The Manor

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Jan 31, 2025 6:14 pm
Once everyone has been assigned a bunk, Blornvid says, "Come downstairs for supper and some ale." In the meantime, he proceeds to head downstairs and fire up the Dwarven Boozehound's Backpack, a trophy from past successful expeditions. He pours up a drink for quality control purposes, of course, before serving it up to others. Then, before everyone else joins them, he catches up with Skeeve about what each of them have been doing since they last saw each other.
Unless there's something that Skeeve needs to tell Blornvid, there isn't a need to roleplay it.
Jan 31, 2025 7:22 pm
Arc is fast to leave his backpack in the assigned bunk and to go downstairs. Once there, he can't hide (nor try to) his surprise when he sees the dwarven artifact! And asks Blornvid about it... while also trying a mug of that ale 'for quality control purposes'... sure mate, that excuse will do for the first couple of mugs :)
Blornvid, feel free to roleplay it, or let it go as small talk before the actual feast.
Jan 31, 2025 7:38 pm
Blornvid is happy to oblige Arc. He looks around for a drinking vessel that he thinks will work for the Avian. Finding one, he pours as he explains, "Not only does it have medicinal qualities, it magically refills itself every morning! Cheers!"
Jan 31, 2025 9:43 pm
Skeeve regales Blornvid with the story of their goblin bargaining, hobgoblin decapitation, spy mission, bar fight, and running from the dragon. He'll even conjure up exaggerated illusions illustrating specific scenes to help with the story. (A trick he learned from his brief encounters with Grin.) He also goes light on the ale, as he knows he is a scrawny human, not a dwarf or duende!
Feb 1, 2025 12:21 am
Aizashi joins the others and can't help but chuckle at Skeeve's retelling of their last adventure. As he tells about the dragon encounter he chimes in: 'Good times, good times' with a grin as he remembers the chaotic escape.
Feb 1, 2025 12:12 pm
"It refills itself in the mornings? This much ale? That sounds dangerously appealing..."

Later, Arc happily relives all this scenes... except the underground escape, he hates the feeling of being trapped that underground places gives him.

But he does toast to it all with a big grin!
Last edited February 1, 2025 2:31 pm
Feb 1, 2025 5:32 pm
Skeeve looks to Elyse and says, "How did you end up with this motley assembly? This is a pretty odd lot you've found yourself among!"
Feb 1, 2025 11:17 pm
Well the road is a pretty dangerous place, all my original companions have abandoned their journeys and headed back to their homes. After the massive magic shift where hills became golems and our horse metamorphized in another type of beast, Blornvid and Arc came to our rescue and I have been Keeping close to Blornvid ever since, he has saved my life a few time in fewer days. Not sure if I just have a danger magnet on me somewhere, but I haven't found it.
Feb 3, 2025 11:37 pm
Before the party started, Skeeve sent the three younger boys (who seem to have recovered from their previous encounter) over to the Manor to let Witic and the others know they were going to get a group visiting the following morning. (That it would keep them away from the alcohol was merely a bonus.) The two older boys and Kaleen we included in the party.

Everyone seemed to have a good time (except for Kaleen who still seems to be completely uncomfortable in such a large group). With all of the stories and talk and magically generated alcohol, it lasts longer than expected. Still, everyone gets to sleep and feels surprisingly well in the morning. When they get up, everyone but the older boys all get read to head to the Manor.

When they reach the doors of the Manor, Witic is there to greet them. Glancing at Skeeve she says something quietly, then to the group, "The Lady Sylfir is expecting you. It appears some have requests, so this should be a good time to address them." She then leads you all into a dining hall where a breakfast is prepared. Oddly, the places and food present imply that there are more expected than just your group. At the head of the table is Lady Sylfir and at her side is Danoll.

Lady Sylfir
"Welcome to the Manor! Good to see some familiar faces again." She nods towards Blornvid and Skeeve. "And we will need to figure out what to do with you," she says to Kaleen. Turning to the group at large she continues, "And to what do I owe the honor of this assemblage?"

Before anyone at the breakfast can really get started, another four individuals show up. They are an Otterkin, a human, and a pair of duende.
Feb 3, 2025 11:52 pm
After appearing in the basement a fae appears to greet them. "Good timing, even if not all company is good to see." She seems to glare at Ealdwig when she says that last line. "You are expected. Please follow me." With that she leads you upstairs and to a large dining hall.

You see that there is a breakfast where the other attendees are already seated, but nothing has yet started. Despite this, there appear to be four extra seats available for you. Around the table, you see an odd assortment. The head of the table is a now regal half-elf lady, with a human male by her side. Around the table are a human, a dwarf, a badgerkin, an avian, and a pair of elves (all male). In addition there is a female duende.

As you seat yourselves. Ealdwig rushes over to greet the human and dwarf, who return his enthusiasm.

Sylfir Alderdrim (Manor)
The half-elf lady says, "For those who are new, I am Lady Sylfir of the Manor, and this," she motions toward the human by her side, "is Dannoll. Let's begin the meal while we talk and hear what you wish to talk about."
Feb 4, 2025 9:05 am
Oliver, the otterfolk, had round vials of swirling shiny liquids on his belt pouch and wore a black decorated robe with the recent addition of a few gold runes around the cuffs. His weapons were stowed away, but a sling and a bat could be seen slightly protruding from his backpack. His attire contrasted with his delighted shriek when he saw the familiar faces. He waved enthusiastically and rushed forward to meet them.

"Blornvid, Skeeve, Arc! It's been a while! I think I really lost track of time in the underdark! Treading loong tunnels, dealing with very civilized goblins, omnivorous pink slime, a questioning sphinx, well-dressed duergars, reaching a lovely dwarven city, and did I mention the looong dark tunnels? Well, just saying it makes me lose track of time again!"

He stopped to stare around, bowing at those he was just meeting.

"Oliver Otter, at your service!"
Feb 4, 2025 6:04 pm
Blornvid's eyebrows go up upon seeing Oliver. "It has been quite a while, Oliver. Good to see you alive and well." Lowering his voice, he adds, "You'll have to tell me about the duergar and dwarven city after all this is done."
Feb 4, 2025 10:27 pm
Stee walks to the room with his friends and Wreak."Well met all I am Stee Jans and this is Wreak. I met up with this ragtag bunch in the underdark."
Feb 4, 2025 11:02 pm
Hello there, I'm Aizashi. Pleased to meet you all
Feb 4, 2025 11:32 pm
Right in the middle of introductions, Witic reappears, with a human in tow. "I don't know which group this one belongs to, but he seemed lost and I figured this would be the best place for him to go." With that introduction, she leaves. Oddly, it appears that there is an extra spot for him to sit at, though none of you remember seeing it before.
We have a new player joining in, and since we are in the middle of introductions, this seems the perfect time! Please welcome @WanderOne and his character Cords!
Feb 5, 2025 12:27 am
Feb 5, 2025 1:04 am is husky man and has short straight black hair. He is wearing simple clothing with a full waterskin, cloak & belt with pouch & rucksack. Pack on a bedroll, 50' of rope & hooded lantern on the side says he is prepared to travel. Has a handaxe to his side. You're seeing a country man.

To be sure he looks a bit lost or complexed but seems to be following the notion to sit down which he does ever so quietly. He feels so out of place for sure. Not knowing to introduce himself or not, he opts for the quiet not. He tries not to stare as he looks about.

Traveling is something he has always done but not like this. He wonders what possessed him to step on that patterned floor. Mostly because he didn't have the slightest idea what was going to happen. World of magic always takes him off guard. Seeing fey doesn't at all surprise him.
Last edited February 5, 2025 1:23 am
Feb 5, 2025 5:53 am
To help everyone, at the head of the table sits the Lady Sylfir, master of the Manor. At her right hand is Danoll. He was once captain of the guard at the outpost now known as New Paphos, but now the Lady's right hand and consort. Around the table sits a motley crew of characters: They are, in no particular order:
Blornvid: a traditional looking dwarf. He is sitting next to his two friends Skeeve (a human) and Ealdwig (a duende/halfling).
Arc: an avian scout. He has features and coloring reminiscent of a crow in humanoid form.
Kaarik: an elf who is slight even for an elf. He looks bookish, even though he doesn't appear to have a book at hand.
Aizashi: a badger-kin who has no obvious weapons, but looks to be quite dangerous even so.
Elyse: a green skinned duende/goblin who has a serious air about her, but seems friendly in spite of that.
Oliver: an Otter-kin who has a backpack situated nearby filled with vials and containers of numerous, interesting but unidentifiable contents. Close to him is Grin, a duende/Halfling who is checking on an empty bottle in his pack.
Stee: a human who has an impressive bow placed nearby and who looks to be quite an outdoorsman.
Van: an elf who cuts a dashing figure, but looks quite distracted.
To this group, Cords is now added.
The PCs are all in bold.
Feb 5, 2025 2:09 pm
Arc is gladly surprised to see lots of friends and some new faces! He introduced himself as Arc Zeekhad, the flying scout. His bow at his back, and his huge black wings folded not to hit anybody.
He sits close to Oliver and Ealdwig, whom he has not seen for some time! Eager to listen to their stories and share lots of ale.
Sorry for the brief part, but RL is hectic this week. I still wanted to say hi to all!!
Last edited February 5, 2025 2:11 pm
Feb 5, 2025 2:16 pm
"Greetings everyone, I'm called Sylvandur Hathil Andir, I'm a healer and a druid. And this brave ferret with me is Fur."

Sylvandur enjoys the company of adventurers, although he enjoys wilderness even more. His call as a druid and a medic is so strong, he keeps the drinks low, his head clear, and his sight glances the trees beyond the windows more frequently than he would like to admit.

He plans to approach Lady Sylfir and Danoll after the meal to ask where can he, as a druid, help the area around the manor prosper.
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