Sep 1, 2023 11:13 am
One of the fun parts of Kids on Bikes is to create a town together where the game will take place.
Everyone, please answer some of the questions below:
1. Our adventure takes place in… (name of town and state/province/territory/region)
2. The industry our town is best known for is…
3. Our town is famous for…
4. Our town is infamous for...
5. Economically, our town is… (e.g., prospering, floundering, starting to stagnate) and one effect of that is...
6a. A notable local organization is…
6b. A notable local organization is…
7a. A notable local landmark is…
7b. A notable local landmark is…
8. Our school is named..., our principal is..., our mascot is... and something notable about our school is...
9. The town closest to us is named… and our relationship with that town is…
(e.g., amicably competitive, unrestrainedly resentful, economically
envious, paternalistically helpful).
10. It is currently the month... of the year... (1990's)
Answer as a group with as much discussion as you need.
I would everyone also like to throw in a rumour about town.
Everyone, please answer some of the questions below:
1. Our adventure takes place in… (name of town and state/province/territory/region)
2. The industry our town is best known for is…
3. Our town is famous for…
4. Our town is infamous for...
5. Economically, our town is… (e.g., prospering, floundering, starting to stagnate) and one effect of that is...
6a. A notable local organization is…
6b. A notable local organization is…
7a. A notable local landmark is…
7b. A notable local landmark is…
8. Our school is named..., our principal is..., our mascot is... and something notable about our school is...
9. The town closest to us is named… and our relationship with that town is…
(e.g., amicably competitive, unrestrainedly resentful, economically
envious, paternalistically helpful).
10. It is currently the month... of the year... (1990's)
Answer as a group with as much discussion as you need.
I would everyone also like to throw in a rumour about town.