therecusant says:
GM, can we perhaps alter character’s traits and passions, along with the backstory, leaving the other core stats in place? I’m pretty sure I can edit the pre-gen sheets
Yes for sure! This is exactly what I recommend edit if anyone prefers different traits and passions. I'm also okay with changing the core stats, skills and traits, easiest way to do that is to do direct number swaps. Backstory ultimately is yours to change, if you want to know where your character can hail from, or who might their liege lord be, just ask!
I'll starting dropping some background resources for those that want to read up more. We have some time for everyone to familiarise themselves with the system and/or for me to talk us through the basics, before we even start. Pendragon chargen is meant to be enjoyed, not because of having fun with randomising rolls, but because it's pretty neat to delve into the various detailed history/myth like options.