Based on our conversations so far, I have gone with the trans idea and submitted a character, which should be visible to you all.
My parents are outgoing tour-guides, mainly outdoor stuff. So that might make my place a fun place to hang out and we may have opportunities from that.
masterdwarf: Are your parents originally from the island? If so, maybe our families were friends, and in a similar comfortable-middle-class economic bracket before your mom got famous and super rich? Maybe they still try to hang out together, but have less in common now? Are they both from here, or did one of them go and find a suitable mate on the mainland?
This Could make us 'old friends'. Or there may be tension between our families if the split (enrichment) happened before we were around.
natknight: I don't know what
masterdwarf's character's gender is, but as the other boy in our (forced) group of friends it may be assumed that we should just hang out together. Your character probably does not know anything about my being trans and that could be a shock and a (brief) 'problem' when you find out, however that happens.
bowlofspinach: Maybe we are (or were) close friends before? But maybe 'your father got my family in the divorce', as the saying goes? Do my parents still try to take you and your sister camping with us when the 'client-situation' allows? I don't think they approve of your mother, but not enough to do anything about it. Does the town at large, or family friends know about her drinking problems?
Smiley: Do you
want us to be related? Else we can just be friends. Your being a deviant as well might make you someone I look up to.
I checked all the boxes in the consent section because I give consent. But I don't think I am in a relationship at the start of the game.
Edit: Removed link to facilitate character sheet reuse.
Last edited September 30, 2023 8:47 am