, get some directions, and be on his way. Etcher, still a little woozy from the fall, makes his way to the water source.
OOC: Etcher will make his way to the water source to clean up the best he can. He’s out in the open to just a few splashes here or there to look presentable. If there is nothing of note at the source of the water he will head in the direction of the roof. Aug 17, 2023 2:47 am
As etcher wanders over to the sound of water he passes into a thicker part of the forest. He can tell these woods are old and look untouched by hands that shape things, which bring to question what the building is doing out here? The water sound lead him a bit away from the structure and he soon arrives at a small stream that burbles over rocks. Finding a small pool where the water splashed down into it over a rocky outcropping Etcher is able to use his wings to deftly flick the water over himself after rinsing his wings first. A few moment are all it take to clean his glossy feathers but he sighs upon getting the worst of the mud off his cloths. It looks like he lay in the mud some time and it will take soap and effort to get his jerkin truly clean.
Satisfied at being at least presentable, and actually quite cleaner than most he has grown up in the company of. He flings the water from his wings and a few strong flaps dry his cloths a bit, before heading back to the building. Soon the roofline of the building is in sight and he gets a better view of the structure.

Though still standing the building does not appear to be currently inhabited. The yard shows signs of having been well organized and cared for but has grown wild and Etcher estimates a couple of years at least have passed since this place was cared for. Feeling a bit disheartened he almost lets his hope fade but then a flash of movement from one of the window catches his eye. Was that a face?
Satisfied at being at least presentable, and actually quite cleaner than most he has grown up in the company of. He flings the water from his wings and a few strong flaps dry his cloths a bit, before heading back to the building. Soon the roofline of the building is in sight and he gets a better view of the structure.

Though still standing the building does not appear to be currently inhabited. The yard shows signs of having been well organized and cared for but has grown wild and Etcher estimates a couple of years at least have passed since this place was cared for. Feeling a bit disheartened he almost lets his hope fade but then a flash of movement from one of the window catches his eye. Was that a face?
Aug 17, 2023 3:43 am
Etcher cocks his head to the side, seemingly befuddled. Old house, abandoned, but people are inside. Etcher recalls how he and his brothers used to lay in wait in similar structures. Sometimes they would wait for days, in order to catch those who didn’t follow the Brotherhood's codes. His old companions would tell him that they needed to maintain order, there were rules, and the Brotherhood should be praised for providing protection to those who passed through their jurisdiction. It was to make sure the area was safe, if there was no order people could get hurt! Alfred was very kind to only impose fines for such transgressions. Etcher always admired the Brotherhood’s mercy. His shoulders slumped, he was no longer a member of that brotherhood. Etcher needed to find a new home. Whoever was in there, would provide him a new start. One way or the other.
Etcher approaches the house, "Hello." His voice sounds almost parrot-like. High pitched almost like a screech. He moves closer to the building. "Friend." He raises his two hands, to display he is holding no weapons.
Etcher approaches the house, "Hello." His voice sounds almost parrot-like. High pitched almost like a screech. He moves closer to the building. "Friend." He raises his two hands, to display he is holding no weapons.
OOC: Etcher will move towards the house, making his presence known. If he is not stopped he will loudly knock on the front door of the house.Last edited August 17, 2023 3:43 am
Aug 17, 2023 4:31 am

The tiny figure is a fey of some kind that looks Etcher over as she talks. Though not coming even to Etchers knee this creature may be friend of foe, harmless or mighty of magic, for fey are wild and fickle creatures.
Be ye welcome indeed. But alas you will no find many a friend here anymore. The family has grown old and thin leaving the house to this little one. But if you have a mind to help then I may help you
Aug 17, 2023 1:40 pm
Etcher stares in disbelief, he kneels down to meet the little one at eye level. Fey are dangerous, but this one bowed. Etcher recalled one of his brothers saying only fancy nobles bowed. So this little one must be important. Etcher nods to himself, he’s a quick learner. He points towards himself. "Etcher". The small noble stated it needed help. Etcher is a man of justice, he should help. Etcher gestures towards his sword that keeps on his waist. "Hero. Help." The Brotherhood always stood for justice, even if he was banished he could still live by their codes. Justice however was not free, Alfred was always saying that. Etcher should get something in return. "Bath, shinies." He couldn't help but let out a small squawk of delight. He was proud, he was acting like a real hero.
Aug 18, 2023 12:17 am

The litle fey tells you a little about the manor and it facilities.
1. The observatory can view places near or far
2. The coach house houses the griffons that will cary guests for 12 hours flight.
3. the kitchens can create a variety of foods as well as a few minor potions
4. The library has an extensive collection of books
5 The parlor allows you to comunicate to any place or person known
I can problably get two of the rooms to work for you depending on how much you are able to help me. So what is it you are in eed of. If you need nothing but still offer to hep then I suggest th ekitchesn. A nice warm meal with a cool dring and deserts to follow topped off by a select potion may be just what a brave adventurere like yourself needs out in the wilds.
Aug 18, 2023 4:37 am
Etcher scratches his chin listening to the offers,one of his brothers, Fredrick, told him that you should do that to seem like the thinking type. Etcher nods as the little fey finishes speaking. "Yes, help." The little fey was right, he should go to the kitchen. Also all this talk of family blood sounded like whoever had lived here before was important, maybe nobility! It made him think that a few of the utensils could be valuable. He could help himself to those surely. He would also need to get a clear vantage point. He doubted he could fly freely out here, whatever had struck him down from the sky was still unknown to him. Best get a lay of the land and walk the rest of the way. "Eat. Look." He wondered what the little one wanted of him in return.
OOC: Just in case it wasn’t clear. Etcher would like to use both the Kitchen and Observatory. As a bit of an aside, I’ve heard flying is a major headache for GMs. I don’t plan to have it be a major feature of Etcher’s character. I mainly chose Avian because being a silly raven man seemed fun. Maybe because of the fall he is somewhat limited in how much he can fly? Aug 18, 2023 2:18 pm
I've had a couple of fliers and been one myself. I have no problem with you flying. Most of the trouble I head is from DnD where there are a lot of monsters without ranged attacks. This game keeps things simple and flexible so I encourage you to use all your tools. Fly free StanleyEtcher! 
With a wave of her hands several images float over he head and she points out several herbs and how to collect them as well as several nasty weeds that need to be removed. With another wave the images swirl together forming a single sheet of paper with herbs diagramed on one side and weeds on the other. Pulling a large basket out of thin air she puts the paper in it and pushes the basket over to you.
The garden is around back. Be careful, some of those weeds are nasty. Just come to the kitchens back door then the basket is full or you wok 1 hour. I will keep watch from the house and call you in if I think you have done enough early. Now, any question? If not I realy need to go oversee the kitchen. Like much else in the house it has gotten a bit out of hand without any real use.
Aug 19, 2023 4:17 am
OOC: Awesome I didn’t want to be disruptive. Totally makes sense you included them because you don’t mind flyers!OOC:
OOC: Etcher will head out to the garden. Last edited August 19, 2023 6:27 am
Aug 19, 2023 6:21 pm
Etcher flaps his wings and flits around the building and spot what must be the "garden" A wall, he assumes is stone under the vines and other things now sprouting from it, surrounds about an acre of land. The inside if full of trees and from the air he can see outlines of paths and planter boxes. However the entire thing has been over take by the plants. Only a single path has been kept clear between a door on the back of the building and a small well several yards away. Landing on the path near the well Etcher looks around.

Comparing what he sees with the paper listing his duties Etcher is pretty certain a month would not be long enough to fully get the garden back in shape. Still an hours work for a good meal does not sound like a bad deal. What to start with first? Weeding or pruning?
Give me a rough outline of planned activates and priorities along with a couple rolls to determine how successful you execute the plan. Remember standard roll is just 2d6, you get advantage (3d6) with acrobatics and sword work. If it is an activity totally foreign to Etcher roll with disadvantage.
Ex identifying weed without the cheet sheet the fey gave you would have been at disadvantage.

Comparing what he sees with the paper listing his duties Etcher is pretty certain a month would not be long enough to fully get the garden back in shape. Still an hours work for a good meal does not sound like a bad deal. What to start with first? Weeding or pruning?
Give me a rough outline of planned activates and priorities along with a couple rolls to determine how successful you execute the plan. Remember standard roll is just 2d6, you get advantage (3d6) with acrobatics and sword work. If it is an activity totally foreign to Etcher roll with disadvantage.
Ex identifying weed without the cheet sheet the fey gave you would have been at disadvantage.
Aug 20, 2023 1:33 pm
Etcher surveys the garden, whomever used to live here had long since passed. The little one is no master of this place. It mattered not to him, time to get to work. Etcher looks down at the list the small fey gave to him.
After he is finished with weeding, Etcher will use swordplay to cut down as many plants as he can before the hour is over. If he was unsuccessful with identifying the herbs and the weeds he would just start hacking away randomly at any plant that seems too tall to him.
When he is finished he will attempt to head back into the kitchen.
OOC: Etcher will first attempt to identify the weeds and the herbs that he needs to gather via the cheat sheet. If he is successful he will gather the weeds and herbs accordingly. If he is unsuccessful Etcher will still do the task, even if he can’t make heads or tails of the cheat sheet. Randomly plucking plants by feel alone.After he is finished with weeding, Etcher will use swordplay to cut down as many plants as he can before the hour is over. If he was unsuccessful with identifying the herbs and the weeds he would just start hacking away randomly at any plant that seems too tall to him.
When he is finished he will attempt to head back into the kitchen.
Identify Plants - (2d6)
(46) = 10
Hacking Down "Weeds" - (3d6)
(446) = 14
vine weeds
Aug 20, 2023 8:37 pm
With the plant life so abundantly proliferating Etcher decides to work near to far, big to small. Easily identifying a few weeks Etcher begins following the instructions to remove them. His birds feet and talons prove adept at uprooting some of the smaller, hand or leg sized, weeds. The larger one fall to the blade! Imagining the weeds to be evil villains Etcher is slightly surprised when one of the weeds he slashes, strikes back!
A pair of thorn covered vines slash at Etcher, one of witch slashes him on the thigh. 1 damageLet me know if you have any questions on how this works

vine weeds
You are now in combat. [ +- ] Combat
During combat each character has 2 actions that can be performed. Possible actions include
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
weed attack - (2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (15) = 6
2d6 : (24) = 6
Aug 21, 2023 1:42 am
Etcher squawks in surprise. Jumping back, looking down he notes the cut on his leg. No time for that. Kill this and care about your wound later. Etcher uses his sword to respond in kind. 1 Damage.
OOC: Oh exciting my first combat! Etcher will attack twice in response. Last edited August 21, 2023 1:43 am
Etcher's Attack - (3d6, 3d6)
3d6 : (311) = 5
3d6 : (452) = 11
Aug 21, 2023 2:41 am
I will skip going into too much detail and depth here in the intro but you got the idea, so I will narrate this fight
Aug 22, 2023 6:03 am
OOC: Thank you for all of your excellent GMing so far! I have a question about rolls. Should I narrate what happens on a success or should I leave those details to you? When should I roll? When you tell me to or can I roll more independently? OOC:
OOC: Etcher will go to the shed and use the herbicide. If there is nothing waiting for him in the shed he will finish up and attempt to enter the kitchen.Last edited August 23, 2023 5:58 am
Scanning for Trouble by the shed. - (2d6)
(53) = 8
Aug 22, 2023 12:55 pm
I am more familiar with GM narrating results but am learning to co-narrate with player so feel free to describe your results. If anything needs adjusting I can always add to it. Co-narration seems fun as there is more ad-lib and riffing off of other players. This would be an example of a narrative correction. You or I can change you post, or just leave it as is
The shelves are filled with an assortment of bags and bottles covered in dust. Fortunately there are labels on the shelves indicating the items purpose. Stepping in to look for the herbicide he hears a clicking from all around and the rustle of movement. Whirling around he sees nothing but a flash of something small and dark behind the objects on the far wall, only to then hear movement behind himself again Surrounded by, something, Etcher decides to do this quick. Spotting a label with the image of a small pant with a slash through it he grabs the large sack and watering can next to it with a similar label. As he does the wall erupts in a fountain of dark shape that flit and fly about the room, cutting off the light. Etcher divs for the door, only to finds he can no longer locate it or any part of the sheds contents. And to make matters worse his feet are getting cold and wet as he feels water
Etch is surrounded by a swirly flying mass of some sort of flying insects, by the sound of it, with water creeping up his ankles
Roll a Save test (2d6) and explain Etcher's attempts to fight off the bugs, escape, call for help, etc
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