Exploring the Shattered Matrix
Sep 7, 2023 1:52 pm
Continues from The TunnelsSep 7, 2023 1:57 pm
Appearing in the middle of the tiles you blink back your sight you see a dim, overgrown, and dilapidated chamber.

Sep 7, 2023 2:03 pm
Blornvid looks around and listens for signs of life beyond the plant life that has colonized this place.
Sorry. Forgot that I probably should've rolled. Focused!Last edited September 7, 2023 5:36 pm
Look and listen for something besides plants - (1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (1) = 1
1d6 : (6) = 6
Sep 7, 2023 2:20 pm
Gardakhan take a closer look at the runes next to the tiles, hoping to make sense of them.
Gardakhan: Decipher runes: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(11) = 2
Sep 7, 2023 2:21 pm
Skeeve will concentrate and try to listen for anything unusual.
Once they are relative sure of their immediate safety, he will note this pattern.
Once they are relative sure of their immediate safety, he will note this pattern.
As an aside, either this, or its color transposed mirror, was the first pattern he tried. Does this mean this pad is kind of in "neutral"?Last edited September 7, 2023 2:23 pm
Skeeve: Listening Hard - (3d6)
(636) = 15
Sep 8, 2023 2:11 am
The runes are clearly Arcane in nature but they're function is unclear.
The tile grid is the only relatively clear area in the room. Though no plants grow through it a few have tendrils that over grew over it they have been shorn clearly though and now weep where they once had stems. The sound of a forest can be faintly heard outside. The only sounds you hear inside are the rustle of leaves and a few insects.
Though the plants now cover much of the room it looks fairly simple. The room is about twice as big as the tiles with several open doorways. A few rotting and crumbling doors partially full a few of the doorways. Through one doorway you see sunlight streaming in through an arches.
The tile grid is the only relatively clear area in the room. Though no plants grow through it a few have tendrils that over grew over it they have been shorn clearly though and now weep where they once had stems. The sound of a forest can be faintly heard outside. The only sounds you hear inside are the rustle of leaves and a few insects.
Though the plants now cover much of the room it looks fairly simple. The room is about twice as big as the tiles with several open doorways. A few rotting and crumbling doors partially full a few of the doorways. Through one doorway you see sunlight streaming in through an arches.
Sep 8, 2023 3:30 am
Skeeve will try to decipher the runes, too. Regardless of the result, he will copy them down to bring back to Valpip and Fiznik.
Skeeve: Decipher Runes - (2d6)
(25) = 7
Sep 8, 2023 3:42 am
Moving off the cleared tiles you crunch across the leaf strewn floor down the hall and cautiously peer outside. You see tall trees, plant covered ruins of a large city. Though you hear forrest sounds, birds, wind in the leaves, insects buzzing, it all seems oddly muted. As you listen you feel oddly oppressed almost as if you are sad and don't know why.
Sep 8, 2023 2:15 pm
"There's a pall hangin' over this place. I don't know if the place is cursed or an entrenched sadness resonates from the souls mourning the destruction of this city. Gardakhan, do you or your spirits sense it?"
Sep 8, 2023 3:21 pm
Skeeve doesn't move away until he finishes transcribing the runes he can't read, then moves to quickly catch up with his compatriots. He says, "Hmm. I was kinda hoping to get lucky and the rune would take us back to where you were from. However, maybe it's where your nightmare spider is from ..."
Skeeve thinks for a moment, then says, "Guys, before we go out and do any exploration, I want to ask you something. Neither Gardakhan nor I can move the tiles quickly. Should we pre-set the tiles to our home location now in case we need to leave in a hurry? Or should we not in case there is anyone here who can actually use the tiles?"
Skeeve thinks for a moment, then says, "Guys, before we go out and do any exploration, I want to ask you something. Neither Gardakhan nor I can move the tiles quickly. Should we pre-set the tiles to our home location now in case we need to leave in a hurry? Or should we not in case there is anyone here who can actually use the tiles?"
Sep 8, 2023 6:07 pm
"Good idea to prepare an escape route. Maybe leave only 1 or 2 bad tiles to avoid giving away our full address?"
He looks around nervously at the mention of the nightmarish spider. After all it had the power to become invisible.
Taking some confort in numbers, Gardakhan concentrates and asks the spirits about this place.
"What is this place? Why does it feels so sad?"
He looks around nervously at the mention of the nightmarish spider. After all it had the power to become invisible.
Taking some confort in numbers, Gardakhan concentrates and asks the spirits about this place.
"What is this place? Why does it feels so sad?"
Sep 8, 2023 7:04 pm
GeneralET says:
"Good idea to prepare an escape route. Maybe leave only 1 or 2 bad tiles to avoid giving away our full address?"Sep 8, 2023 7:51 pm
Skeeve says, "Good idea." While Gardakhan is searching the area with his spirits, Skeeve moves the tiles around to a pure V pattern. (It just pinches the bottom corners in one square.)"Do you think that works well enough?"
Once that is all done, he says, "I remember that we were told we can use the Tile Tablet to determine how far we are away from the other tablet. In other words, we can see how far we are away from the camp. But, we only get to do it once a day. Do we want to use it now?"
Once that is all done, he says, "I remember that we were told we can use the Tile Tablet to determine how far we are away from the other tablet. In other words, we can see how far we are away from the camp. But, we only get to do it once a day. Do we want to use it now?"
Last edited September 8, 2023 7:55 pm
Sep 8, 2023 11:00 pm
Your arrival obviously had some sort of affect on the tiles and thing on it. Based on your observations this is not likely to have been done recently or the plants would have grown to mostly avoid it. Skeeve and Gardakhan arrange the tiles together and soon have it prepared fo a quick get away should the need arise.
Sep 9, 2023 12:36 am
I thought I asked the spirits already about the place 😉
GeneralET says:
Taking some confort in numbers, Gardakhan concentrates and asks the spirits about this place.
"What is this place? Why does it feels so sad?"
Sep 9, 2023 12:48 am
Yeah, LOL. That confused me a bit as I thought you were talking to the party. In the future give me a roll any time you try to gain information from the spirits.Soon a wisp of spiritual consciousness appears in front of him. The spirit has long lost all semblance of its former existence and is now simply a floating orb. It reaches out a ethereal tendril and upon contact with the shaman transfers a series of images accompanied by emotions.
The city, bright and vibrant, full of people working in harmony with nature and fey. | Joy |
The city troubled as more soldiers are trained and taken away | Sorrow |
A crumpled letter. Families crying and raging at soldiers. | Grief/Rage |
A massive elemental walking through the city casually shattering most buildings | Fear |
An archdruid restoring the heart of the city making it safa again | Relief/Hope |
The sky shattering as storms rage, people flee to the heart, a flash of green | Fear |
The city in ruins, animals do not stay here, the plants grow | Weary |
shaman Test - (2d6)
(61) = 7
Sep 9, 2023 6:11 pm
After Gardakhan passes this information along to Skeeve and Blornvid, Blornvid is at a loss for words. He shakes his head in dismay. He then proceeds to determine whether there's more to the building that they're in or if providing shelter to the stones is the purpose of the structure.
Sep 9, 2023 6:27 pm
The looking down the connected corridors building appears quite extensive. Walking a short ways down each you note that light spills into several of the rooms. You also find several staircases, two leading up and one down. (no sign of any creatures, or spider web). As you explore you occasionally hear a soft hissing noise but you can not isolate its source.
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