Feel free to jump in with character creation, preferences, or any creative ideas that spark your imagination. Once our foundation is solid, I'll create a pinned post that captures the NPCs, locations, rules we've agreed upon.
Chapter 0 - Character Creation
Be sure to read and follow the guidelines for our forums.
Aug 27, 2023 4:09 pm
Welcome, fellow mystery solvers! This thread is where the magic begins as we gather for our prelude to the adventure, Session 0. Here, we'll create our characters, agree upon the setting ,and establish general preferences.
Feel free to jump in with character creation, preferences, or any creative ideas that spark your imagination. Once our foundation is solid, I'll create a pinned post that captures the NPCs, locations, rules we've agreed upon.
Feel free to jump in with character creation, preferences, or any creative ideas that spark your imagination. Once our foundation is solid, I'll create a pinned post that captures the NPCs, locations, rules we've agreed upon.
Aug 28, 2023 9:13 am
Hey, thanks for having me!
I've been thinking a bit about character stuff. I think I'll stick with the concept I proposed in the recruitment thread. I also saw Light has been invited (Hey, Light!) and looking at her suggestions in the thread, I could imagine a fun dynamic with the first idea. Maybe if your character is struggling with parental expectations and feels like they're disappointing their parents, it could be fun for one of your parents to be my character's anchor, just to kind of rub it in. We'd have to figure out the details of course, and only if that's the general concept you're going with. Just a thought I had.
I've been thinking a bit about character stuff. I think I'll stick with the concept I proposed in the recruitment thread. I also saw Light has been invited (Hey, Light!) and looking at her suggestions in the thread, I could imagine a fun dynamic with the first idea. Maybe if your character is struggling with parental expectations and feels like they're disappointing their parents, it could be fun for one of your parents to be my character's anchor, just to kind of rub it in. We'd have to figure out the details of course, and only if that's the general concept you're going with. Just a thought I had.
Aug 28, 2023 12:17 pm
LightOfMidnight did you have any thoughts on the Swedish loop vs the US loop? Bowlofspinach was leaning towards the Swedish loop and Dr_B didn't have a preference in the recruitment thread.
Aug 28, 2023 12:19 pm
Here is the character generation info for reference. And always, please don't hesitate to ask questions!
1. Choose your Type.
2. Decide your age, from 10 to 15 years.
3. Distribute a number of points equal to your age in the four attributes, 1 to 5 points in each.
4. Determine your number of Luck Points, equal to 15 minus your age.
5. Distribute 10 points in skills. You may take up to level 3 in the three key skills of your Type. For other skills, a starting skill level of 1 is the maximum.
6. Pick an Iconic Item.
7. Pick a Problem.
8. Pick a Drive.
9. Pick a Pride.
10. Define your Relationships to the other Kids and to the NPCs.
11. Select an Anchor.
12. Name your Kid.
13. Write a short description.
14. Choose your favorite song.
15. Define the group’s Hideout.
16. Answer the Gamemaster’s questions.
1. Choose your Type.
2. Decide your age, from 10 to 15 years.
3. Distribute a number of points equal to your age in the four attributes, 1 to 5 points in each.
4. Determine your number of Luck Points, equal to 15 minus your age.
5. Distribute 10 points in skills. You may take up to level 3 in the three key skills of your Type. For other skills, a starting skill level of 1 is the maximum.
6. Pick an Iconic Item.
7. Pick a Problem.
8. Pick a Drive.
9. Pick a Pride.
10. Define your Relationships to the other Kids and to the NPCs.
11. Select an Anchor.
12. Name your Kid.
13. Write a short description.
14. Choose your favorite song.
15. Define the group’s Hideout.
16. Answer the Gamemaster’s questions.
Aug 28, 2023 5:39 pm
@bowlofspinach,@LightOfMidnight are you both playing female characters? If so I might too, and we could have an all-girls gang?
Also, would it make sense to set on approximately the same age, so they can be in the same school and class?
@SpiritualSock511 aside from the pending US/Sweden decision, the time is 1980s, right?
Also, would it make sense to set on approximately the same age, so they can be in the same school and class?
@SpiritualSock511 aside from the pending US/Sweden decision, the time is 1980s, right?
Last edited August 28, 2023 5:41 pm
Aug 28, 2023 5:51 pm
I'm definitely planning on a girl. For age, I was thinking ~13, but I'm flexible there, though I don't feel like going too young.
Aug 28, 2023 6:06 pm
@Dr_B That’s right. The 1980s that never was, so there’s some flexibility when it comes to technology and events.
Aug 28, 2023 6:36 pm
Definitely a girl. Was thinking 14ish, but happy to raise/lower that to match the others.
Aug 28, 2023 7:20 pm
Thanks all, I'll make mine a girl of 13 , so they can be peers and we can have an all-girls setup, which should be very fun.
Aug 28, 2023 10:21 pm
OK this is what I got so far:
Tanya is an introvert 13-year-old girl and a bookworm, who finds it much easier to escape between the pages of a novel than to socialize. She is terrible at sports and nobody wants her in their team (which suits her just fine, if it means more time to read instead of wasting time running after some ball). Her greatest ambition is to be recognized for her writing and become a published author, once the world is ready to accept her genius. Unfortunately, this ambition is undermined by her low self-esteem. She is however very resilient, and keeps filling notebook after notebook of story ideas, characters, sentences, annotations from things she observes and words she hears. She is practically part of the furniture at the Town Library, and finds school boring and un-challenging.
She is an only child and her parents think she should focus her time on something more constructive than writing, something that can one day land her 'a proper job'.

(surname and other details to be defined once we know if it is a US setting or a Swedish one)
[ +- ] Tanya

Tanya is an introvert 13-year-old girl and a bookworm, who finds it much easier to escape between the pages of a novel than to socialize. She is terrible at sports and nobody wants her in their team (which suits her just fine, if it means more time to read instead of wasting time running after some ball). Her greatest ambition is to be recognized for her writing and become a published author, once the world is ready to accept her genius. Unfortunately, this ambition is undermined by her low self-esteem. She is however very resilient, and keeps filling notebook after notebook of story ideas, characters, sentences, annotations from things she observes and words she hears. She is practically part of the furniture at the Town Library, and finds school boring and un-challenging.
She is an only child and her parents think she should focus her time on something more constructive than writing, something that can one day land her 'a proper job'.

Aug 28, 2023 11:02 pm
I searched google images. I think it is AI-generated, but not with my prompt...
Aug 29, 2023 2:15 pm
Group Question
Would you prefer the adventure text to take place in a single thread or in individual threads?
One of the unique aspects of play-by-post is that individual scenes can be played out simultaneously. Would you prefer everything to take place in a single thread, where you can see everything that is going on even if your character is not present? Or would you prefer to play out scenes individually? I would probably create separate threads for different locations, and make it clear when a character leaves or enters an area. I can see advantages and disadvantages to both approaches.
Please let me know which approach you prefer, and why.
Would you prefer the adventure text to take place in a single thread or in individual threads?
One of the unique aspects of play-by-post is that individual scenes can be played out simultaneously. Would you prefer everything to take place in a single thread, where you can see everything that is going on even if your character is not present? Or would you prefer to play out scenes individually? I would probably create separate threads for different locations, and make it clear when a character leaves or enters an area. I can see advantages and disadvantages to both approaches.
Please let me know which approach you prefer, and why.
Aug 29, 2023 4:26 pm
for me, the simpler/easier to follow, the better.
I would suggest keeping everything in the same thread, with clear headers for changes of locations within the same thread ('meanwhile, at the library...' - style headers). That for me helps the chronology of the story to evolve clearly, and gives the ability to the GM to pause one strand to go back to another, with the players getting a clear sense of what is happening when (some sort of timing control).
What is useful, though, is to split the playing thread into shorter chapters at relevant narrative points. This makes it easier to retrieve bits of informations in a thread, compared to searching a long massive chapter.
Multiple contemporary threads can get 'off sync' with each other, in my experience, potentially generating confusion on what happened before or after.
My two pennies! thoughts?
I would suggest keeping everything in the same thread, with clear headers for changes of locations within the same thread ('meanwhile, at the library...' - style headers). That for me helps the chronology of the story to evolve clearly, and gives the ability to the GM to pause one strand to go back to another, with the players getting a clear sense of what is happening when (some sort of timing control).
What is useful, though, is to split the playing thread into shorter chapters at relevant narrative points. This makes it easier to retrieve bits of informations in a thread, compared to searching a long massive chapter.
Multiple contemporary threads can get 'off sync' with each other, in my experience, potentially generating confusion on what happened before or after.
My two pennies! thoughts?
Aug 29, 2023 5:55 pm
That works for me. Thanks for the input.
@Dr_B What is your recommendation for splitting the playing thread into shorter chapters? Would that be a clear header in a post that is easy to visually pick out?
@Dr_B What is your recommendation for splitting the playing thread into shorter chapters? Would that be a clear header in a post that is easy to visually pick out?
Aug 29, 2023 5:59 pm
you simply close (lock) the old chapter thread, and start a new chapter thread, like this:

in this example, there was always a single playing thread active, so the chronology was kept easily synced. Locking the previous chapters also ensures that players will not post there by mistake, seems to work well.

in this example, there was always a single playing thread active, so the chronology was kept easily synced. Locking the previous chapters also ensures that players will not post there by mistake, seems to work well.
Last edited August 29, 2023 6:04 pm
Aug 29, 2023 7:59 pm
Agree with the others.
Working on character. Were we thinking we are all friends, or just in same class/group project? If former sounds like it might be a little bit of 'odd ones gathering together.'
Working on character. Were we thinking we are all friends, or just in same class/group project? If former sounds like it might be a little bit of 'odd ones gathering together.'
Aug 29, 2023 8:09 pm
Same class would be good? Doesn't mean we are close, but at least know each other.
@LightOfMidnight have you thought about your preference between Sweden and the US, for setting?
@LightOfMidnight have you thought about your preference between Sweden and the US, for setting?
Aug 29, 2023 8:12 pm
I don't mind, both are foreign countries to me :P Likely leaning towards Sweden as the original setting.
Aug 29, 2023 8:20 pm
Same class sounds good. Probably not the closest of friends, but maybe we have something connecting us, like some club or something. I always kind of like that as a group set-up. But we can probably make it work with just being in the same class.
Light, did you settle on a character concept for yourself?
Light, did you settle on a character concept for yourself?
Aug 29, 2023 8:31 pm
That's why I was asking about friends/class. As either popular kid who may be a bit difficult to get along with first, or possible can see rocker fitting the second concept I was considering, moving it away from bookworm, someone using music as a escape from homelife. Am leaning towards that one.
Aug 30, 2023 2:52 pm
Neat. I'll try to get the basics at least of my character done and posted tomorrow.
Aug 31, 2023 2:31 pm
The adventure is written with the expectation that the kids are living somewhere near Kungsberga on Svartsjölandet. We don't need to stick with that, but keep that in mind while developing your character.

Aug 31, 2023 4:10 pm
Question for Each Character.
Does your kid have a parent, guardian, or anchor that works at Riksenergi for or at the Loop?
Does your kid have a parent, guardian, or anchor that works at Riksenergi for or at the Loop?
Aug 31, 2023 4:23 pm
I think my chaarcter's parents would both be farmers, so they wouldn't work there at the Loop. Her anchor might, though. I still kind of like the idea of the anchor being a parent of one of the other characters whom that character doesn't get along with as well, but whether that works depends on the other characters.
Otherwise, probably an uncle or an aunt who would be working at the Loop. I have an idea for how that might work
Otherwise, probably an uncle or an aunt who would be working at the Loop. I have an idea for how that might work
Aug 31, 2023 4:34 pm
I also like the idea of the anchor being a parent of one of the other characters. It creates an interesting dynamic. On one hand there's potential for resentment, jealousy, or anger. However, they'll also need to help each other when they're in trouble or when they're trying to solve the mystery.
Aug 31, 2023 5:55 pm
One of Tanya's parents could work for Riksenergi, sure. After all it must be one of the biggest employers in the area.
That would work with her Problem too: if one of her parents is scientifically-minded, they will disapprove of Tanya's wish to write. The old Science vs Humanities...
Maybe her mother.
That would work with her Problem too: if one of her parents is scientifically-minded, they will disapprove of Tanya's wish to write. The old Science vs Humanities...
Maybe her mother.
Aug 31, 2023 6:42 pm
It also ties well into her anchor because she’s reaching out to the retired professor instead of her parents.
Sep 1, 2023 4:46 pm
Submitted my preliminary character sheet. Still need to fill out one or two things, including the Anchor. Light, did you have any more thoughts on your character?
[ +- ] Robbie

Sep 1, 2023 5:10 pm
I've got the gist. A rocker who gets very little time to herself. At home she's having to do chores/look after siblings as her one parent is out working all the time. While they mean well they are putting a lot of pressure on her to do well at school. Tries to keep smiling and never lets anyone realise that she's struggling/doesn't know how to ask for help. Originally was thinking a scientist for parent as well, but may clash a bit too much with Tanya so may more be a warehouse worker needing to keep up with bills of a family.
Edit: Scratch that. Brains decided popular kid under a lot of pressure to keep up grades/appearances may be a bit more interesting to the group dynamic.
Still a lot of the same tones however.
Will try and sort the sheet soon.
Edit: Scratch that. Brains decided popular kid under a lot of pressure to keep up grades/appearances may be a bit more interesting to the group dynamic.
Still a lot of the same tones however.
Will try and sort the sheet soon.
Last edited September 1, 2023 5:20 pm
Sep 1, 2023 5:54 pm
Sounds like maybe we could make my anchor connection idea work if you're interested in that. There appears to be some resentment between your character and her parents. And maybe if it's your mother who's working in a warehouse, Robbie might look up to her because she's probably also physically strong but still manages to look beautiful, which Robbie is struggling with. If that works for your ideas.
I just like the inherent tension in one character getting along better with another's parents than that one themself.
I just like the inherent tension in one character getting along better with another's parents than that one themself.
Sep 1, 2023 6:50 pm
Ah tbf if you can think of an anchor connection to the first can swap back to that. The concepts are very similar :P
I mean if your family needs farm hands Mum could be one of those? Or someone who comes and handles the pickups. A truck driver out all the time may fit.
So yeah resentment that you are seeing more of her than my own character is definitely works.
I mean if your family needs farm hands Mum could be one of those? Or someone who comes and handles the pickups. A truck driver out all the time may fit.
So yeah resentment that you are seeing more of her than my own character is definitely works.
Sep 1, 2023 7:02 pm
Oh, I like that idea of a truck/transporter driver. From my perspective, the cool lady who comes by regularly, from yours the mom who's always gone.
But don't let my anchorage decide your character for you. I'm sure if we want to, we can make any option work. And I can always still just pick a different anchor if it absolutely doesn't work.
But don't let my anchorage decide your character for you. I'm sure if we want to, we can make any option work. And I can always still just pick a different anchor if it absolutely doesn't work.
Sep 1, 2023 11:50 pm
Actually can see that working with popular girl as well, someone who is trying to created appearance/appear someone she is not rather than snobbish/well off lets pencil that in.
Sep 2, 2023 3:30 pm
Checking in with the group. Is there anything you need from me or is there anything I can do to help with character creation?
Sep 2, 2023 8:22 pm
I guess we need to start thinking about Relationships?
I can see there is room for 2 relationships with the other kids, plus one with an NPC
I can see there is room for 2 relationships with the other kids, plus one with an NPC
Sep 5, 2023 6:26 am
Yeah. Sorry getting on paper now. Started work after 6 weeks yesterday and I had a lot of last minute stress, especially as a got very little done that I had planned to.
Re relationships with the others - Emilia would have transferred to the school about a couple of years ago, and got 'adopted' by the popular crowd, and likely won't actively have hung out or spoken with your characters in school except projects.
She claims her parents are buisness people but Bowl's character may know the truth, if they are aware ther delivery driver is visiting her parents farm is in fact Emilia's mother.
It may be possible one of both of you already know/realise she's trying to keep up a facade to fit in.
Re relationships with the others - Emilia would have transferred to the school about a couple of years ago, and got 'adopted' by the popular crowd, and likely won't actively have hung out or spoken with your characters in school except projects.
She claims her parents are buisness people but Bowl's character may know the truth, if they are aware ther delivery driver is visiting her parents farm is in fact Emilia's mother.
It may be possible one of both of you already know/realise she's trying to keep up a facade to fit in.
Sep 5, 2023 6:43 am
I kind of like the idea that Robbie knows the truth about Emilia's mother. She hasn't told Emilia, but she wants to be her friend, so she tries to get close to the cool, popular girl and subtly let her know that she doesn't have to lie about who she is. But it hasn't been successful so far.
What's Emilia's mother's name, so I can put her down as my anchor?
If you need any help with the mechanics for your character, Light, feel free to ask me, here or on Discord. But if you can manage Walking Dead, TftL is even lighter.
What's Emilia's mother's name, so I can put her down as my anchor?
If you need any help with the mechanics for your character, Light, feel free to ask me, here or on Discord. But if you can manage Walking Dead, TftL is even lighter.
Last edited September 5, 2023 6:43 am
Sep 5, 2023 7:01 pm
@LightOfMidnight, thanks for the update. I'm sorry to hear that work has been stressful. I hope things improve soon!
Your character idea is interesting, and I think it will make for a good story.
Your character idea is interesting, and I think it will make for a good story.
Sep 5, 2023 7:20 pm
bowlofspinach says:
What's Emilia's mother's name, so I can put her down as my anchor?
Sep 5, 2023 7:27 pm
@Dr_B, do you have any thoughts on a relationship between Robbie and Tanya? They're both probably kind of outcasts, so they could be friends because of that. Or for a bit more of an interesting dynamic, maybe they want to be friends because of that but because Tanya is such a quiet bookish girl and Robbie is a more physical, outdoorsy girl, they struggle to really get along.
Maybe they're also this kind of friends where it's actually more their parents that are friends and that's why they hang out.
Open to other ideas as well, though. That's just what first came to my mind.
Maybe they're also this kind of friends where it's actually more their parents that are friends and that's why they hang out.
Open to other ideas as well, though. That's just what first came to my mind.
Sep 5, 2023 7:35 pm
They could be connected through some kind of unique shared hobby like botany, stargazing, ghost hunting, etc.... Maybe Robbie is focused on doing the activity and Tanya likes knowing lots about it.
Sep 5, 2023 8:13 pm
It could be that Robbie stood up for Tanya when she was bullied during Gym class. With her athletic inadequacies, she surely is a bully magnet. Robbie being more physical, she could have protected her?
Sep 5, 2023 9:15 pm
Right think I just need to sort relationships out. Maybe fiddle with drive and iconic item a bit.
[ +- ] Emilia

Sep 5, 2023 9:45 pm
@Dr_B, Do you have any more thoughts on Tanya's anchor, the retired professor? Are they a professor of literature or something else? Since they are retired, how did Tanya meet them?
Sep 5, 2023 9:51 pm
Yes, a professor of literature sounds good. He will foster the girl's thirst for books.
I thinking a retired University professor that came back to his town of origin after a lifetime teaching in a larger University city.
Maybe he was invited once at school to give a lesson, local celebrity type thing. Tanya found him fascinating, unlike most other kids. She found out where he lived and went to observe the place many times, until the Prof spotted her and invited her in.
She has been visiting him since.
I thinking a retired University professor that came back to his town of origin after a lifetime teaching in a larger University city.
Maybe he was invited once at school to give a lesson, local celebrity type thing. Tanya found him fascinating, unlike most other kids. She found out where he lived and went to observe the place many times, until the Prof spotted her and invited her in.
She has been visiting him since.
Sep 6, 2023 7:18 am
Dr_B says:
It could be that Robbie stood up for Tanya when she was bullied during Gym class. With her athletic inadequacies, she surely is a bully magnet. Robbie being more physical, she could have protected her?Sep 6, 2023 7:28 am
sure, that works. They are very different and wouldn't normally get close - both being targets made them forge an alliance of sorts
Sep 6, 2023 3:19 pm
Here are some more thoughts I have about Tanya and Robbie’s relationship. Feel free to disregard them.
- Maybe they both failed to stand up to the bullies and after the gym class incident they discovered a hidden or secluded spot on/near the school grounds where they retreat to when they need a break from the pressures of school life. This could become the group's Hideout.
- There is a specific bully that's targeting both of them and Robbie and Tanya are drawn together because of their common enemy.
- Maybe they both failed to stand up to the bullies and after the gym class incident they discovered a hidden or secluded spot on/near the school grounds where they retreat to when they need a break from the pressures of school life. This could become the group's Hideout.
- There is a specific bully that's targeting both of them and Robbie and Tanya are drawn together because of their common enemy.
Sep 6, 2023 5:51 pm
Both sound good to me!
B, what should the hideout be like? Light as well, if you have any idea, since it would be our whole group's hideout.
B, what should the hideout be like? Light as well, if you have any idea, since it would be our whole group's hideout.
Sep 6, 2023 6:06 pm
Maybe in the school there is an unused wing comprising a couple of rooms. It was planned for renovation after some damage, but the budget never made it possible. The wing is kept locked at all times, but we found our own secret entrance to it by accident (probably while running away from the bully).
Sep 6, 2023 6:50 pm
Sounds good
Don't know if you guys wanted to keep it as a thing that you two introduce her two as shenanigans start happening, or alternatively she also found it at some point and would go occasionaly to be able to get a breatehr from everything. When she at one pointe stumbled upon there m there was grudging agree to not rat the others out as then it get closed off fo everyone.
Also on subject of buillies, thinking that while she herself likely doesn't instigate the bullying, the girls she hangs with likely do, so she at best lets it happen. (At least to start)
However if you think this will make it be hard for chars to work together, and can see that, can instead set it to her group likely just pretend yo guys don't exist as you aren't 'cool'
Whichever you guys are comfertable with.
Don't know if you guys wanted to keep it as a thing that you two introduce her two as shenanigans start happening, or alternatively she also found it at some point and would go occasionaly to be able to get a breatehr from everything. When she at one pointe stumbled upon there m there was grudging agree to not rat the others out as then it get closed off fo everyone.
Also on subject of buillies, thinking that while she herself likely doesn't instigate the bullying, the girls she hangs with likely do, so she at best lets it happen. (At least to start)
However if you think this will make it be hard for chars to work together, and can see that, can instead set it to her group likely just pretend yo guys don't exist as you aren't 'cool'
Whichever you guys are comfertable with.
Sep 6, 2023 7:04 pm
I think it would add a fun dynamic if your character isn't our 'main bully' but does occasionally still act really mean to them, just as part of the group. I'm happy to work out how to still make it all work.
As for the hideout, either option works for me. Maybe if we go with you stumbled upon us there and didn't rat us out, that's the one small sign we have so far that we can trust you more than the other bullies.
As for the hideout, either option works for me. Maybe if we go with you stumbled upon us there and didn't rat us out, that's the one small sign we have so far that we can trust you more than the other bullies.
Last edited September 6, 2023 7:04 pm
Sep 6, 2023 7:34 pm
Another option is that one day Robbie and Tanya went to the hideout, and found it occupied by Emilia.
Both factions are very territorial about it, but neither can do much about it for fear that the other will spill the beans.
Like a forced houseshare!
Both factions are very territorial about it, but neither can do much about it for fear that the other will spill the beans.
Like a forced houseshare!
Sep 6, 2023 7:41 pm
That's also pretty cool. And then when things get tough during the adventure, we all know about the hideout and decide that okay, just this one time, we can all use it together.
Sep 6, 2023 7:50 pm
Is this adventure the catalyst for Emilia to start interacting with Tanya and Robbie? It sounds like they all know about each other, but Emilia wouldn't have reason to interact with them other than the discovery of the hideout.
Sep 6, 2023 8:13 pm
Dr_B says:
Another option is that one day Robbie and Tanya went to the hideout, and found it occupied by Emilia. Both factions are very territorial about it, but neither can do much about it for fear that the other will spill the beans.
Like a forced houseshare!
SpiritualSock511 says:
Is this adventure the catalyst for Emilia to start interacting with Tanya and Robbie? It sounds like they all know about each other, but Emilia wouldn't have reason to interact with them other than the discovery of the hideout.Sep 6, 2023 8:46 pm
Last bit of questions for everyone. Then I’ll create a new thread for Chapter 1.
- Emilia's character sheet says her dad left at the age of 1, but it sounds like she knew him based on your notes. Did her dad leave when she was older like age 10 or was it really age 1?
- Does Emilia have siblings?
- What do Tanya's parents do for work?
- What do Robbie's parents do for work?
- Does she have siblings?
Group Questions
- The game starts with everyone having an individual scene from everyday life. Does anyone want to go first? Otherwise I'll determine it randomly.
- I'm new to the play-by-post format, is there anything you'd like me to know or suggest? Or do you have any questions about the game, setting, etc?
- Emilia's character sheet says her dad left at the age of 1, but it sounds like she knew him based on your notes. Did her dad leave when she was older like age 10 or was it really age 1?
- Does Emilia have siblings?
- What do Tanya's parents do for work?
- What do Robbie's parents do for work?
- Does she have siblings?
Group Questions
- The game starts with everyone having an individual scene from everyday life. Does anyone want to go first? Otherwise I'll determine it randomly.
- I'm new to the play-by-post format, is there anything you'd like me to know or suggest? Or do you have any questions about the game, setting, etc?
Sep 6, 2023 8:52 pm
- What do Robbie's parents do for work?Quote:
- Does she have siblings?Quote:
- The game starts with everyone having an individual scene from everyday life. Does anyone want to go first? Otherwise I'll determine it randomly.Quote:
- I'm new to the play-by-post format, is there anything you'd like me to know or suggest? Or do you have any questions about the game, setting, etc?Sep 6, 2023 9:19 pm
Whoops. Its 11 :P. So fairly recent. No to the siblings.
I don't mind order, however if you feel comfortable as a DM juggling one thing you could do is them all at the same time - but I do appreciate that if you are new to the format may a bit much.
I don't mind order, however if you feel comfortable as a DM juggling one thing you could do is them all at the same time - but I do appreciate that if you are new to the format may a bit much.
Sep 6, 2023 9:24 pm
Tanya's Mother, Anna, works for Riksenergi as an engineer. Her dad Viktor is a bus driver.

I will let Robbie or Emilia open the dances!
For PbP technical things, maybe the easiest is to suggest you tips and tricks as they come into play? Or ask us any questions, we've been around here a while and should be able to help with most things! If there is something you see in another forum that you'd like to do, ask us!
Oh, maybe it would be useful for you to create and submit to your game a blank custom character sheet called "NPCs" or something, that can act as a container for all your NPCs.
There is a trick to post as an NPC from that one character sheet. If you write in the sheet this code format:
It will give you a gallery of NPC names and portraits. You will be able to tap on the each one to post as that NPC.
For example:
Would give you this:

(you will see a tag with your NPC 'container character sheet' at the bottom of any forum page of this game, clicking it would show the gallery of NPCs)
[ +- ] portraits

For PbP technical things, maybe the easiest is to suggest you tips and tricks as they come into play? Or ask us any questions, we've been around here a while and should be able to help with most things! If there is something you see in another forum that you'd like to do, ask us!
Oh, maybe it would be useful for you to create and submit to your game a blank custom character sheet called "NPCs" or something, that can act as a container for all your NPCs.
There is a trick to post as an NPC from that one character sheet. If you write in the sheet this code format:
Name 1 | Portrait Image Web Link
Name 2 | Portrait Image Web Link
Name 3 | Portrait Image Web Link
It will give you a gallery of NPC names and portraits. You will be able to tap on the each one to post as that NPC.
For example:
Tanya | https://gamersplane.com/characters/avatars/27112.jpg?1694034861
Anna | https://i.imgur.com/TFLfAUj.png
Viktor | https://i.imgur.com/L6azaMG.jpg
Would give you this:

(you will see a tag with your NPC 'container character sheet' at the bottom of any forum page of this game, clicking it would show the gallery of NPCs)