The Manor

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Sylfir Alderdrim (Manor)


Feb 6, 2025 4:49 pm
Sylfir Alderdrim (Manor)

The meal progresses well, and at its end, the Lady says, "I know several of you wish to speak with me individually. After that, I have a request of those of you who would be willing, so please remain here while I handle the individual audiences first." She frowns slightly and continues, "First, however, I wish to speak with Kaleen." Kaleen does not look pleased with this development, but dutifully follows after Sylfir and Dannoll. Before they fully leave, Skeeve speaks up and says, "May I join this discussion? I think I may be able to help." She pauses for a moment, then nods in accent, at which all four leave the room.

After a surprisingly short period of time, Skeeve and Kaleen emerge and Skeeve says, "Arc, you're up next." Skeeve and Kaleen then move over to where Ealdwig and Grin are and join their conversation, where Grin is explaining an idea he has.
OK, we can do these in-character, or just as a quick post, or I can quickly summarize any. For example, I already know what Van wants and I know the answer. I can just describe that and move on, if you'd like. Once that is done, Sylfir will propose a "quest" if the group is interested. The NPCs will then depart on their own little quest.
Feb 6, 2025 6:05 pm
Arc stands up happily, eager to talk with both Lady Sylfir and Dannoll.
"Sure! Thanks for receiving me." And dutifully follows the Lady.

Last edited February 6, 2025 6:06 pm
Feb 6, 2025 11:48 pm
Stee looks around. As an outsider he has no idea what is going on. He just wishes he could get back outdoors. He was in the underdark to long. He will take a piece meat and give it to Wreak and give a quick scratch under the chin.
Feb 7, 2025 12:39 am
Lost Cords quickly decides that soon or later, talk will explain the situation he has found himself in, but till then he is hungry and there is far too much devour able food available here to let waste. And traveling Cords has a hardy appetite too. As they say, 'Waste not want not.' He will only sample the alcoholic drinks. Obviously not a drinker. Not even beer and certainly not wine. He has always kept away from the even harder stuff. Wasn't a matter of avoiding getting drunk or impairment, he just didn't care for the flavor of it.

He dines with the average of colinearly skill. He may be a country traveling man, but he is used to dining in buildings. He doesn't do so good sometimes out in the wilds. He favors idea of roadside camping for the wilds. He leaves no doubt that he isn't a vegetarian. Although he does avoid any strange foods that he can't recognize. He eyes to see what he might scavenge for later dinning. Waste not theory.

With the vain attempt, he tries for table talk, "Lady Sylfir does put out quite a spread." Her name is extent of his knowledge. He really has no concept of where he is. At the moment it doesn't bother him. He is used to traveling into the unknown. Later he will figure this all out. Filling his tummy is the current goal at hand.
Last edited February 7, 2025 12:40 am
Feb 7, 2025 9:45 pm
Van hears Cords comment about Lady Sylfir, after she left... "She is admirable. Even though she comes from noble family, she discovered that only lately, she lived a simple life before coming here. But her willingness to help everyone and her responsibility to care of this manor shows her real nobility.

She received several of us, when we escaped from... well..."
Van is clearly not comfortable talking about his past, not yet. "... she didn't have to, but she did, and gave a big group of my people a place to call home. So, even if she is far from perfect, she earned admiration, respect and the heart of lots of us." The Van gently drinks some water from his glass...
Feb 8, 2025 12:14 am Cords will raise a table glass to what he just heard told about Lady Sylfir. A silent salute and returns again to his devouring. He thinks, "This isn't the time for questioning."
Last edited February 8, 2025 12:20 am
Feb 8, 2025 12:49 am
Not entirely sure of the situation and maybe a little intimidated by all the additional and more seasoned adventurers Aizashi just observes for now. He does notice however, that his companions seem to trust the Lady and the others so he is relaxed and enjoys the meal.
Feb 8, 2025 11:54 pm
OK, I have the direction we're gonna go in.
There really only ended up being three audiences with the Lady: Kaleen (who didn't ask for the audience ...), Arc, and Van. The result of Kaleen's audience is that she is now Skeeve's apprentice. Arc's audience was pretty uneventful. And Van now is the Watcher of the Woods, as he gets to patrol the area that used to be the Orchards. It can be a dangerous place, and it's now his job to figure out how to deal with it. But he has a bear to help him, so he's probably OK. Probably.

Once they are done, the Lady returns to the hall and addresses the group ...

Sylfir Alderdrim (Manor)

"While the griffons are at the Carriage House, Magian and they will do surprisingly regular patrols around the Manor region. That's why he found out about the barrier that affected you," she nods towards Elyse, "and where you," she looks towards Kaleen, "were digging into things you weren't prepared for."

She looks over the group as a whole again and continues, "The Manor grounds are along the edge of the swamp region, on the far side from the Base - err - New Paphos. The griffons have a pretty broad range, and they have noticed some very unusual activity well to the northwest of here. They first noticed it a couple months ago, but it didn't seem major at first. However, over time things have progressed, and Magian now says that it appears that a full border region has appeared where there wasn't one before. We don't know if this is a permanent change, or is just temporary. But, either way, it is a change that seems to be affecting the area around it in ways that are increasing instability. In fact, it could have even been distantly related to what you had encountered." She nods at Elyse when she says the last part.

"We have mentioned it to the leaders at the B- ... New Paphos, but they said they don't have any adventurers currently on site that are interested in exploring it. So, I turn to you all here to ask if you would go check out what is going on and make sure it isn't a threat to us or anyone around it. I will ask Magian if he can take those who accept there to make that part of the journey easier, but you will be on your own to make your way back. I would be greatly appreciative if you could do this, and while I can only offer a token reward for it, you will always be welcome back here at the Manor to stay as long as you wish."
Feb 9, 2025 12:08 am
Stee will stand up "I would be honored to take up this mission and also to get out in the wild again after the closeness of the Underdark. Count me and Wreak in my lady." Stee will sit back down and take a drink of ale.
Last edited February 9, 2025 2:49 pm
Feb 9, 2025 1:16 pm
If this is the same phenomenon that destroyed the caravan I was travelling with, there will be transformations of truly epic proportions. A hillock literally got up and started walking about, crushing everything in it's path. Had it not been for Blornvid and Magian showing up when they did, I am not sure we would have survived. We didn't manage to defeat it, we just led it away from us. Elyse uses her magic to show glimpses of what they encountered in a floating illusion above the table as she speaks. Our horse transformed into a Quilin
and then we met the Formians. A new race, I believe to be another product of the storm. We brought their ambassador to meet the Lady. I fear this adventure will not be for the faint of heart, but having lived the border storm once, I am willing.
She allows the illusions to fade away.
I didn't bother rolling for the illusions since it is narrative. It's how I got free room and board when travelling. let me know if I should have rolled.
Last edited February 9, 2025 1:49 pm
Feb 9, 2025 3:26 pm
"After this nice meal, and tonight's rest, I'll be happy to go and check this new change."
Feb 9, 2025 4:10 pm Cords rises from his chair and speaks, "I may be a lost sole but I feel the need join in this mission. I'm just simple 'Cords'"
Feb 9, 2025 4:27 pm
Oliver takes the opportunity during one of the private conversations to address Skeeve and put him up to date on his recent arcane discoveries.

After the feast and the adventure proposal Oliver felt in a great mood. He hadn't eaten this good in ages, and the problems at hand seemed much more fascinating with a full stomach.

"Well, if it isn't magic, I don't know what else could make those borders appear all of a sudden. I'm all in to find out! (Who wouldn't?) Also, danger or no danger, I hope we get to see one of those Quillin. They're absolutely mesmerising. I thank you for your trust, Lady Alderdrim, and take no offense if it's a last resort rather than trust." He chuckled.
Feb 9, 2025 7:57 pm
"Aye. I'm in."
Feb 10, 2025 12:48 am
It's non-combat and narrative, so the magic just works. Feel free to add in fun little touches on how it sputters or doesn't immediately respond occasionally (if you want to). But, yes, if there are no time constraints or penalties for failure, then the magic has its desired effect with no roll needed.
Sylfir Alderdrim (Manor)
"It's trust. You come highly recommended from your prior exploits. Thank you for taking this on. It will take a day or so for Magian to be ready. In that time, you can make preparations."

During the preparation time, Skeeve takes Oliver to the side to teach him what he knows about making use of the Matrix Nodes. He takes note of the pattern for th dwarves city and provides Oliver the patterns for the the Manor and New Paphos. Ealdwig gives Oliver the gem he used to return from Brahdhavehl, saying "Fiznik recharged the gem, probably because he knew about this task. Since I am not going, you should have it."
The result of this is that Oliver knows how to set the pattern on a Matrix Node, how to trigger it with the gem, and how to talk to the guardian of the gate if there is one. The gem is also keyed to allow you to get to the New Paphos Node without explicit permission (it's pre-approved, as it were). You still can't trigger it on your own without the gem yet.

Skeeve, Ealdwig, and Grin also turn over their communication crystals, plus you got the ones used by Brewner and Yoci. This means everyone going should have one, and I think you even have an extra in case you need it.
Feb 10, 2025 1:06 am Lost Cords takes in all this new information with a grain of salt. He understands little of what is discussed and asks nothing. He thinks, "Hmm. I have a day to find out where I am perhaps and the layout around here." He so much wants a map that has where he was and where he is now. Not that he had left anything behind.

As a token of the meal, he leaves a carved toy wooden horse next to his plate and scavenges some more beef like jerky for tomorrow's exploring. Exploring him favors to munch on such when he is able. The toy wooden horse only stands two and half inches tall but has fine detail workmanship as he always does. Would be a treasure to any child which he has created many of them. It has no extras on it. It is just wood. A fair quality of wood too.

He will accept the communication gem crystal with exactly no idea why. He only knows what is said about it and not the slightest how to use or who he would be talking to. He just gives a weak smile when he accepts it. He believes it must be normal for those around these parts as the other stuff too. Such a strange land.
[ +- ] Toy Wooden Horse
Edit: That dear horse sells for $3,900 if it was life size and not toy size.
Last edited February 10, 2025 1:16 am
Feb 10, 2025 6:22 pm
Nice horse!

I am not sure where Cords came from. Just that he's here now. That's the beauty of a teleportation system that can have a Node virtually anywhere! I figure it was from somewhere within this broken world, but it could have even been from a different time. You have the choice of either leaving it vague or defining where you came from to a certain extent.
Feb 10, 2025 6:51 pm
daryen says:
Nice horse!

I am not sure where Cords came from. Just that he's here now. That's the beauty of a teleportation system that can have a Node virtually anywhere! I figure it was from somewhere within this broken world, but it could have even been from a different time. You have the choice of either leaving it vague or defining where you came from to a certain extent.
Probably vague as there is no connection to where he was which he will discover. He will get a map of this area and set himself up here.

Cords is a craftsman and does a lot of kids toys but also some furniture. He frequently makes toys in his time off and also purchases block of wood for such. He has rather incredible skill with detail when he does work.

Due to recent troubles, he is now fairly good with a handaxe. But really, he is okay with anything in his hands. Beer bottles are fine too. He is well acquainted with bar fights. He has even used a wood chisel rather handily for slashing.

He has a fairly wide stride and covers ground usually faster than most and he is also very introductive & preceptive. He can usually tell when people are lying to him, and he takes in all that is around. Fine for spotting things out of place. Will not take him long to adjust to here.
Being a traveling man, thoughts too settled down really never cross his mind. He has never encountered anything that would change his way of life. He just spread some happiness here and there and it has done him well.

He has always been rather benevolent and helpful. Willing to lend a hand. And really never had a problem with the many races of the world. He is one that never figures to amount to a whole lot. Just passing through. He has found it to respect most everything around him. Makes life easier.
Last edited February 10, 2025 6:57 pm
Feb 11, 2025 1:24 am
I will join this adventure as well. It sounds many hands are needed
Aizashi enjoyed the meal and the shared stories. But he is also looking forward to a new adventure, even if it sounds dangerous.
Feb 12, 2025 5:32 pm
Everyone gets a good day's rest, except for Oliver. You mill about exploring the Manor, getting well fed, annoying Witic, and just preparing for the trip the following day.

Oliver, however, gets a crash-course lesson on how to move tiles on a Matrix Node, how to activate it with the gem, and how to set and activate a City Node. (Oliver can use Aizashi's or Arc's citizen token to get access, if needed on a City Node.) It is pretty intensive for Oliver, this all being so new to him, but he adapts pretty well and has a decent handle on it by the time comes to leave.

Early on the second morning after the big breakfast, Magian shows up with a group (flock? pride?) of griffons that are ready to transport you to the starting point. You all mount up, and take off on your journey. Arc shows hesitancy (since, he can fly on his own), but is persuaded to save his energy for when they get there.
The story continues HERE.

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