You scamper around and cause chaos among the human guests. While leading the guard leahies on a merry chase one of you jumps on a table and pushes the glassbell over, which has a kidnapped leshy. You repeat with the other kidnapped leshy.
Lady Constance is furious, and once Bottlespeaker can feel how she channels necromagic energy, but never relaeses it with her guests looking to her for protection and guidance.
The kidnapped leshies go through the fence first, and then one by one you follow while the leshi guards are pressing you out, defending the garden and its guests.
All this, the garden party, imported plants, the kidnapping, the nasty henchman Darius, and not casting magic seem to be a ploy to gain status. Lady Constance will most likely spin this dreadful day in her favour.
It doen't matter. You and the young leshies are going home.
The endOOC:
Thank you for playing. I would love to hear any feedback. I really appreciated that you introduced rule suggestions like using deception or stealth for initiative.
I would particularly like to know if there was something I did or did not do, that caused the gameflow to halter here at the end. I know that I messed up the bend-bars thing, and that is why I moved us forward.
Anything else?