Exploring the Shattered Matrix

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Sep 9, 2023 6:28 pm
Skeeve says, "OK, we have a peaceful city that gets involved in war, distant at first, but eventually war comes to it. It is devastated by by an elemental attack, but partially recovers, until it is finally smashed. And somehow the plants are the eventual victors with no survivors.

"Well, it looks like we can either try to find the city center, or move on to the next pattern."
Sep 10, 2023 9:04 pm
"I'm beginning to suspect that the plants here have taken over, and I'm not saying that it's just years, or decades, of abandonment. I'm thinking that they've literally taken over and snuff off any attempt to re-take this place by any building species, whether it be folk, beaver, or spider. That soft hissing sound we here: I think it's vines a creepin' up on us.

"I'm sure that sounds like paranoia, but if either of you feel compelled to stay and explore, I'll stay. But Skeeve should be ready to summon a wall of flame or somesuch if it comes down to it."
Last edited September 10, 2023 9:05 pm
Sep 11, 2023 2:48 am
Well, if we are right at the city center, we can try to find loot. I imagine there is likely to be some potent magic used in the final battles. And if the surrounds are potent enough, it is likely to not have been looted yet. Then again, they did lose and we are surrounded by the victors. As such, I'm up for trying the next pattern before the tree falls on us.
@Psybermagi, Just to be clear, Fiznik sent us here using his magic, not the gem. So the gem still has three charges, correct?
I do think we should use the tablet to determine distance and direction before leaving so we don't have to come back.
Last edited September 11, 2023 2:48 am
Sep 11, 2023 5:24 pm
Gardakhan agrees with Skeeve regarding the tablet.
"Let see how far we are from the cavern. Once back we might learn a thing or two about this place by asking around. Perhaps a legend or an old tale will come up."

Moving torwards the outside of the building.
"Let's get a quick view outside see if we can get a distinct feature to help our research, Then we are out of here. "
Last edited September 11, 2023 5:31 pm
Sep 11, 2023 6:03 pm
Fiznik powered your outbound teleport so you have 3 charges
Activation the tablet you learn Paphos, and the expedition base, is to the east-south-east about a days hard travel or 2 at an easier pace. (30 miles of so)

Moving out of the building cautiously you look around.

A crumbling city dry into the forest and now overrun by it greets your searching gaze. Wide roads wander between massive trees that reach well over a hundred feet tall. Fountains have become ponds and thick vines have grown over most buildings. As your step outside you hear the rustling hiding sounds more clearly. The sound is nearly constant but it's source changes from moment to moment and comes from multiple directions at once making it hard to pinpoint.
Sep 11, 2023 6:47 pm
Do we appear to be in the heart of the city, or do we appear to be on the periphery?
Sep 11, 2023 7:39 pm
There city spreads out in all directions. There are a few larger building towards one direction.
Sep 11, 2023 8:22 pm
Immediately after getting the reading from the tablet, Skeeve writes down the information. After that he joins the others just outside the building we are in.

Pointing to the larger buildings, Skeeve says, "It looks like the city center is most likely over there. There seems to be some clear roads, but I'm ready for the next destination. I don't want to find out what all of that rustling noise is."

At that, Skeeve heads back to the tile platform and starts shuffling the tiles around to the next destination. He is using Pattern 1.
Sep 11, 2023 8:48 pm
Taking mental notes, Gardakhan follows Skeeve back to the tile room, ready for the next destination.
Sep 11, 2023 9:43 pm
Blornvid joins the others, keeping an ear open for any patterns to the rustling.
Sep 12, 2023 4:28 am
Assuming you meant pattern 2(?) as you arrived here with pattern 1. I updated the label on the ~Tiny Info~ sheet.
If you try pattern 1 it will have no affect. That you know of.... :)
Yeah, there is another player I was planning on having you run into here but they are MIA at the moment.
I let you check it out but as they have been offline for days now I see no reason to try to keep you here
Back in the tile chamber the rustling sound is muted and you hear it less often. Skeeve and Gardakhan work together to shift the tiles into a new arrangement.
Sep 12, 2023 1:26 pm
Well, before we go, all we need to hear is a cry out or something to indicate we really should check things out. It's just that if it is us against a whole actively hostile forest, we need to go. If the forest was hostile because of a separate intelligence, then we can investigate because that intelligence is probably gone now. Or at least in hibernation.

I hate thwarting the GM. (I enjoy beating or skipping a puzzle, trap, or encounter. I hate just outright circumventing a whole dungeon or adventure.) Give us an entry other that the forest's tendrils all searching for invaders and we will check things out!

On a totally separate point, I had originally wanted to use, and thought we had used, Gardakhan's pattern. That's why I moved to Pattern 1. Since I misunderstood, then, yes, Pattern 2 is what he'd try next.
Sep 12, 2023 2:42 pm
If the player returns I can always find another way to get them into the main story area so no worries.
I plan to use the tiles for future story expansion. As you have, at the moment, limited known addresses I am not going to give anymore spoilers on the location.
With the pattern set to the next stop Skeeve pulls out the gem and releases it's power into the tiles. Once again s surge of energy temporarily blinds you. As you blink back your sight you see that you now stand in a cavernous expanse, surrounded by forest of towering fungi that bathes the surroundings in an eerie, otherworldly glow. These luminescent mushrooms come in various colors, casting surreal, shifting patterns of light and shadow on the uneven stone floor. The tiles are in the midsts of a dense groove of the mushrooms. The air is thick with the scent of damp earth, and the hushed rustling of unseen creatures fills the cavern.

Heading the sounds of fishing eatery you peer through the first and see a vast river flowing through the fungal forest. The water glows with an eerie blue luminescence, revealing the sharp, crystalline formations that line the riverbanks. A small abandoned boat is pulled up on the river band nearby. A lantern attached to a pole from the prow is barely needed in the ethereal glow of the river waters.

Looking down the river towards a muted thunderous sound you see the river vanish into a massive abyss that stretches as far as the eye can see. A breeze from the casam is thin and acrid, and strange, otherworldly sounds echo from below. Perilous bridges of spider silk span the gap, offering the only means of traversing this perilous void.
Sep 12, 2023 5:22 pm
Not looking for more spoilers. :-)
I was just offering to back out of the decision to make the next jump if it would make things work better.

On to present circumstances: The river disappears into a massive chasm that appears as an abyss, likely due to the light quickly fading into darkness due to its vast size. Does the river flow INTO or OUT OF the chasm/abyss? How strong does the current look?

The "thunderous sound": in my mind, that evokes the loud sound of crashing water over a waterfall. Do we see such a waterfall, or is it in the darkness? Or is it a different type of thunderous sound all together?
Skeeve takes in their new surroundings and says, "Wow. It's been a while since I have seen anything like this. I wonder who owns the boat?"
Sep 13, 2023 12:58 am
The river flows from deep within or beyond the fungal forrext and pours into the depth of the gorge and faint clpouds of mist curl around the lip where it falls.. The river itself is over a hundred feet across but as for it's depth and current you will have to get closer to learn these things.
Sep 13, 2023 2:37 am
I guess we're walking down to the river where the boat is parked. Maybe we'll spot the owner.
Sep 13, 2023 2:56 am
Yeah, that seems to be a reasonable point to check out first. If we find someone, maybe they'll talk first.

Since we seem to have indication of some kind of wildlife here, I am sure we'll all keep a look out for such. And Skeeve will keep an eye out for Screaming and Violent Fungi, too. No reason to endure those again.

Also, as we move out, Skeeve will pay particular attention to where the pad is so we don't lose it. If necessary, he is not above causing some damage so it is easy to find again. He will also note that this pattern is for an underground fungal forest.
Sep 13, 2023 12:38 pm
The thick grove of fungus around the tiles is a bit too common in its appearance so Skeeve marks a few nearby stems to help locat it later if needed as you head towars the river. The high cavern ceiling is out of sight and both Blornvid and Skeeve are alert for any potentia attacks from above and remind Gardakhan about the fisher they encountered.

Moving through the mushroom that vary in size from a couple inches to tens of feet talll Skeeve does spot a vilent fungus and you skirt it area and soon reach the river bank. The boat is a simple canoe about 3 feet long made from a cut out fungus stem from the looks of it. Inside are a couple of paddles. The lantern has a fant scent of oil smoke making Blornvid guess it has not been here long but there are no noticable tracks in the nearby mud other than the ones you have made. The river is somewhat opaque making it hard to tell but it looks to be not too deep near the shore and a simple test reveals the current to be slow at this point. Tossing a mushroom head out as far as possible, turning out to be not that far due to the light nature of the thing, shows it is a bit faster futher out into the middle.
Sep 13, 2023 2:43 pm
Are there any small, flat, round river rocks nearby, or is it just mud? If there is, Skeeve will take a couple and skip them out into the water. The point is to see if there is any reaction from anything in the water. He doesn't expect anything, but might as well find out.

Also, he will try to look around and see if there is a path or anything that looks like it could be a path leading to or from the little dock river bank they are on. If someone landed here recently, then they had to have been going somewhere. He is trying to see if there is anything that would indicate where they were going.


Skeeve: Searching for a Path (with focus) - (3d6)

(633) = 12

Sep 14, 2023 2:11 am
The area is mostly mud and hard packed dirty but you find a stone to toss but get no reaction. This close to the waterfall, which is only a one to two hundred yards downriver. This doesn't really surprise you.

The river bank is bare of any trail other than being cleared off any fungus but the water. This must be used fairly frequently to keep the fungus from sprouting.
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